Thursday, December 26, 2019

Childhood Obesity A Serious Problem - 1411 Words

We are what we eat. Most of us have heard this many times, and just do not believe it; however, it is shockingly true. The human body is made up of the nutrients it extracts from foods (Katz). The importance of the statement â€Å"We are what we eat† often goes unrecognized, thus causing a major problem: parents not providing healthy diets for their children to ensure their best quality of life. Childhood obesity is a serious problem in America, and I believe it stems from parents. I have witnessed this first hand with my niece. It really bothers me that my sister-in-law often feeds my niece desserts and junk food instead of meats and vegetables. I have noticed that my niece is overweight and developing slower than she should. My family thinks it is cute, but I think it is starting her off in the wrong direction and posing problems for her future health. â€Å"For children and adolescents aged 2-19 years, the prevalence of obesity has remained fairly stable at about 17% and a ffects about 12.7 million children and adolescents for the past decade†(â€Å"Childhood Obesity Facts†). The number one cause for obesity is consuming an unhealthy diet filled with extra calories the body does not need. In a study of 6,212 children ranging in ages from four to nineteen, one-third ate fast food every day. By consuming fast food that often, it is likely to add about six extra pounds per child each year and increase the risk for obesity (Holguin). Although childhood obesity is problematic, there areShow MoreRelatedChildhood Obesity : A Serious Problem2903 Words   |  12 PagesINTRODUCTION (PROBLEM STATEMENT) Obesity does not exist among older people only. It can be seen among children and young adults. Childhood obesity is in fact â€Å"a medical condition that affects children and teenagers† (What is Childhood Obesity). Childhood obesity is a very serious problem that every single person throughout the world should know about and also aware of. However, some people might wonder and ask â€Å"what does overweight has to do with Childhood obesity?† According to the Childhood obesity foundationRead MoreChildhood Obesity : A Serious Problem1221 Words   |  5 PagesObesity is not only found amongst children, it is also found in pre-teen to teenage years as well. Childhood years are the most important period of a kids life, were they learn behavior and mold into the adult they will become. Starting bad eating habits early in the childhood years sets them up for more complications later in their lives. One out of three children in the U.S are obese, which most of them will end up facing a greater risk of having medical, social, emotional problems some even endRead MoreChildhood Obesity : A Serious Problem1918 Words   |  8 PagesChildhood obesity is a serious problem in the United States and it is putting numerous children at risk of health issues in the future. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, obesity is â€Å"a condition characterized by the excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body† (â€Å"Obesity†). The rate of obesity has grown tremendously; in fact it is now being called an epidemic. There are several factors that come into play to cause children’s obesity to increase. American children are no longerRead MoreChildhood Obesity : A Serious Health Problem Essay1459 Words   |  6 Pages Childhood obesity is a serious health problem that is associated with future diseases. Early mortality is also a result of childhood obesity. An obese child is more likely to develop chronic diseases in adulthood (Hood, Emie, 2005).Having obesity can increase the likelihood of Type 2 diabetes, kidney diseases, high cholesterol, cardiovascular diseases, sleep apnea, liver diseases, orthopedics problems, and cancer (Sahoo, Sahoo, Choudhury, SufiRead MoreWhy childhood Obesity is Becoming serious Problem?900 Words   |  4 Pages Why childhood Obesity is Becoming serious Problem? Obesity is a serious problem in the United States. Obesity may have serious effects on children, and childhood obesity affect them in their adulthood. Our family friend’s son is ten years old and at least twenty pounds overweight .When I saw him the first time, several questions arose in my mind about his overweight. Why does he become obese? What are the cause and effect of obesity? How does it show up at the symptom of obesity? They live closeRead MoreChildhood Obesity : A Serious Public Health Problem3682 Words   |  15 PagesIntroduction Childhood obesity is a serious public health problem in Canada that needs to be addressed in a timely manner. For the past few decades, the prevalence of childhood obesity in Canada has been on a steady rise, and up until now, it is still increasing and becoming an epidemic. Canada was ranked as the third most overweight and obese G-7 nation in 2005, following United States and the United Kingdom (ref?). The rise in the prevalence of childhood obesity in Canada between 1978 to 2004Read MoreChildhood Obesity : One Of The Most Serious Public Health Problem981 Words   |  4 PagesChildhood obesity is one of the most serious public health problems in the 21st century. According to PMC, the US Library of National Health and Medicine and National Institutes of Health, over 42 million children under the age of five are obese worldwide in 2010, and that number continues to ascend at an alarming rate. Obesity occurs the body stores an excess amount of fat, and is more than what the person n eeds to survive. Some scientists have argued that males are considered obese when they areRead MoreEssay about Childhood Obesity1310 Words   |  6 PagesPreparation Outline: Vitalba Evola Topic: Childhood Obesity General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To inform my audience of two prevalent causes of childhood obesity. Thesis Statement: While there are many causes of childhood obesity, most are, in fact, preventable. Introduction I. Attention Getting Device: Our society has become a classic case of â€Å"Battle of the Bulge,† as our society now has an alarming number of obese individuals. But this isn’t from World War II; itRead MoreChildhood Obesity : A Serious Medical Condition That Affects Children And Adolescents878 Words   |  4 Pages Research Paper on Childhood Obesity Childhood obesity is a serious medical condition that affects children and adolescents. It occurs when a child is overweight and well over the normal weight for his or her age and height. Child obesity is an important issue because the extra weight can lead children down the wrong path to health problems, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes to name a few. Childhood obesity can cause children to become depressed and have poor self-esteemRead MoreObesity : Obesity And Obesity1334 Words   |  6 PagesHealth Factors Related to Obesity in Adolescence Childhood obesity is a worldwide epidemic that has increased dramatically over the past few years. There are many reasons this could be and research shows that as cultures are developing kids are spending more time indoors than being active outside. Technology is becoming so advanced that people are now able to play sports right from the comfort of his or her living room couch. Although these technological advancements are quite outstanding and has

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Canadian stock market Example

Essays on Canadian stock market Assignment and Information al affiliation A chart showing TSX bank share prices by and amount of share sold A chart showing BMO share prices by date and amount of share sold Table showing BMO common share price Dates Decrease/ Increase open High Low Close volume adjusted close 24/10/2011 0 59.11 59.66 59 59.49 730100 58.81 28/10/2011 +1.01 60.12 60.65 60.01 60.26 703600 60.26 4/11/2011 -2.58 57.54 57.73 56.53 57.25 732400 57.25 10/11/2011 -0.89 56.65 56.75 55.44 55.9 996600 55.9 18/11/2011 -1.06 55.59 56.09 55.27 55.51 722600 55.51 25/11/2011 -2.81 52.78 53.52 52.74 53.22 400200 53.22 There is a general decrease in prices of common shares for BMO from end of October throughout the period of November. This makes it uncertain for invest thus cannot invest in it. Table showing BMO common share price Dates Decrease/ Increase open High Low Close volume adjusted close 24/10/2011 0 41.62 42.29 41.62 42.10 134700 41.73 28/10/2011 +0.25 42.25 42.71 42.25 42.36 70600 41.98 4/11/2011 +0.31 44.30 44.74 44.29 44.69 68700 44.29 10/11/2011 +0.27 44.57 44.60 44.19 44.31 133100 43.29 18/11/2011 +0.17 44.74 45.28 44.74 44.05 73000 44.65 25/11/2011 -0.23 44.51 44.78 44.48 44.65 102900 44.65 There is a general increase in prices of common shares for TSX from end of October throughout the period of November. This makes it attractive for investors to invest their cash in it Reasons for choosing BMO and TSX Both are financial institutions and it is easy to make comparison as to the general increase or decrease in the prices since they operate within the same economic environment. They are actually subjected to same factors as monetary policy and fiscal policies. Reason for choosing common stock It was easy to monitor the movement in terms of prices on hourly or daily basis unlike in bonds it was tedious on my side. The ease of accessibility made it easier to choose it. What Economic Factors Affect Stock Prices. The sensitivity of stock to the economic environment factors makes it a crucial type of investment that depends on how lucky the prevailing circumstance will be maintained. It proves to be the most dynamic component of the world market. Even though the market can be vibrant and active, stock prices are very volatile and its volatility makes investor more worried about the future of their investment. Investors keep on wondering what will happen on hourly, daily, and monthly and yearly to their investment. Supply and Demand The higher the demand the higher the price and the lower the demand the higher the price this implies that price is directly affected by stock market trends in trading. It means that when a consumers purchase a particular type of stock, its price will automatically increase by a margin slightly higher than the previous one. Similarly when a trader sells that stock, its price will then fall with a margin so that it is slightly lower than the previous trading price. Inflation and Interest Rates Inflation would refer to the general increase in price of commodities as a result of drop in the currency value. Goods would appear expensive to the consumer due to decreased purchasing power. Interest rate is the amount charged by financial institutions as a result of borrowing or lending services. Every stock market is affected by inflation and interest rates. Inflation go hand in hand with interest rate, according to Fischer effect higher the inflation rate higher the interest rate. It is central bank mandates to regulate monetary supply and make necessary policy. These policies affect the interest rate which in turn affects the share price. The perception of the investors and traders on what is likely to happen with interest rates and inflation within any given country will also impact on the stock market prices. The speculative natures of investors also affect the price of stock for instance if People perceive increase or decrease in interest rate will influence the price of stock to either increase or decrease. The interest rate is a good measure of pricing levels of stock, whether they increase or decrease for a certain time period will depend on interest rate. Trade Flows Trade balances and imbalances between two different countries affect the price of stocks. The monetary flows that are brought about by the trading between countries affect the price of a stock. For instance, when a countrys imports exceed its exports, it is likely that the currency will devalue hence causing the price of stock to plunge. However more investments in the country on the other hand will strengthen the currency this will mean that stock prices. Political Activities Political situation prevailing in a given country will affect the prices of stock a great deal. Political instability for instances will cause investors to sell their shares thereby causing the price to decrease since there is nobody is willing to in buy same share at the same magnitude. In the contrary to the above a country with political stability will ensure trading activities are normal and more people are willing to invest thus causing share price to increase. Would you invest in the market? The future of the common market is unclear. According to BMO the prices keep on decreasing non-linearly thus it means the prices of the common share are volatile and the decision to invest in one is based on speculation. According to TSX the prices of common share keeps on increasing making investment decision attractive. It will be very important to analyze closely the market further for about four months to come up with a proper analysis of the market trend. Using above information I can decide to sell my share before it starts deteriorating. Investment decision is mainly made after thorough evaluation of market situation to determine whether a project is viable or not. Most investors gamble around in their quest to make any decision pertaining to selling or buying of shares. Be that as it may consultation needs to done to someone or expert who understand the economic situation of the environment to which stock is trading in.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Organization Behavior OCB

Question: Describe about the Organization Behavior of OCB? Answer: Introduction Carrington (2001) says that in the recent times, the organization is continually finding the new ways where the growth is made in the response to the constant changes and with the todays dynamic work; there is also the need to have the successful organization needs that will further need the employees who will be performing more than the role requirements. When the situation is like that the employees are frequently making the exertion of the behavior then they exceed their formal role requirements and they also make the improvements in the overall functioning of the organization. The organizational citizenship behavior and its antecedents represent the various theories that are the set of the discretionary workplace behavior that will always exceed the basic of the jobs requirements. These ocb are often defined as the behaviors that will go beyond the call of a duty and the various researches that has been made spays that the since the time of its inception there is argued the by or gan and Bateman, that ocb is held to be the vital for the survival of the organization. Organ has further explained that the ocb can also maximize the productivity as well as the efficiency with the employees and the organization where there is made the ultimate contribution to the effective functioning of the organization. Even the western researchers have argued that when they made the empirical research n the ocb then, they made an investigation to be carried upon. Even in the India few of the researches such as by the niranjana, bhatnagar and sandhu, chaitanya etc. have made on it. Nevertheless, with this concept the most of the studies that have been carried upon, has utilized the generic conceptualization where the two-factor categorization as been made with this respect. According to the Williams and Anderson, although there is five dimensions frame work that ahs been used in the area, it was all prior to the research of the le pine and erez. Johnson, has also conducted a kin d of the meta-analysis where he said that there was made the examiner of the relationship with the dimensions and the addressing of this issue was made.le pine and the colleagues also are the suggestion that the researchers should consider the ocb at the aggregate level where they need to distinguish it ocb by the target that is kept in order to have whom the behavior is directed to. thus, it can be expressed that this study has used the two-factor in the organization with the consisting of the ocb and it directed towards the journal of the Indian academy of applied psychology individuals (ocbi).the very self report of the ocb of lee and Allen was chosen for the study because there was designed to have the measure ocb and ocbi than the previous scales. In this organizational citizenship involves lot of the variety of the behaviors that is kept between the employees, volunteering for the extra kind of the work and also including that of the representation of the organization in the positive light and atmosphere. More precise definition with the organizational citizenship behavior is that of the proved one rather than the difficult endeavor. Literature review Impact of personality on ocb and the performance of its own Kumar and bhakshi have found that there was the factor that relates to the four relations within the big five that will make the influence ocb. Using this kind of the regression there was indicated that the conscientious and the extraversion, neuroticism and agreeableness that will significantly affect then ocb, while there was the openness that will indicate the contrary effect. one of the researches as conducted by elanain , examined the affect of the big five personality on ocb add once it is controlled by the controlling variables then including the work locus of control and self esteem, with the organizational justice will change its new approach. The findings of this research could be said like there are five factor model that is also known as the predictor of the employees ocb. Emmerik and euwena have also made the study to examine the relationship that exists between the leadership group as the moderating factor and in this study there were kept around 286 teachers that are a cting like the respondents. The study then also revealed that when there are extraversion teachers then they are very much open to the experience and it will be more evolved the ocb compare to the introversion kind of the teachers who are not so open. Abd-el-Fattah (2010) says that the antecedents of the ocb and their effect on the teachers who obtain the high scores will said to be like the conscientious characterized with the more careful and responsible with the teachers are thus introverted and the neurotic personalities are very much less involved in the ocb ad thus they have the extrovert and the emotional stability. King et al, also has made the examination of the relationship with the personality and the helping behaviors in the workplace. In this study there was made the use of the 374 woenn who were the members of the association and with it showed that the strong conscientious had the more of the positive effect on it. Commitment on ocb and performance in respect of it Wagner and rush have clearly explained that organizational commitment is of very such nature that it will definitely include that of the affective commitment and the normative commitment with the commitment continuance that as the positive influence on the altruism and compliance (ocb).similar way, Kim also observed that the affective commitment has the positive influence on compliance. Ahmad (2008) is of the opinion that it can be said that with the facts, that the commitment has the bigger influence on ocb is made as to compare the customer behavior. While, alotaibi also found that there is n0o kind of the influence of the organizational commitment to ocb and this study revealed the different approaches to learn the commitments and it effects. The greatest effect on job satisfaction on ocb and also the performance alotaibi, has conducted the research that a study was concludes where it was found that the antecedents of ocb such as including that of the job satisfaction, perception of the fairness to the organizational commitment all are includes the procedural kind of justice. The distributive justice could be said to have the positive effect on the ocb. With the job satisfaction, and also the organizational commitment there is examines the relationship between the motivation, commitment, job satisfaction and ocb. Blankson (2005) says that the study that was conducted revealed that the positive kind of the relationship exists between the two will have some sort of good impacts and it is between the motivation and commitment. Even the employees satisfaction also exists between the ocb. In this regard, it can be said that when the keys and begum have found the impact on the employee satisfaction then it affects them. The study has also revealed that, with the Strauss, there is the relationship b etween the job satisfaction and the performance that states the productivity and it can be improved with the positive relationship that exists between the two. The job satisfaction has the negative effect on it. There was also found the relationship between the job satisfaction and the performance. The study was also conducted for the two ones. Conclusion Boehm (2009) makes the statement that it can be concluded that from the facts the personality has the positive and the significant effect on the organizational citizenship behavior where it means that organization commitment is insignificant on the OCB. It means that when the lectures have the high organizational commitment, therefore it is not necessary that there is the extra kind of the role in the university improvements. The OCB represents the various many dimensions that will made impact on various factors.orgazniational citizenship behaviors are often conceptualized with the socially desirable class of behaviors where different perspectives can be considered. It has been there purpose of the assignment to reveal that there are the attributions for the social desirability and also to make thee examination of the behaviors in the direct action reform with the observable form. Variety of the motives can be explained and all have the kind of the achievement and the affiliation. Mu ch of the researches are to be carried in the manner that it will make the good results in the field of the OCB with respect to it. As defined by organ, OCB reflects the good soldier syndrome where the need for the prosperity and the functioning of the every organization is very important. In this respect, with the various fields, there is made the urgent kind of the things that are needed in order to have the operation of the management in the organization with the better job and making the effort of the above and the beyond. There is seen the good behaviors and OCB is well-known for it. Such a good kind of the behaviors are very much important in the organization where there is made the use of it. References Carrington, B., Bonnett, A., Demaine, J., Nayak, A., Short, G., Smith, F. Tomlin, R. (2001). Ethnicity and the professional socialization of teachers: Final report to the teacher training agency. London: Teacher Training Agency. Abd-el-Fattah, S. M. (2010). Longitudinal effects of pay increase on teachers job satisfaction a motivational perspective. The Journal of International Social Research, 3(10), 11-21. Ahmad, H. Ahmad, K. Shah, I. A. (2010). Relationship between job satisfactions, job performance: Attitude towards work and organizational commitment. European Journal of Social Sciences, 18(2), 257-267. Bellou, V. (2010). Organizational culture as a predictor of job satisfaction: The role of gender and age. Career Development International, 15(1), 4-19. Alonderiene, R. (2010). Enhancing informal learning to improve job satisfaction: Perspective of SMEs managers in Lithuania. Baltic Journal of Management, 5(2), 257-287. Artz, B. (2010). Fringe benefits and job satisfaction. International Journal of Manpower. 31(6), 626-644. Blankson, S. (2005). Attitude. Lulu Press. Boehm, J. K., Lyubomirsky, S. (2009). The promise of sustainable happiness. In S. J. Lopez (Ed.), Handbook of positive psychology (2nd ed.; pp. 667-677). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Boreham, N, Gray, P. Blake, A. (2006). Job satisfaction among newly qualified teachers in Scotland, Paper presented to the Annual Conference of The British Education Research Association, University of Warwick. Borgogni, L., Russo, S. D., Petitta, L. Vecchione, M. (2010). Predicting job satisfaction and job performance in a privatized organization. International Public Management Journal, 13(3), 275-296. Boehm, J. K., Lyubomirsky, S. (2008). Does happiness lead to career success? Journal of Career Assessment, 16, 101-116. Campbell, R.J., Kyriakides, L., Muijs, R. D. Robinson, W. (2004). Effective teaching and values: Some implications for research and teacher appraisal. Oxford Review of Education, 30(4), 451-465. Campbell, R.J., Kyriakides, L., Muijs, R.D. Robinson, W. (2003). Differential teacher effectiveness: Towards a model for research and teacher appraisal. Oxford Review of Education, 29(3), 349-350. Carmeli, A. Gefen, D. (2005). The relationship between work commitment models and employee withdrawal intentions. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 20(2), 63-86. Carrington, B. Tomlin, R. (2000). Towards a more inclusive teaching profession: teacher recruitment and ethnicity. European Journal of Teacher Education, 23(2), 139157. Carvel, J. 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Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Political Training an Example of the Topic History Essays by

Political Training: Adolf Hitler, Sir Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt. There have been many leaders who have altered the course of history and changed the way the world thinks and lives. These leaders have been men of tremendous influence over masses, though the influence may have been negative in impact. Leadership styles may differ from authoritative to democratic to laissez faire but leaders have in common a penchant for influencing the common people and having their way with the crowds. The world remembers such leaders with awe and their names become subjects of household conversations. Every era has its share of such leaders. This paper studies the lives of some highly influential leaders of the modern times and attempts to understand what made them the men that they were. Need essay sample on "Political Training: Adolf Hitler, Sir Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt." topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed The name Adolf Hitler conjures up that dreaded image of World War II when the world rose as one to fight and conquer the Axis powers comprising of Germany, Japan and Italy. He may have been a villain and a torturer who ordered millions of Jews to be burned alive in gas chambers, who rose from the bottom of the societal ladder to become the dictator of Germany and then a lot of Europe for some time during the World War, and built a regime based on terror and persecution during his reign. It is indeed surprising that with no formal political training, no background for the kind of reign and terror that he established, he went on to become a dictator who had germany and most of Europe at his command during the World War. However, an insight into his childhood shows that his tendency to rule was a result of a difficult and lonely childhood and less than happy adolescence. Born of poor parents, Hitler was sent to study to an urban school when his father procured enough money through his position as the Austrian customs' officer. An intelligent student at the village school, he lost his footing in the unfamiliar surroundings of the city and his results became poor. He also developed a predisposition for breaking rules and antipathy towards authority. Consorting with the lowest of the crowds and failing to secure a position in architectural schools in Venice, Hitler became a vagabond and a loner. He did not have a permanent job and took up menial positions to secure two square meals a day. The crowds that he mingled with were his first political training. He learnt to manipulate them for his benefit and exploit them for his own gains. It was during this time that he developed strong feelings of nationalism and also an anti- Marxist. This was the first step towards a becoming a dictator and manipulating huge masses. During the first world War, Hitler served as a volunteer in the Bavarian regiment, having returned to Germany in 1913. his bravery was rewarded and he was decorated several times but wasn't promoted to a leadership position as his officers felt that he lacked certain qualities. In 1920, he came in contact with the Nazi party and became their main propagandist as he had a natural flair for oration and his speeches attracted people and influenced their thought process. Within a year of joining the party he became its leader. Thus we see that from a loner who roamed the streets in search of low jobs, he became the leader of a party which revolutionized the political system in Germany. He tried to bring about a change in government forcefully in 1923 but failed and was sent to jail. During his jail time, he wrote his autobiography 'Mein Kamph' in which he outlined his ideals and held the Jews responsible for the problems plaguing Germany. Once he came out of jail, his leadership prowess became evident. Facing difficulties in reforming his party, he met with each problem and sidestepped it gracefully through sheer thinking and knowing when to strike and whom to strike. His mass movements were targeted towards people he knew he could win over such as the military outcasts who were more than happy to join him. He went from power to power through powerful speeches and knowing whom to speak to. When his votes went down, when he was facing a crisis in his career and when all looked lost, he pulled out a political miracle by maneuvering the Reichstag to give him dictatorial powers and from then began what can only be called history. Thus even though he was a villain, a demagogue and a manipulator, his influence over people was immense and he altered the course of history with his masterly politics. He terrorized the world, killed off thousands of people and was a prime example of a rotten childhood can influence a man negatively and cause irreparable damage to his personality. With a proper training perhaps, he could have been a leader the world would have looked up to with pride but he turned out to be a synonym for terror and brutality. Another man inseparable associated with the II World War is Sir Winston Churchill. Born in a royal family with impeccable bloodlines, his political training began almost with his birth as he absorbed and learned from his family affairs and was given the best possible education. He played his role in the World War I by preparing the naval troops and in World War II his achievements and heroics are part of folklore. When all looked lost during the war and when Hitler had Paris down on its knees, he emerged as the leader of the unified commonwealth and Britain and called for the unity of the English speaking people. His speeches, filled with fervor and passion, raised the morale of terrified people and also the wounded armed forces. After joining the armed forces in 1888, he had a rich and varied experience of army life with his travels taking him to India as well. All through this, he continued to read the best of literature and the effect of his literary knowledge was profound on his personality and intellect. Strong leaders and always well read, even though the kind of literature they read influences their actions and ideals. During his long travels to the North East Frontiers, the South Africa and many more, he was both an active officer and also an avid war correspondent and fulfilled both duties with equal proficiency. His political career, backed by his firm and stable character and knowledge was illustrious. After spending a period of self imposed exile after losing elections, he was recalled to head the country in the critical times of 1940 when Germany seemed to be able to conquer the whole of Europe. His solidarity, his faith in the armed forces, his morale lifting speeches and the aura of quiet authority that he generated made the Britons and almost the whole of Europe that the Allies were not going to loose the war and Britain was not going down to Germany. Even during the war, he took many decisions that could have been disastrous if they were not backed by his almost prophetic foresight. Thus, Sir Winston Churchill was a leader the world prefers to remember with fondness and pride and a man the world looks up to with respect and dignity. Franklin D. Roosevelt was also one of the few fond memories that can be associated with the Second World War Again a man with a strong family backing and a man whose political training was basically done at home with the kind of family he had, FDR was a man whose name America will always speak with pride and remember with affection. He battled polio, came back stronger and more capable and never allowed his disability to get the better of him. His four terms in office were not peaceful times but he handled all that came to him with poise and grace. When he was first elected in 1932, America was battling the Depression. Within "100 days", he made the country stand back on its feet and during the next few years he made the feet even sturdier and stronger. When attacked by Japan in 1942 at the infamous Pearl Harbor incident, he went for the most courageous action of declaring war on Japan in a time when America was still recovering from the after effects of the first one. But there was honor to be saved and pride to be salvaged and FDR knew that a country wounded in pride will never be able to stand firmly in its position. America's entry into the war with the Allies changed the course of the war and what seemed to be Germany's certain victory now looked to be a war more on the side of the Allied Powers. With clever marshalling of resources and shrewd politics learned and perfected over the years, FDR steered through the troublesome times and did wonders for America's position as a superpower in the world. Thus the Second World War brought to fore three very different leaders in the forms of Adolf Hitler, Sir Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt. Without any political training and with poor literature and poor company, Hitler rose to dictatorship while Churchill and Roosevelt with their strong personalities and proper training, though informal and self imposed, went on to become the kind of leaders that inspire and motivate generations for many years and are remembered fondly and not with terror imposed fright. WORKS CITED Hitler,Winston Churchill,Franklin D. Roosevelt, A Biography of Adolf Hitler, Winston Churchill,

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Mountaintop by Katori Hall

The Mountaintop by Katori Hall Great theater can emerge from a simple yet evocative question: What if? Katori Hall, winner of the Blackburn Prize for outstanding women playwrights, asks the question: What did Martin Luther King Jr. do the night before he died? Who did he talk to? What did he say? Her play attempts to answer these questions, albeit in an imaginative rather than realistic way. The Mountaintop took home Englands Olivier Award for best play. In fall 2011, the plays poignant message resonated on Broadway, starring featuring Samuel L. Jackson and Angela Bassett. About the Playwright Born in 1981, Katori Hall is a young, vibrant new voice in modern theater. Much of her work derives from her experiences in her hometown of Memphis, Tennessee. According to her official website, her major works include: Hoodoo Love (Cherry Lane Theatre)Remembrance (Womens Project)Saturday Night/Sunday MorningWHADDABLOODCLOT!!!The Hope WellOur Lady of KibehoPussy Valley Her most recent work (as of 2012) is Hurt Village; set in a housing project in Memphis it depicts a returning Iraq veterans struggle to find a position in his disintegrating community, along with a place in his daughters wounded heart. (The Signature Theatre). However, Halls most renowned work to date is the historical/spiritual drama, The Mountaintop. The Plot The Mountaintop is a two-person drama about the last day of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The entire play is set in the Lorraine hotel room, the evening before his assassination. King is alone, trying to create yet another powerful speech. When he orders a cup of coffee from room service, a mysterious woman arrives, bringing much more than a late-night beverage. What follows is a reflective, often funny, often touching conversation in which Dr. King examines his achievements, his failures, and his unfinished dreams. Other Plays About Martin Luther King, Jr This is not the first time that a speculative drama has explored Dr. Kings amazing legacy. The Meeting, by Jeff Stetson, explores the contrasting methods and the common dreams of two dignified civil rights leaders (Malcolm X and Dr. King) who sacrificed their lives fighting for justice. Theme Analysis of The Mountaintop: SPOILER ALERT: Its not easy to analyze the messages of this play without revealing surprise elements of The Mountaintop. So, reader beware, I am about to ruin the big surprise in the play. The mysterious woman who seems to be a hotel maid is named Camae (short for Carrie May which might be code for carry me). At first, she seems to be a perfectly normal (beautiful, outspoken) maid, who is in favor of social change, but not necessarily in favor of all of Dr. Kings methods. As a storytelling device, Camae allows the audience to witness a more personal and irreverent side of Dr. King, one that the cameras and public appearances rarely captured. Camae is also willing to debate with the reverend on social matters, strongly and eloquently expressing her own views on racism, poverty, and the slowly progressing civil rights movement. It soon becomes clear, however, that Camae is not what she appears. She is not a maid. She is an angel, a recently created angel, in fact. Her first assignment is to inform Martin Luther King, Jr. that he is going to die very soon. Here the play shifts its focus. What begins as a behind-the-scenes look at one of Americas greatest leaders (in all his frustration and frailty), ultimately becomes a struggle to accept ones mortality and prepare for a journey into what Hamlet calls the undiscovered country. As one might expect, King isnt happy to find out that he is going to die. In some ways, his dialogue is reminiscent to Everyman, the morality play from 15th century Europe. The key difference, however, is that Everyman represents an average person who has failed to live a saintly life. Dr. King doesnt profess to be a saint (in fact, both the angel and King mention his extra-marital affairs), but he does rightly argue that he has been fighting a just cause and that he is the best person to continue the struggle for equality. During the last half of the play, King experiences the different stages of coping with death: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. Arguably the best part of these stages is the bargaining portion when Dr. King actually gets to talk to God over the telephone. If The Mountaintop sounds morbid, theres actually a lot of humor and whimsy throughout this play. Camae is a feisty and foul-mouthed angel, and she is proud to announce that her wings are her breasts and that God is a woman. The play concludes with not only acceptance but joy and celebration for what has been accomplished, as well as a firm reminder of the dreams that have yet to come to fruition.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Miracle Worker essays

Miracle Worker essays The purpose of my essay is to persuade the reader that your goal can be accomplished when you work hard to try to achieve it. In life people work hard to try to accomplish something they cant do and want to be able to do. There are few people in our world that are blind and deaf. It takes them a long time to accept their disability and the method of learning. In the play, The Miracle Worker by William Gibson, Annie teaches Helen a way of hearing and seeing in a way she understood. Helen couldnt see or hear and Annie taught Helen everyday until one day Helen just understood what an object was and the name it had. It took practice but Annie reached her goal, which was to help Helen understand life. In the play Annie says Helen, the chick has to come out of its shell sometime, you come out too. (p. ) Annie is telling Helen its hard to accept but you will eventually understand and learn to accept it. Being blind and deaf if like being in a different world, two of your most important senses are absent in your life. You have to learn your own way to understand. Annie taught Helen in a way that Helen could understand and remember. Helen started to learn when she started to realize smells and feeling go with a word. Annie also tells Helen Theres only one way out, for you, and its language. (p. ) Helen is telling Annie the only way she will be able to hear and see is by learning a language, understanding and knowing what something is with a name and picture. Helen started to understand words when she put the word water with the feeling of water. Babies learn how to talk when they hear the word repeatedly and start to understand words go with a picture. Helen, at the end, finally understood what a language was and how she can learn around her disability. It took her awhile to learn, but Annie kept working until she finally under...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

W 6 Marketing A&S answers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

W 6 Marketing A&S answers - Essay Example ent can be made for the use of advertisement, particularly billboard advertisement as forms of promotion rather than communication as the most effective way to approach advertisement in the healthcare sector. This stand is taken with the position that Berkowitz (2010) takes on the public perception and expectation from advertisement. In their opinion, the growing concern of the public on quality and cost as the two most critical variables for consideration when deciding on health service gives service providers a major responsibility to ensuring that they are able to meet the consumer at the point of this perception. Meanwhile, using advertisement for the form of communication only emphasizes on issues of advocacy without giving prior concern to competitive arguments such as differences in quality and cost. Based on this reasoning, it would generally be accepted that the best way to portray healthcare advertisement is to use it as a form of promotion where the advertiser persuades the recipient on key aspects of quality and cost that the company in charge has to offer. In a related study by Sprigings and Allen (2012), it was confirmed that affordability and quality are the most important factors the customers look out for in advertisement. In billboard advertisement also, there is often not sufficient space to say more. The space that is secured would therefore be best used to promote than communicate as communicating advertisements require more space and messages (Berkowitz,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Critical Thinking Issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Critical Thinking Issue - Essay Example Include any counterconsiderations and state whether any premises on the same level are linked or convergent. Supporters of the Atkins diet argue that following a high protein, low carbohydrate diet such as the Atkins diet is the best way to lose weight, since on that diet you cut out carbohydrates and it is carbohydrates that are responsible for weight gain. Further evidence they give that the Atkins diet is the way to go is the large number of celebrities who follow it. Target Argument standardization: cc High protein diet adds to weight gain in the absence of workout routine. 1. Large number of celebrities follows Atkins diet. 2.1 Carbohydrates are responsible for weight gain [Xcc] 2. You cut out carbohydrates. C Following a high protein, low carbohydrate diet such as the Atkins diet is the best way to lose weight. Premises are convergent. But nutritionists argue that although the Atkins diet may show immediate results, it is not the best way to lose weight. It is not safe, since eating a lot of protein-rich foods can increase the risk of heart disease, and cutting out carbohydrates increases the risk of some forms of cancer. Also, people who lose weight gradually on more conventional weight-loss plans are more likely to keep the weight off in the long term. Counterargument standardization: 1. Gradual weight loss has long term positive effects. 2.1 High protein food increases risk of heart disease. 2.2 Cutting out carbohydrates increases the risk of some forms of cancer 2 It is not safe C Following a high protein, low carbohydrate diet such as the Atkins diet is not the best way to lose weight. Premises are convergent. QUESTION 4 [3 marks] Give THREE examples of conditional statements to which someone who is wearing shoes but no socks... (ii) If you don't have your mobile phone, then you won't be able to call home unless you can find a pay phone. And you won't be able to find a payphone, because there aren't any around here anymore. So you won't be able to call home, because you don't have your mobile phone, since you left it at work. Supporters of the Atkins diet argue that following a high protein, low carbohydrate diet such as the Atkins diet is the best way to lose weight, since on that diet you cut out carbohydrates and it is carbohydrates that are responsible for weight gain. Further evidence they give that the Atkins diet is the way to go is the large number of celebrities who follow it. But nutritionists argue that although the Atkins diet may show immediate results, it is not the best way to lose weight. It is not safe, since eating a lot of protein-rich foods can increase the risk of heart disease, and cutting out carbohydrates increases the risk of some forms of cancer. Also, people who lose weight gradually on more conventional weight-loss plans are more likely to keep the weight off in the long term. In (a), the premise which shows the technicality of musicians contains the word "almost". The inclusion of this word has caused "probability" in the argument to be more deciding in terms of feasibility of conclusion. In (b), the usual conditional argumentative form is applied to prove the conclusion true if the pr

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton Essay Example for Free

Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton Essay Naturalism is commonly understood as an extension or intensification of realism. The intensification involves the introduction of characters of a kind (Baym, 1999) A perfect example of Naturalist work is Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton. Ethan, one of the main characters in the book, is a old, deformed man who is in love with his wifes cousin. Zeena is Ethans wife who occasionally has psychological illnesses. Mattie is Zeenas cousin and is in love with Ethan. There are many examples of naturalism in Ethan Frome: the characters, their deformities, and their lowly place in society, their bad luck, and distasteful environment they lived in. Ethan Frome, a significant character in the book, is very troubled. Life hasnt been pleasant for Ethan. Through his life experiences, Naturalism has been portrayed. At the beginning of the story, the reader, from the following quote, finds out that Ethan is crippled from a smash-up:The smash-up it was—I gathered from the same informant—which, besides drawing the red gash across Ethans Fromes forehead, had so shortened and warped his right side that it cost him a visible effort to take the few steps from his buggy to the post-office window. (Wharton 4)This is a characteristic of Naturalism because the smash-up was caused by Ethans emotions. If Ethan did not have any feelings for Mattie, the smash-up would have never taken place and Ethan and Mattie would not be injured and forced to spend the rest of their lives being taken care of by Zeena. Then, the novel goes into a flashback and the whole story of Ethan Frome is told to the reader. The reader then finds out that Zeena, Ethans wife, is actually his cousin who came to Starkfield to take care of Ethans mother, and she never left after his mother passed away. Ethan and Zeena get married and they have a loveless marriage that took place because of loneliness. In the novel, it says that the marriage might not have taken place if it had not been wintertime. This is also another example of Naturalism because it was decision that was controlled by their instincts that if they did not get married, then they would have a lonely winter. Zeena becomes sick, and her cousin Mattie has to come to Starkfield and take care of the house. Ethan falls in love with Mattie, but is not able to express his feelings at first because of Zeena. Later on in the story, Ethan and Mattie discover that they love each other and that they cannot be together so they decided to commit suicide. Unfortunately, the suicide attempt was futile and Mattie and Ethan both survive. In this part of the story, Ethan and Mattie are acting on their emotions because they know that they cannot runaway together, and they also know that if they commit suicide they will never have to be apart together. Ethan and Mattie would have run away together if not for their economic conditions. Because the farm was so poor, Zeena wouldnt have sold the farm for very much and she would have to suffer if Ethan and Mattie had runaway together. Although, Ethan Frome plays a very big role in this novel, Zeena also portrays examples of naturalism. Zeenas character was portrayed to the reader as being selfish and needy. Because Zeena was not required to take care of anyone, she began to show the symptoms of sickness that Ethans mother was described to have had. And within a year of their marriage she developed the sickliness which had since made her notable even in a community rich I pathological instances. When she came to take care of his mother she had seemed to Ethan like the very genius of health, but he soon saw that he skill as a nurse had been acquired by the absorbed observation of her own symptoms.(Wharton 53)This is an example of Naturalism because Zeenas need to be required by others led her to become psychologically sick and this affected her marriage with Ethan. In the middle of the novel, Ethan and Mattie walk home together after the dance and Zeena hasnt put out the key. To the reader, this seems like it was Zeenas instinct to not put out a key because she was suspicious of the relationship between Mattie and Ethan. Soon after, Zeena goes to see a new doctor in town because of her sickness. This event gives the impression that Zeena is sick only because she wants to be recognized in society, and being sick is allowing her to be noticed by others. At the very end of the novel, Zeena recognizes that Mattie and Ethan have feelings for each other, and tries to split them apart by hiring another girl to take care of the house. However, the smash-up allowed Zeena to be needed by the handicapped Mattie and Ethan, and Zeena instant got better. These are examples of naturalism, because Zeena is acting on her instincts that that Ethan and Mattie are having an affair, and the outcome is that they try to commit suicide and fail and have to live the rest of their lives together with Zeena almost in  poverty. The decisions that the characters in Ethan Frome impact the rest of their lives. These decisions are all examples of Naturalism. Ethan decisions are based on his instinct and also his emotions of love for Mattie, and his emotion of loathe for Zeena. Zeenas, on the other hand, are based on by her instinct that Ethan and Mattie are in love with each other, her lowly status in society, and also their meager economic conditions. This book shows the reader that life should not always be controlled by instinct and emotion, but rather that it should be controlled by thoughts and adapting to the environment around you. Wharton, Edith. Simon Schuster, 2004.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Teen Curfew Essays -- Social Issues, Gang Violence

The intention teenagers are given a curfew of a certain time limit in different states is to limit gang violence and use curfew as a key tool to do so. (Wagner, Matt 2). Curfew is a way to control the teens that have diminutive self control along with little or no parental control. (Hall, Maggie 2). Various amounts of teenagers cannot be confidential to act with such autonomy and accountability. (Love, Dennis 2). Having a curfew indicates who the teenager is and what they do. (Love, Dennis 2). To give other teenagers a sense of where they live or reside and to show how much character they have, teens stay out longer and later to give other teens that sense of doing what they desire. (Love, Dennis 2). Admitting that their parents have jurisdiction over their curfew is not a first response for many teens. (Love, Dennis 2). If the parents have a curfew for their child or children to show that coming in on time is important it can show their teenagers what responsibility can do. Most parents did not care about their curfew when they were young, so teens that are more freedom-minded, independent-minded, hormonal, irascible and rebellious contemplate that parents should understand. (Love, Dennis 2). Whether parents take empowerment that curfew restrictions provide is in doubt. (Love, Dennis 3). The parents with children that do not care about where their child is or what they are doing can display how parent competency can be asserted. To a parent a teenager is still a child and it is hard for the teenager to understand how they are looked downed upon. (Love, Dennis 2). Having a curfew in towns and cities can give parents an opportunity to connect and collaborate with their children. The time spent bonding with their children allows ... ... these laws and people to enforce them there will always be corruption. (Stutson, Tamika 1). Keeping our criminal justice system to stay proactive is critically important. (Stutson, Tamika 1). Ultimately, the implementation of the teenager’s curfews must come from the home. (Megan 1). It is easy for children that are underage to get fake IDs, to drink and go to bars and clubs, and furthermore to beat council enforced curfews. (Megan 1). The children that stay in and do not break the rules are the least of parents worries, the children that are harsh and irrational are the ones to worry about. The wild teenagers are the children that did not have parental guidance. (Megan 1). Out of control teenagers set their own rules and curfew times. (Megan 1). By parents setting rules and controlling their child they rules will rarely be broken by that child again. (Megan 1).

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

System Description Case Study

The beginning step in studying a productive system is to develop a description of the system. Once the system is described, we can better determine why the system works well or poorly and recommend production-related improvements. Since we are all familiar with fast-food restaurants, try your hand at describing the production system employed at, say, a McDonald's. In doing so, answer the following questions:a. What are the important aspects of the service package?The key aspects of the service package are: waiting time, quality food, delivery time, billing time, courtesy of the service personnelb. Which skills and attitudes are needed by the service personnel?The service personnel should have the following skills and attitudes: empathy with the customer (understand customer’s preferences), proactively approaching customers and greeting them, expertise with all the menu items (contents of each item), relationship building capability with customers etc.c. How can customer demand be altered?The customer demand may be altered through use of special pricing and promotional schemes. For example; a new meal comprising (burger, French fries, cold drinks, dessert etc) can be offered at a discount during launch phase so that customers can try it out. Also, customers ordering items worth more than $40 (or any other amount) might be offered a free meal (take home).d. Describe the process flow of the production/delivery system.The process flow of the production/delivery system would be as follows:Customer enters the McDonald Outlet -> Occupies the seat after waiting -> Orders the items from the menu to the Front staff -> Front Staff passes on the orders to the kitchen staff -> Orders is prepared by the kitchen staff -> Food item delivered to the customer -> Customer takes the food -> Customer asks for check -> Front staff gets the check -> Customer makes the payment -> Customer leaves the outlete. Can the customer/provider interface be changed to include more Technol ogy? More self-serve?Yes, the customer/provider interface can be changed to include more technology. For example: customer can enter into McDonald and order their food through a kiosk and pay the amount through a credit card on the kiosk itself. The ordered items are automatically passed on to the back staff for delivery within a stipulated time frame. The customer takes the food and leave the outlet without any interface with the front or back staff.f. Which measures are being used to evaluate and measure the service? Which could be used?Measures that are being used to evaluate the service are: speed of delivery, quality of food, efficiency of the back-staff, etc. are used to evaluate and measure the service. Some other measures that could be used are: waiting time (before ordering, for food and for the check) would be critical for evaluating the service.How does it measure up on the seven characteristics of a well-designed service?The seven characteristics of the service design ar e:CharacteristicMatch with current evaluation measures for McDonald case Operating FocusFocuses on speed of deliveryUser friendlyFocuses on courtesy, relationship management of staff RobustNot considered as staff is directly interfacing with the customer. However, if we assume kiosk based ordering and payment; then back up of staff should be there for any unforeseen problem in kioskConsistentPerformanceAll the staff are trained on different processes so the services are replicated Effective links between back office and front officeLinkage between front staff (taking orders) and back staff (preparing food) is establishedEvidence of serviceFeedback about the changes in the outlet and any other product changes need to be highlighted to the customer through Point of Display Cost-effectiveMore than being cost effective it should provide value to the customer. The quality of food (+speed of delivery, ambience etc) against the amount paid measures the value to the client

Sunday, November 10, 2019

We grieve that the innocent have suffered but we are satisfied that evil has been defeated

In the play ‘Othello' by William Shakespeare it could be said that in the end, despite the killing of Desdemona, Othello and Emilia that, â€Å"we grieve that the innocent have suffered but we are satisfied that evil has been defeated†, but to what extent is this actually true? There is no doubt that ‘Othello' is full of the suffering of innocence. None more so than the suffering of Desdemona who can be described in no other way than pure and virtuous. At no point in the play can it be said that she shows anything other than these qualities and there really can be no justification for the fate that befalls her. ‘She is indeed perfection', which is stated by Cassio, is the perfect description of this woman and yet she arguably suffers most within the text. Not only is her integrity questioned, the man she loves and has given her soul to, denounces her as a ‘whore' and a ‘strumpet' and in the end murders her. There is no doubt either that Othello suffers within the play. He is driven to kill Desdemona, the woman he loves, due to the notion that she has lied, cheated and is ultimately a lustful adulteress. His innocence however, could be questioned. The only proof that Desdemona has done the things she had been accused of is that which is in Othellos imagination. He never really has any real proof, just suggestions. It is in fact his jealousy and imagination that makes him believe that Desdemona is an adulteress. Without his jealous tendencies, the seed of suspicion could never have been planted. As well as the circumstances it is a personal failing within Othello himself that leads to the murder of his wife and so therefore he is not completely innocent in his suffering, or that of Desdemona. Despite Othellos already jealous personality playing an important role in the events, it cannot be denied that Iago is the character who initiates, and through exploiting Othellos jealous nature and the naivety of Desdemona, brings about the suffering of all. The blame, to a great extent, lies with Iago. His character is nasty, crude and disrespectful. This is shown in the scene where he encourages Roderigo to inform Brabantio (Desdemonas father) of her where abouts. He says, ‘an old black ram, is tupping your white ewe', which is an altogether crude and animalistic way to describe the act of love making between two people who are clearly in love. He again uses a vulgar description of the pair when he says, ‘your daughter covered with a Barbary horse'. Despite talking about Othello in this derogatory way he pretends to be his friend throughout the play. He clearly states that ‘I follow him to serve my turn upon him' and ‘I must show out a flag and sign of love, which is indeed but a sign', which shows his vindictive and scheming nature. Although he pretends to be a friend to Othello, he is actually only doing it in order to let him suggest that his wife isn't the women he thought she was. With this in mind, the most truthful words that Iago says are, ‘I am not what I am'. Iago never actually does anything, he doesn't kill or hurt anyone physically and yet he undoubtedly lies behind the suffering within the play. This makes what he's doing all the more sinister. His evil nature is unquestionable and so when he is found out at the end of the play it could be said that evil has been defeated. However, Iagos true colours being shown and him being punished hasn't stopped him doing what he set out to. He has after all still made Othello suffer significantly and in turn got his revenge. In conclusion I feel that although it is true that innocence has suffered a great deal throughout the play, the fact that Othello played a role in his own suffering cannot be over looked. Nor can the question of to what extent he really was innocent in the whole scenario. In addition to this there is the question of, has evil (Iago) really been defeated? I don't believe that it has, as in my opinion, evil has done what it set out to do and has in fact won.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Banking Industry Structure essay

Banking Industry Structure essay Banking Industry Structure essay Banking Industry Structure essayTwo regulations that had a particularly strong impact on the banking industry in the United States were the Glass-Steagall Act (GSA) passed in 1933 that prohibited banking organizations to get involved into both investment banking and commercial banking industry, and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) passed in 1999 that repealed the prohibition of GSA to combine investment and commercial banking. The critics of the GLBA state that it was the cause of the banking industry crisis and financial recession in 2007-2009, and that repealing the GSA was a mistake. However, analysis shows that the key factors that caused the crisis were unaffected by the GLBA and that the passage of the GLBA in fact reduced the impact of crisis on the banking industry due to greater diversification of banking services and portfolios. So, repealing the Glass-Steagall act was not a mistake, but rather a correct and timely measure that made the banking industry more competitive an d helped alleviate the impact of the crisis to a small extent.In order to evaluate the consequences of repealing the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999, it is necessary to consider the prerequisites of this legislation and the economic context that led to the creation of this Act. The considered time period is between 1927 and 1933 (Heakall, 2003). Initially, the Glass-Steagall Act was created to prevent banks from committing fraud and misusing public trust. The major events that shaped the economic context for the GSA were the economic boom in the 1920s followed by the Great Depression that started in 1929 (Heakall, 2003). One of key causes of the Great Depression was commercial speculation performed by banks – banks took huge risks to get rewards and used shady schemes to encourage their clients to invest into risky assets (, 1998).In 1933, commercial speculation was considered the major cause of the crisis. However, in several decades economists came to the conclusion th at the key factor of the recession was economic depression itself, while security speculation was only a minor catalyst of the financial decline (, 1998). Another supposed key cause of the Great Depression was the lack of nationwide banking system – banking operations in the 1920s were performed by unit banks within states (, 1998). Moreover, Senator Glass who was the main ideologist of the GSA 2 years later came to the conclusion that the GSA was an overregulation and attempted to have it repealed (, 1998). So, GSA regulations were excess and too strict from the very beginning. However, in 1956 Congress extended the GSA and created one more barrier between insurance and banking (Heakall, 2003). So, the banking industry was strongly regulated until 1999.It is also important to analyze the economic context in 1999 when the GLBA was enacted and the barriers created by the GSA were repealed. First of all, banking segment became more globalized as w ell as investment capital, so the barriers between national and foreign investments were blurred (Tatom, 2011). Furthermore, banking institutions used many ways of diversifying its trading portfolios outside the GSA regulations – for example, investment banks were allowed to trade and hold such risky assets as derivatives, debt obligations, mortgage-backed securities, etc. (Calabria, 2009).Large banking organizations emerged and gained power despite the presence of GSA regulations because of consolidation and integration processes going in the banking industry (Wallace, 2014). Therefore, the context in which the banking industry operated changed, and the GSA provisions made American banking system less diversified and less flexible compared to international players. Furthermore, the GLBA repealed only one section of the GSA – the prohibition to combine investment and commercial banking, so its impact on the whole development of the banking industry was not so â€Å"de regulatory† as the supporters of Occupy Wall Street movement claimed (Tatom, 2011).Finally, it is necessary to consider key causes of the financial recession that took place in 2007-2009 and the interrelationship of the GLBA with these factors. According to Brook Watkins (2012), the institutions that resorted to risky borrowing and investment practices were Bear Sterns, Lehman Brothers, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, AIG and Merrill Lynch; however, none of these organizations was influenced by the GSA repeal. Furthermore, those commercial banks the activities of which were expanded by the GLBA went into trouble due to investing into mortgage-backed securities and residential mortgages (Wallace, 2014). However, the GSA did not prohibit commercial banks to use the above-mentioned securities, so the repeal of the GSA did not contribute to the failure of commercial banking either. In addition, the number of financing holding companies that actually used the GLBA benefits and combine d commercial and investment banking was quite low in the pre-crisis years (Calabria, 2009).The research conducted by Collins, Kwag and Yildirim (2003) shows that the actual impact of the GSA repeal on the banking industry was the following. Banking organizations received more opportunities to diversify their portfolios, which allowed them to shift and diversify risks (Collins, Kwag Yildirim, 2003). As a result, banking industry became less risky both for stockhodlers and for regulators (Collins, Kwag Yildirim, 2003). At the same time, no significant wealth redistribution was noted, which means that the attractiveness of the considered financial sector did not increase compared to other sectors of financial industry. Collins, Kwag and Yildirim (2003) suggest that this fact can be explained by the long-term evolution of competition in the financial industry. In other words, the GLBA did not lead to excess wealth creation or commercial speculation, but instead it allowed to reduce sy stemic risks and therefore benefit both the customers and the organizations in the banking sphere.These conclusions are in line with the findings of Calabria (2009) who states that few financial holding organizations took advantage of the GLBA and combined investment and commercial banking. According to Calabria (2009), the repeal of the GSA might even have mitigated the consequences of the crisis for the banking system. In any case, repealing the GSA division between commercial and investment banking in 1999 was a timely and appropriate measure that corresponded to the demands of the economic environment.Despite the fact that there are numerous advantages of GLBA, it is important to note that there still might emerge conflicts of interest in banking involving commercial and investment banking, and it might be necessary to have proper regulation in place in order to identify such cases and to prevent speculation and fraud. However, the need for regulating potential conflicts of inte rest does not mean that banks should be prohibited to engage in commercial and investment banking as it was in the GSA times. Rather, it is necessary to pass more specified and more flexible regulations that would target conflicts of interest without affecting the ability of the banking sector to diversify portfolios.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Create a Magic Genie in a Bottle Effect

Create a Magic Genie in a Bottle Effect Drop a chemical into a flask to produce a cloud of water vapor and oxygen, resembling a magic genie emerging from its bottle. This chemistry demonstration can be used to introduce the concepts of decomposition reactions, exothermic reactions, and catalysts. Magic Genie Safety Wear rubber gloves and safety goggles. The 30% hydrogen peroxide used in this demonstration is a strong oxidizing agent which should be handled with care. It is extremely corrosive and reactive. Sodium iodide should not be ingested. The chemical reaction evolves heat so it is important to use borosilicate glass and to take care that the mouth of the flask is directed away from people. Magic Genie Demonstration Materials 50 ml of 30% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)4 g of sodium iodide, NaI [may substitute manganese(IV) oxide]1-liter borosilicate (Pyrex or Kimax) volumetric flaskFilter paper or tissue paper The peroxide solution is considerably more concentrated than ordinary household peroxide (3%), so youll either need to obtain it from a beauty supply store, chemical supply ​store or online. Sodium iodide or manganese oxide are best obtained from chemical suppliers. Magic Genie Procedure Wrap the sodium iodide or manganese oxide in a piece of filter paper or tissue paper. Staple the paper so none of the solid can spill out.Carefully pour 50 ml of 30% hydrogen peroxide solution into the volumetric flask.Set the flask a counter and cover it with a towel to protect your hands from the heat of the reaction. When you are ready, drop the packet of solid reactant into the flask. Be sure the flask is pointed away from yourself and students. The magic water vapor genie will appear!After the demonstration is complete, the liquid may be washed down the drain with excess water. Rinse the flask and dilute any spills with water before cleanup. Magic Genie Reaction Hydrogen peroxide decomposes into water vapor and oxygen gas. The sodium iodide or manganese oxide catalyzes the exothermic reaction. The reaction is: 2H2O2 (aq) → 2H2O (g) O2 (g) heat Helpful Tips for the Magic Genie Experiment Use of Pyrex, Kimax, or another type of borosilicate glass minimizes the risk of breakage.Rather than dropping the packet of sodium iodide or manganese oxide, you can hang it inside the flask by a string taped to the outside of the flask or secured (loosely) with a stopper. Do not tightly seal the flask! A stopper with a hole or two is safest.  Use a large volume flask, even though youre only using a small volume of liquid. This is because brown liquid can splash up near the conclusion of the reaction. This liquid is free iodine released from the oxidizing effect of the strong peroxide solution.Make sure you dont seal or tightly stopper the flask, as pressure buildup from a premature reaction can shatter the flask violently.Excess sodium iodide may be thrown away in the trash receptacle.Are you artistic? You can wrap the flask in foil to make it look like a magic genie bottle or lamp. While you have the 30% peroxide out, why not try the elephant toothpaste demonstration? Another interesting demonstration to try involves making violet smoke. Reference: Stone, Charles, H. J. Chem. Ed., 1944, 21, 300.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Creative Thinking Profile Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Creative Thinking Profile - Assignment Example Whiles, I desire for there to be solutions to the problem, I always try to avoid rushing out on problems to come out with half-baked solutions. For this reason, I always put together alternative solutions and adequately weigh the viability of each of these solutions. There are also weaknesses with my creative thinking profile as a developer because the quest to come out with viable alternatives has been associated with possible instances of getting stuck with perfect solutions (Puccio, Mance and Murdock, 2011). Because of the weaknesses, I have always embarked on the constant training of my competences to ensure that I am not disadvantaged with decision-making processes. This way, I am always assured and guaranteed of effectiveness with practising my personal creative thinking profile. It can be said that my current professional role which entails that I work as a project team leader and project manager relate perfectly to my personal creative thinking style as a developer. This is because as a team leader, I work with people who are assigned different roles and tasks that are aimed at achieving specific goals for the organization. After the ideas have been put together by those members who are ideators and clarifiers, I come in as a developer to put the various ideas together and construct alternative solutions out of the ideas. After this is successfully done, I go back to my team to take part in a brainstorming process that is used to select the best solution out of available alternatives and options. In effect, there is sufficient evidence that my personal creative thinking profile is very much suitable for my role in the workplace. As Digman (1990) notes, developers work best when given sufficient independence to operate within a workspace. As a team leader in stead of a member, I am able to get this benefit to the fullest. Within the organizational setup, working with people with similar creative thinking styles as we have is as important as working with those with different creative thinking styles. For those with the same creative thinking styles, we are able  to coordinate well with them to ensure that much is achieved through shared practice within a very short time frame.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Why is the trafficking of naive lymphocytes important Outline the Essay

Why is the trafficking of naive lymphocytes important Outline the stages in the development of the specific immune respons - Essay Example Our bodies are both fragile and resilient at the same time; being so soft and easily broken, yet keeping us alive even during the worst of conditions, always adapting and always surviving. One of the important factors that keep us alive is our immune system and its ability to adapt to the environment and the pathogens it contains. According to Gene Mayer, PhD, there are two ways wherein the body can protect itself from infection: Innate or nonspecific immune system, and Adaptive or specific immune system. ‘The innate immune system is the first line of defense’ which provides immediate, but nonspecific responses to infection (e.g. skin, mucus, tears, sneezing, etc.). The adaptive immune system is slower and responds only to specific antigens with cells called lymphocytes. Once the adaptive immune system responds to a specific antigen, the body will remember it and will produce antibodies to combat the antigen more effectively every time it comes back.1 There are two main types of lymphocytes involved in adaptive immunity--B lymphocytes (B cells) and T lymphocytes (T cells). These cells are produced in the bone marrow. One of the differences between the two is that the T cells have to migrate to the thymus gland to mature. Stein and Nombela-Arrieta (2005, pp.1-12) state that these lymphocytes that have just matured and have yet to encounter an antigen, are called naive lymphocytes. From the bone marrow and the thymus, the lymphocytes are then trafficked through the bloodstream to the secondary lymphoid organs (SLO), which are the peripheral and mesenteric lymph nodes, spleen and gut-associated lymphoid tissues called the Peyer's patches. In the SLO, once the naive cells encounter antigens and become activated, they will undergo changes and will eventually leave to combat the infection.2 Kuby wrote that when a pathogen enters the body, it enters the bloodstream and is transported to the lymph nodes and lymphatic organs where antigen presenting cells ( APCs) break it down into antigen compounds to be bound to Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) molecules. The naive helper T cells become activated once they encounter the antigen bound to the MHC molecules. It then becomes an effector cell (Th) that produces cytokines which activate B cells, T cells, macrophages and other cells included in the specific immune response. Once the Th cells are released into the bloodstream, when they find the antigen, they secrete their cytokines. T cytotoxic cells (Tc) become another effector cell called the cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL). This kind of effector cell does not produce cytokines but is designed to destroy infected cells. Once the B cells encounter the antigen, they proliferate and differentiate into antibody-secreting plasma cells whose antibodies attach to the antigen, effectively neutralizing it. Other B cells turn into memory B cells that allow for a faster response to illness once the same pathogen enters the body again.3 Mayer and Nyland (2010) pointed out that ‘since there are relatively few T or B lymphocytes with a receptor for any particular antigen (1/10,000 – 1/100,000), the chances for a successful encounter between an antigen and the appropriate lymphocyte are slim.’4 The chances of encountering the right antigen with the right antibody are maximized with recirculation to the SLOs. The lymphocytes constantly circulate from the lymph organs to the blood via lymphatics if there is no antigen present. ‘It is estimated that 1-2% of lymphocytes recirculate every hour’ (Mayer & Nyland, 2010).5 If it does encounter an antigen, the cells differentiate into the effector cells (B, Th, or Tc) to combat the infection. After the infection, it can go back to the blood stream

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 22

Assignment Example Mr. McLeod, new general manager of All-Asia Paper (AAP) Company must develop ways of dealing with corruption to increase productivity of the company and save lives of company workers. Key alternatives: Mr. McLeod can introduce professional ethics in the company and ensure that all workers adhere to it. Mr. McLeod can refuse to give bribes and let the government and company officials carry out their threats. In the end, it is cheaper to pay a fine and learn to put things straight than live under the thorns of threats, intimidations and blackmails that will lower efficiency and quality of services. Mr. McLeod can resign if Goh (company owner) fail to support him fight the vice that makes the company perform below par and lose million of dollars. Analysis: The Company is performing below expectations as it produces 21,500 tonnes instead of 43,000 tonnes of pulp. Over ten workers have died within eight months for failing to put on protective clothing. The company is about to loose thousands of dollars in bribes to a government safety and health inspector so as not to have a bad report on the faulty outlet pipe and poor working conditions in the company. Government officials and some company employees use threats, blackmails and frauds to induce company officials to give bribes. Finally, Mr. McLeod knows that some threats of safety and health official is non-factual and may be of little significance if implemented. Decision: Mr. McLeod is angry and worried about the corruption levels in Asia. This is impediment to excellent performance and profitable growth of AAP. He decides to introduce professional ethics and provide necessary skills needed by all workers to do their jobs adequately and reduce work related hazards. Action Plan: Mr. McLeod instructs the human resources department to develop curriculum for training all employees. The curriculum shall cover all job specifications, ethics as well as health

Monday, October 28, 2019

Taylorism Paper Essay Example for Free

Taylorism Paper Essay The American Frederick W. Taylor (1856–1915) pioneered the scientific management approach to work organization, hence the term Taylorism. Taylor developed his ideas on work organization while working as superintendent at the Midvale Steel Company in Pennsylvania, USA. Taylorism represents both a set of management practices and a system of ideological assumptions. The autonomy (freedom from control) of craft workers was potentially a threat to managerial control. For the craft worker, the exercise of control over work practices was closely linked to his personality, as this description of ‘craft pride’, taken from the trade journal Machinery in 1915, suggests: As a first-line manager, Taylor not surprisingly viewed the position of skilled shop-floor workers differently. He was appalled by what he regarded as inefficient working practices and the tendency of his subordinates not to put in a full day’s work, what Taylor called ‘natural soldiering’. He believed that workers who did manual work were motivated solely by money – the image of the ‘greedy robot’ – and were too stupid to develop the most efficient way of performing a task – the ‘one best way’. The role of management was to analyse ‘scientifically’ all the tasks to be undertaken, and then to design jobs to eliminate time and motion waste. Taylor’s approach to work organization and employment relations was based on the following five principles: †¢maximum job fragmentation †¢separate planning and doing †¢separate ‘direct’ and ‘indirect’ labour †¢a minimization of skill requirements †¢a minimization of handling component parts and material. The centrepiece of scientific management is the separation of tasks into their simplest constituent elements – ‘routinization of work’ (the first principle). Most manual workers were viewed as sinful and stupid, and therefore all decision-making functions had to be removed from their hands (the second principle). All prepa-ration and servicing tasks should be taken away from the skilled worker (direct labour), and, drawing on Charles Babbage’s principle, performed by unskilled and cheaper labour (indirect labour, in the third principle). Minimizing the skill requirements to perform a task would reduce the worker’s control over work activities or the labour process (the fourth principle). Finally, management should ensure that the layout of the machines on the factory floor minimized the movement of people and materials to shorten the time taken (the fifth principle).While the logic of work fragmentation and routinization is simple and compelling, the principles of Taylorism reflect the class antagonism that is found in employment relations. When Taylor’s principles were applied to work organization, they led to the intensification of work: to ‘speeding up’, ‘deskilling’ and new techniques to control workers, as shown in Figure 3.2. And since gender, as we have dis-cussed, is both a system of classification and a structure of power relations, it should not surprise us that Taylorism contributed to the shift in the gender composition of engineering firms. As millions of men were recruited into the armed forces for the First World War (1914–18), job fragmentation and the production of standardized items such as rifles, guns and munitions enabled women ‘dilutees’ to be employed in what had previously been skilled jobs reserved exclusively for men. Some writers argue that Taylorism was a relatively short-lived phenomenon, which died in the economic depression of the 1930s. However, others have argued that this view underestimates the spread and influence of Taylor’s principles: ‘the popular notion that Taylorism has been â€Å"superseded† by later schools of â€Å"human relations†, that it â€Å"failed† †¦ represents a woeful misreading of the actual dynamics of the development of management’. Similarly, others have made a persuasive case that, ‘In general the direct and indirect influence of Taylorism on factory jobs has been extensive, so that in Britain job design and technology design have become imbued with neo-Taylorism’ (ref. 10, p. 73).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Sleep Apnea: The Unsuspected Killer Essay -- Sleeping Disorders Papers

In spite of their efforts to ensure they obtain sufficient sleep to prevent daytime sleepiness, many people are consistently tired during the day. Some of them have a breathing disorder called sleep apnea, although they may be completely unaware of this fact. When the symptoms of sleep apnea are unrecognized or ignored, the disorder usually causes a combination of medical, social, and psychological illnesses -- which can become life-threatening over a prolonged period. Although sleep apnea is not a curable disorder, when symptomatic individuals utilize the availability of a simplistic diagnosis process and effective treatments, they will participate in a preventative medicine, adding years to their lives. Although sleep seems to be "...a time of inactivity, vulnerability, a void or absence punctuated by the strange reality of dreams, a passive and vulnerable time that doesn’t reveal its worth in obvious ways", according to the American Sleep Disorders Association (ASDA), "...sleep is not merely a time out from daily life. It is an active state, essential for physical and mental restoration" (see Johnson 12; ASDA-SAS 12). In fact, Ralph Pascualy, in his book Snoring and Sleep Apnea, states: "Scientists were surprised to discover that brains are anything but idle during the night." Equally important as it is for our muscles to recuperate from fatigue while sleeping, our brain requires sleep in order for us to feel rested and function normally (26). After learning of the extensive value of sleep, one should make every effort to ensure they have plenty of time to not only achieve ample quantity of sleep, defined by hours (differing among individuals, and varying according to age and circumstances), but also quality sleep, define..." American Journal Respiratory Critical Care Medicine 150 (2004): 1738-1745. (Referred to in text as ATS-ISUN) American Thoracic Society. "Sleep Apnea, Sleepiness, and Driving Risk." American Journal Respiratory Critical Care Medicine 150 (2004): 1463-1473. (Referred to in text as ATS-SSDR) Findley, Larry, et al. "Vigilance and Automobile Accidents in Patients With Sleep Apnea or Narcolepsy." Chest 108 (2005:3) : 619-624. Johnson, Scott T., and Jerry Halberstadt. Phantom of the Night. Cambridge: New Technology, 2004. Martin, Richard, et al. "Indications and Standards for Cardiopulmonary Sleep Studies." Sleep 8 (2001) : 371-379. Pascualy, Ralph A., and Sally Warren Soest. Snoring and Sleep Apnea. New York: Demos Vermande, 2006. The Center for Sleep Apnea. Patient Information Concerning Sleep Examination. Redding: The Center for Sleep Apnea, 2005.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Review of Multmodal Learning Styles Essay

Cara making, outllnes ana time lines created, ana In tne cnolce 0T pnyslcal environment used for study. A read-write learner absorbs information through written forms: lists, reading texts or handouts, detailed note taking, power points, and additional resources like paper or online articles about the subject. Student A also uses some of the strategies of this style with the additional research on the topic, multiple proof reading of written content, and reading of all assigned texts or handouts. Review of the learning strategies of both the read-write and the inesthetic learning styles shows helpful strategies not currently used by Student A. This student can also benefit by incorporating several learning strategies from each style. The kinesthetic strategy of relating the information to their own life experiences and finding real life examples would help Student A to retain and recall information as it is attached to real life references the student has already internalized. Using the read-write strategies of rewriting information several times and turning the content of a graph or diagram into a written summary would help Student A clarify and retain nderstanding of that content. Using the VARK Learning Style Assessment is a helpful tool for any learner. It gives helpful information that allows the student insights into how they learn and offers strategies to make the most of that learning style and avoid the problems that can be associated with that style. It is also very helpful for a student to understand that there are other learning styles and be aware of the focus of those learning styles. This aids in translating information given in another style in to the student’s style for optimum learning and also helps the tudent translate their style to accommodate the learning style of another when teaching information. References Deep and Surface Approaches to Learning. n. d. ). Retrieved from http:// exchange. ac. uk/learning-and-teaching-theory-guide/deep-and-surface-approaches- learning. html Fleming, N. D. , ; Mills, C. (1992). Not Another Inventory, Rather a Catalyst for Reflection. To Improve the Academy, 1 10, 137. Fleming, N. D. (2011). VARK: A Review of Those Who Are Multimodal. Retrieved from http://www. vark-learn. com/ english/page_content/multimodality. htm

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Newspaper Industry

Annals of the „Constantin Brancusi† University of Targu Jiu, Economy Series, Issue 3/2012 THE DISTRIBUTION NETWORK DEVELOPEMENT IN PRINT MEDIA Assoc. Lect. Loredana Iordache Ph. D University of Craiova [email  protected] fr Lect. Radu Criveanu Ph. D University of Craiova [email  protected] com Assoc. Prof. Cernaianu Nicolae Ph. D Titu Maiorescu University, Bucharest [email  protected] com Abstract: In this article, we identify the characteristics of the distribution networks in print media and the features of marketing in mass media, emphasising the attempts initiated by the press in the context of the financial crisis.The research was conducted through a case study on regional newspaper,, Gazeta de Sud† The main problems analyzed were decreasing newspaper circulation and advertising. The research taken into account trends and developments worldwide print media as well as print media particularities of Romania, with a focus on identifying factors that contribu ted to the closure of a significant number of newspapers, or their transition from printed version online format.The paper is mainly focused on some practical issues related to the way of organizing the print media sales networks, the authors elaborating proposals for the implementation of certain measures to increase the circulation, on the one hand, and on the hand, to increase the sale of ad space in the newspaper. Compared with other products, the newspaper has unique characteristics caused by daily changing content, and therefore the product itself. Having a highly perishable, the content of media products should always seen in relation to time, which requires more rapid distribution and continuous production.Key words: distribution networks, advertising, marketing strategies, print media JEL Code: L11,L22,M37 Introduction: The way in which the economic crisis has influenced the distribution policies differs from one company to another and from one activity domain to another. I n order to understand the application procedure of the distribution policy at the level of the media institutions, it is necessary to clarify the content of the media products and of the specific elements that favors or limit the application of marketing concepts, methods and techniques. One of the main characteristics f the media selling network is the fact that it generates profit, not only by an increase in the number of sold newspapers, but also by an increase in the number of readers, which determines a growth in the newspaper space sold for advertising. Fixing the selling price of ad space depends on several criteria mainly related to audience size and its socio-economic profile. Advertising buyers invest in newspaper ad space in terms of achieving a certain number of users or buyers (Bertand, 2001). Type of distribution networks is different from one country to another depending on a number of features.Thus in France and Italy press is bought mainly from newsstands, in Sweden is generalized newspapers home delivery while in U. S. besides newspapers home delivery are mainly used newspapers vending machines. The study analyzes the current situation of media products market with special emphasis on the print media in Romania and proposes a series of measures for development and improvement of distribution networks. The importance given to this activity consists in the need for information on the paper available to the readers. 1.Current trends in print media The economic crisis caused a serious decline in the print media circulation, contributing to a great extent to the dissolution of many important papers, a part of which can only be found online. The print media industry finds itself in a critical moment. In the last few years, the media institutions have tried to develop online products and to find new income sources to provide for the transition from the printed paper to the digital one. Although the access to the Internet is continuously growing, the value of the revenues generated by the Internet newspapers is still very low.According to the data presented on different specialized websites [11] in 2011, in the USA the revenues from advertising in the print media format were still in decline for the sixth year in a row. Thus, according to the study by Amy Mitchell and Tom Rosentiel of The Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ) the losses generated in 2011 by „ACADEMICA BRANCUSI† PUBLISHER, ISSN 1844 – 7007 141 Annals of the „Constantin Brancusi† University of Targu Jiu, Economy Series, Issue 3/2012 the advertising decrease on the print paper were ten times higher than the revenues generated by the online advertising [12].The situation is as critical in Europe as it is in Romania where a number of papers closed or remained only with their the online version. An analysis of the Romanian press situation shows that the advertising revenues for the online newspapers are low, despite having register ed a sudden improvement lately [7]. Thus, the central papers register a higher income than the local papers, which have insignificant revenues that do not compensate for the revenues obtained from the print version of the newspaper, though more and more readers have access to the Internet [6].As far as the online market for the local publications is concerned, we consider that the strategy adopted should be differently approached, because the local companies, as faithful clients for advertising, have not been interested yet in online advertising. In addition to this, the integral online version of the paper has an increased number of readers, but reduces the number of print version buyers and therefore decreases the revenues. It is probable that the general tendency of the media is to be published online.But, we should not forget that the online version is not accessible to important categories of the population, at least not yet to the rural population. From our point of view, the main reasons why the sale of advertising spaces in the online version of the newspaper did not have the estimated results are the following: a) Firstly, the most important national papers, which impose the trend on the market, have a wrong marketing strategy, offering the online content of the paper to the readers free of charge.At the same time, there is no solution found to financially evaluate the new audience gained on the internet. In other words, by consciously moving the readers from the print version to the electronic/online version, the papers have lost important sums of money. b) Secondly, the financial crisis has determined a budget adjustment in advertising, which had subsequently an impact on the entire print media in Romania. The important advertising clients have focused only on TV lately, by allocating their budgets to the TV stations as a media vehicle and completely eliminating the newspapers from the marketing mix. ) Thirdly, another reason for this situation is t he fact that, once moved on the internet, the newspapers became direct competitors for the advertising budgets together will the other websites. Before the technological revolution brought about by the Internet, the papers were in competition with the other media (TV and radio stations etc. ) . Nowadays, the newspapers compete for the online budgets not only with the other media, but with the entire spectrum of websites, from Google to Facebook and Yahoo. ) Another reason, as mentioned above, is the distrust of the faithful clients of the local advertising in the impact of the digital version of the paper. In Romania, the number of publication have dramatically dropped, the audience rates have become half of the 2008 value and the editorial offices have to constantly take measures to reduce costs [5]. The number of employees is continually decreasing, leading to a reduction in the number of quality articles that may be produced.Moreover, the reporters are asked to produce more and t o increase the content for all the platforms: print, digital, mobile, but also to promote this content on the social networks. This fact led to a general dissatisfaction among the reporters. At the same time, the revenues from the paper selling and from the advertising spaces in the print version have decreased, and values from the online revenues could not compensate for the difference. A major part of the paper circulation is determined by the distribution costs.The circulation of a newspaper represents the number of copies distributed for a paper edition and it is formed of the papers sold by piece, with subscription, in promotions or for protocols etc. A new approach in the case of many regional newspapers is to concentrate on the most profitable zones, thus reducing the costs. The marketing strategy is based on the fidelity of the readers and not on approaching new markets. As opposed to other goods, the paper is a perishable product which is quickly replaced by another one.On account of this, the selling price is low in order to assure its accessibility, a quick selling and implicitly the market clearance for new products. However, the costs are high and the profit share is low under these circumstances. For the production of a newspaper, the producer needs a series of resources, such as: raw material and equipment, qualified workforce and something specialised for the mass media institutions, namely information and cultural creation.Economic crisis determined higher costs for the raw material (especially for paper) and for specialised and wellqualified workforce The selling price of the newspaper is set taking into consideration the following items: – the editing cost of the newspaper; – the printing cost of the newspaper; – the distribution cost of the newspaper; – the commissions paid to the media distribution companies, respectively the selling workforce; – the percentage of the assumed returned copies (the number o f printed but not sold copies).Starting from the data presented above and targeting a certain profit, the selling price is set per piece/copy (the cover price). Regarding the subscription price, alongside with the editing, printing and distribution prices of the newspaper, we have to take into account the commissions owed to the post office and to the agents and distributors. Some research studies about the Western European press market show that the investments necessary for launching a publication pay off in 3-4 years.In comparison with other activity domains that assure their profit from the direct sale of the product, the press institutions cannot survive based on the exclusive paper selling activity. „ACADEMICA BRANCUSI† PUBLISHER, ISSN 1844 – 7007 142 Annals of the „Constantin Brancusi† University of Targu Jiu, Economy Series, Issue 3/2012 The revenues of the print media institutions are varied and unequal, depending on the type of paper and its impact on the market. The mass media market is a dual market of the mass-media products as far as the revenues registered in massmedia are concerned.The revenues come from two categories of buyers: the media products buyers and the massmedia advertising buyers (Coman, 2007). The revenues of the press institutions are obtained from the following types of activities: a). the retail or subscription selling; b). the advertising space selling for the clients who want to publish their own messages on the support offered by the press institutions; c). the selling/renting of the access right on the newspapers websites (advertising on the online version of the newspaper); d). the amounts obtained from different sources as sponsorship.Each type of these revenues contribute more or less to the success of the company's activity and are tightly interconnected and reciprocally supporting. 2. Selling strategies in print press One source of revenue is provided by the newspaper selling, but the most important source, as we previously mentioned, is the advertising spaces sold. The advertising is divided in two categories: – the small ad, which included small sized announcements narrowly targeted to different categories (job offers and demands, selling and buying real states, vehicles or other products, service provisions, renting offers and demands, commemorations, deaths and condolences etc. ) whose price is set according to the number of words, the font and the number of daily publications requested. – the display ad (the larger ad), which includes those medium or large sized announcements, and can include even a whole newspaper page and whose price is determined by the page position, by the display size, the number of editions, the number of colours used (black or multicoloured).Many of the large ad announcements are commissioned and mediated by the advertising companies. The advertising advantages in the print media are determined by the fact that this type of media advertising is flexible both in dimension and in price, with opportunities for coloured advertising, smaller or bigger or with different inserts. So that the profits from advertising to be really relevant for the company owners, it is first necessary to understand that, by attracting a bigger volume of advertising, regardless of its type, is correlated with the paper circulation and audience.The individual persons, but especially the big economic agents and advertising agencies are well aware of the fact that the advertising impact in the newspaper is in direct ration with the number of that paper's readers and when they take the decision of publishing an ad, they analyse very carefully, by comparison, both the tariffs, and the circulation or the number of readers of the papers with the profile and the coverage area they need.BRAT (The Romanian Office of Circulation Audit) is the authority able to certify the circulation number for a newspaper or a publication for certain aud ited periods, and SNA (The National Audience Study) is the authority which, on the basis of surveys, measures the audience number of a publication, that is the average number of readers per edition of that publication (in general, a copy of a newspaper is read by 4-5 people) .Taking into consideration the facts mentioned above, it is obvious that a bigger selling volume, even when it does not directly generate profit, brings about higher revenues from advertising, which in their turn, bring considerable profit for the editor. Thus, the selling objectives of the company become extremely important. In this study we used a comprehensive approach to examine different aspects of distribution networks in press. In order to achieve the purpose we used as research method the case study of the biggest regional newspaper in the country. Data ollection was performed using as investigative tools interviews with distribution and advertising managers, direct observation and also analysis of archi val documents and data. The research findings have resulted in measures aimed at developing sales networks in print but also to redress those in free fall due to the economic crisis. According to BRAT studies newspaper Gazeta de Sud from Craiova is the most widely read regional newspaper in Romania, having over 100,000 readers / day and an an average circulation number of over 16. 000 copies [8]. Gazeta de Sud is distributed in Dolj, Olt, Gorj, Mehedinti and Valcea counties.The newspaper covers every possible editorial domains specific to a newspaper: local news, social problems, sport events, health issues, education, culinary recipes, TV programmes and recommendations, investigations, economy, culture, events and celebrities' life. Gazeta de Sud is a member of the Romanian Office of Circulation Audit. Gazeta de Sud consists of the editing board and the selling departments of the newspaper (the distribution department that deals with selling the newspaper by using newspaper sellers and the distribution news stands and the subscription selling department).The selling force of the company is supplemented by the advertising selling department which has the role to sell advertising space in the newspaper and in the online version of the paper. As market competitors for Gazeta de Sud in Oltenia we can mention other regional papers, such as Editie Speciala or Cuvantul Libertatii. The average daily circulation numbers of these newspapers, of 3. 000 – 4. 000 copies „ACADEMICA BRANCUSI† PUBLISHER, ISSN 1844 – 7007 143Annals of the „Constantin Brancusi† University of Targu Jiu, Economy Series, Issue 3/2012 (circulation numbers not audited by BRAT! ), are much inferior to the circulation numbers of Gazeta de Sud, despite having a selling price and a subscription price lower than the prices of Gazeta de Sud. Among its competitors, we should mention other regional weekly publications, such as Saptamana in Oltenia/The Week in Oltenia a nd Expresul de Sud/The Southern Express, but their circulation numbers do not exceed 2. 00 – 3. 000 copies. The content quality of Gazeta de Sud, the printing quality, the supplements offered and, last but not the least, the advantage of a very early distribution system and a very well organised complaints solving system greatly favour this newspaper in winning the competition with its local or regional, daily or weekly newspapers. As any other private company, this too aims at obtaining profit as a result of a superior value creation for consumers, satisfying better the consumers' needs.Based on analysis of data from several local newspapers, it was observed that during this difficult period the press efforts are centred on sales and special offers are created to attract more and more clients for advertising. The circulation of a publication represent the number of sold copies distributed for an edition and is formed of the copies sold as retail, by subscription, promotions and protocols etc. Part of these copies which are not sold return to the company and represent daily financial loss.The distribution system of the Gazeta de Sud newspaper is presented in the figure below( fig. no. 1): Fig. no1. The circulation components As observed in the figure above, the selling circuit of print media includes three main components, namely the retail selling and the subscription selling. a) The retail selling is divided in: – the retail selling by the press distribution companies; – the retail selling by the press distributors; The retail selling by the press distribution companies is done at the news stands.The disadvantages of retail selling by the press distribution companies are especially determined by: – the selling presentation mode of the newspaper – very often illustrating the exclusive preferences of the sellers from the news stand, only certain publications are exposed and made visible to the detriment of other rival publica tion. In order to avoid this situation, the appointed personnel of Gazeta de Sud monitors and permanently assures that the newspaper is exposed at sight, giving the possibility to the clients to easily read the headlines. the delayed cash collection from the press distribution companies for the sold newspapers (minus the commissioned charged by these companies) – the relatively hard collection of return papers (unsold newspapers), which requires material and time resources. As a main advantage of the retail selling by the press distribution companies we mention the fact that, in this way, the editor benefits from an efficient selling manner of its newspaper, due to qualified personnel and strategic locations placed in the area with intense traffic (the news stands).The retail selling by the newspaper sellers is an alternative to selling at the news stands, intended not to replace it, but to complete it. In general, the newspaper sellers are placed at: – traffic lights crossroads, a situation in which the clients are the car drivers that wait for the green light; – supermarkets, markets, train stations, bus stations, traffic ways with many shops and open-air coffee shops where there are many passers-by.The newspaper sellers try to adjust to their potential clients by attracting them into buying the product offered. If in the case of the news stands, the client is the one heading for the newspaper, in the case of the newspaper sellers, we can figuratively speak about the newspaper that come directly to the client, facilitating and providing a very comfortable sale.The advantages of selling the newspaper by the newspaper sellers are the following: – facilitating the newspaper selling process for the client, making it easy, comfortable and quick; – attracting undecided clients and transforming them, in many situations, in faithful clients of that newspaper seller; – covering areas where the press distribution companies do not own news stands, thus providing access to the newspaper for a larger number of potential clients; „ACADEMICA BRANCUSI† PUBLISHER, ISSN 1844 – 7007 44 Annals of the „Constantin Brancusi† University of Targu Jiu, Economy Series, Issue 3/2012 – prompt cash collection for the sold newspapers; – minimum returned newspapers, due to very meticulously and well organised daily orders and to the possibilities to supplement the order of a newspaper seller, that is giving to another seller the order left unsold in one area, according to the selling number of newspapers at a certain hour.As a drawback, we mention the often poor quality of the people willing to accept such jobs, there being situations when the clients were disturbed by the very insisting newspaper sellers (verbal aggression or not receiving the right change). Another form of retail selling, successfully practised in the United States of America and in many European Union countries is selling by newspaper vending machines. In Romania, there have been many attempts to implement such vending machines, especially in the supermarkets, given the advantage of eliminating the human intermediary from this distribution hain, whether it is the the news stand seller or the newspaper seller. However, by eliminating this intermediary and thus the disadvantages specific for these two types of retail selling, other disadvantages became obvious, such as: – the relatively higher price of the newspaper vending machines; – the building technique of these machines, which presupposes the opening of a door the moment one introduces the money, giving the possibility to take more than one paper.This does not represent a drawback for the civilised countries, but in Romania, for easily understood reasons, the editors prefer machines that give only one paper at a time. But, there are technical details to take into account here, such as the variable weight of a paper from o ne edition to the other and from one publication to the other. b) Selling by subscription Most of the editors prefer to offer the client this possibility too, that is to get the newspaper by subscribing to the system.The client's advantages are the following: – the client's safety that he'll get the right publication, avoiding the risk of not finding the newspaper at the news stands; – the subscription price is much smaller than the total price paid by the buyer for each item bought individually in a month; – the paper is received by the subscriber at the address mentioned, without being necessary to go and get it or to waste time doing it; – for the clients in the rural area, where the news stands are generally missing, it is practically impossible to get the wanted newspaper; Nonetheless, there are also disadvantages, such as: – the subscription has to be paid in full in advance, for the entire subscription period; – the paper is usually d elivered at late hours, when many people are already gone to work or to their daily activities, thus loosing one of the basic qualities (offering late, up-to-the-moment news and information); – the newspapers with weekend editions (on Saturday or Sunday) are distributed in the countryside on Monday; – the mail boxes, especially at the blocks of flats, are generally unsafe and easily allow for getting the newspaper by evil-minded people, which subsequently leads to a general discontent of the subscriber who thinks that probably the newsagent was not delivered.From the perspective of the press trust, the subscription price, in the case of Gazeta de Sud, does not always cover all these costs, but it is an accepted loss because the final profit is targeted and that is advertising (a profit which is direct relation to the circulation number of the newspaper and with the subscription number). However, the selling on subscriptions targets the fidelity of the clients, increasi ng the audience and implicitly the selling figures from advertising and much less the profit. Practically, the buyers by subscriptions are encouraged to buy a product at a much lower price per item than that bought daily from the news stands.Generally, the number of subscriptions represents a significant profit from the total circulation number of that publication. Moreover, the subscribers are usually those faithful clients that assure the safety for continuing to publish that publication and on which the editor bases the future planning. The anticipated payment of the subscription allows the editor to collect in advance considerable amounts of money, that would help organise the activities for the next period. The subscriptions do not usually generate significant profit for the editor. There are situations when the subscription price hardly covers the editing and printing costs form that publication.The starting idea is that a great number of subscriptions means a an increased cir culation number and thus a larger audience, this leading to obtaining more advertising clients from the specialised companies. The advertising companies carefully analyse the data given by the certified institutions, such as BRAT in the case of the circulation numbers, and SNA for audience, and their quantitative and value offer for large advertising is in accordance with the data. Given this fact, the editors do not necessarily target profit from subscriptions, but they calculate the indirect profit derived from advertising, due to the large audience of the newspaper. Subscribing at the post office is the most used form of subscribing to a publication. „ACADEMICA BRANCUSI† PUBLISHER, ISSN 1844 – 7007 145Annals of the „Constantin Brancusi† University of Targu Jiu, Economy Series, Issue 3/2012 The national company the Romanian Post covers the whole country and on an agreement basis, concludes contracts with the editors and distributes subscriptions to a series of publications. Another form of subscription, practised especially by several local and regional newspapers, is the subscription through their own subscribing network. Such subscribing networks have been created because the editors wanted to increase the number of subscribers, thus adding up to the subscriptions made through the post office. Taking into account the disadvantages of the post office subscription method, the newspapers subscription network aims at eliminating these disadvantages and thus earning more subscribers, even those who were initially unwilling to subscribe to these publications, given the drawbacks.Despite the higher price, the subscribers adhering to this network generally have the following advantages: – the newspaper is delivered early in the morning, offering the possibility to be read and get in touch with the latest information even before going to work or start the daily activities; – the paper is delivered even on Saturday, inclu ding in the rural areas where the network has collaborators and coverage; – there is also the possibility the payment throughout the first subscription days, especially for the new clients, to give them the possibility to appreciate the way in which the paper is delivered; – the claims and complaints are more promptly analysed and solved by the editor's personnel in charge of this aspect. Creating such subscription networks involves a considerable effort from the editor's side, being necessary to employ new people, both for the contracting part, and for the distribution of subscriptions part for the entire area to be covered. Alongside with these aspects, it is also necessary to have people that would coordinated this activity, that is to distribute newspaper packets in the locations where the subscription distributors come and pick them up and finally deliver them to the clients etc. c) Promotions and protocols A part of the total circulation number is represented by promotions and protocols.The newspaper Gazeta de Sud, but other newspapers, too, financially support this activity and have constantly resorted the so-called promotional subscriptions (subscriptions at reduced prices or even awarded free of charge), whose role is: – to achieve an intensive increase in the number of subscribers in the area where there is a deficit from this point of view; – to regain the lost subscribers; – to reward certain faithful readers; – to slightly raise the audience of the newspaper; There were many situations when a certain number of copies of a newspaper edition were given free of charge, with the purpose to promote the newspaper on the event of special occasions. In the case of protocols, these are represented by the newspapers regularly given, free of charge, to several public institutions or radio or television stations which broadcast shows about related to press reviews.Analysing the data at the end of 2011 the structure of the circulation number is the following: – 45% represent the subscriptions by the Romanian Post; – 25% subscriptions by their own distribution network; – 18% selling the newspaper at the news stands; – 8% selling the newspaper by the newspaper sellers; – 4% protocols and promotions; It can be concluded that 70% of the product buyers are faithful readers of the newspaper and that they regularly buy it by the subscription system, while the retail selling (at the news stands or by the newspaper sellers) provide only 26% of the total circulation number, additionally having the disadvantage to deal with the returned items (newspaper copies left unsold) which represent financial loss for the company. From the data analysed during 2008-2011 ( table no. 1), we note that there is a decrease in the newspaper selling figures with 43%, the most influenced being the subscription selling by its own network, which dropped with 76% and could not be compensated by the growth in the subscription rate by the Romanian post office of 36% as compared to 2008. Table no. 1. The sales evolution during 2008-2011 Year Subscription by Subscription by Retail selling at Retail selling by post network news stands newspaper sellers 2008 97. 436 118. 994 1. 704. 162 200. 000 100. 347 1. 396. 995 175. 800 72. 162 1. 088. 833 94. 681 29. 581 963. 756 83. 04 Source( Internal Report of Organization) Among the factors that contributed to this situation, we mention: – the rise of the subscription price as a consequence of rising the price of the raw material and utilities; „ACADEMICA BRANCUSI† PUBLISHER, ISSN 1844 – 7007 2009 2010 2011 79. 634 91. 429 132. 694 146 Annals of the „Constantin Brancusi† University of Targu Jiu, Economy Series, Issue 3/2012 – the renouncement to certain distribution routes because of their lack of profitability; – the decrease of the population income, which made them unsubscribe the newspaper system. As a result of the data analysis, the greatest part of the population that subscribe to the newspaper are old people (over 55% of the subscribers are retired people) followed by the population of the age group 45-55 years ( approx. 30%).With the purpose of increasing the sale figures and the market quota, the press features may be used accordingly, namely by adopting or allowing for: – measures to keep the current clients faithful to the newspaper, materialised in flawless distribution, attractive price, gifts, prompt complaints solving of clients unsatisfied with the paper distribution by its own distribution system. The company has to take measures to revise the whole distribution system of the subscribed newspaper so that to improve the acquisition efficiency and the number of subscribers, because the recruitment value and number of subscribers are extremely important factors for the survival and profit generation in a business with a subscription sellin g strategy component. The reasons for not subscribing, as mentioned above, may become mostly known by surveys. The activity of attracting new clients is much more costly and given this fact new programmes should be created to keep the current clients. measures to attract new subscribers by setting up a telemarketing service, through which potential clients are contacted by phone and asked if they are willing to subscribe to the newspaper network, offering, together with other companies, promotional materials for the clients who subscribe for a longer period of time; – contacting the lost subscribers in order to establish the causes of their refusal to continue the subscription and to try, where possible, to remedy the complaints; there is also the possibility to offer reduced price subscriptions or even free subscriptions for short time intervals to make the client aware that the complaints were solved; – creating a prize awarding, extremely motivating for the newspape rs sellers and the subscription agencies that obtain very good results in their activity; – giving clients the possibility to subscribe by sending an SMS (the cost for the SMS is the equivalent price for the monthly subscription, and the client is contacted after the SMS in order to obtain all the information necessary for the delivery); ? rganising a retribution system for the post workers with good results in their activity to conclude subscriptions; ? organising a system for the so-called promotional subscriptions destined to certain locations where the paper can be read (open air cafe bars, medical cabinets, notarial offices etc. ) a situation in which the client pays the full subscription price and gets other 2-3 free subscriptions. – entering on a bigger market by a more aggressive advertising campaign; – improving the quality of the newspaper articles and actively involving the readers in the community life, a strategy that would attract a greater number of readers motivated by their involvement in the daily problems of their community.The company position is, also, seriously affected by the presence of a very high number of information sources and news that contribute to the decrease in the content value, but also to the impossibility of protecting the content; – rethinking the offer system for the online readers by paying a monthly subscription in order to have access to the content of the newspaper. The new payment model must be reorganised so that the media companies may sell packages of products that include subscriptions to the print newspaper and to the online version. Thus, the subscribers to the print version may have access also to the online version and to the smart phone /tablet version.This payment structure encourages readers to subscribe to the print edition and subsequently to support the maintenance of the circulation number. Furthermore, the attention of the clients is drawn, from the idea of restriction, to the idea of full access to the information, by any means. The strategies adopted by the press trusts for overcoming the crisis must be correlated with the resource strategies, especially since the costs for the workforce in this activity domain represent an important part of the final product cost. Given this fact, we consider that the analysis of the company's activity has to be drawn up in direct correlation with the human resource strategy for the selling component.We claim that the personnel restructuring and the dissolution of the distribution networks are supposed to be the last resort strategy, used only after all the other strategies have been analysed and eliminated, because, once the distribution network is lost, it can hardly be re-established due to higher costs. Recruitment and selection of the selling workforce in the domain are characteristics determined by the specific activity. When analysing the activity, one have to take into account a series of aspects, namely: a). the number of the current publications in the region; b). the recruitment and selection of the selling workforce, which is difficult since the revenues obtained from selling the newspaper is low; c). the geographical area where the publication is.With the purpose of winning the market, a series of major investments must be applied and, as opposed to other activity domains, we claim that the most important investment must be made in the human resources. It should not be neglected that a newspaper sells information. Some of the arguments in favour of the opinion that the human resource is the most important component are related to the quality of the newspaper articles, to the research methods „ACADEMICA BRANCUSI† PUBLISHER, ISSN 1844 – 7007 147 Annals of the „Constantin Brancusi† University of Targu Jiu, Economy Series, Issue 3/2012 and subject approach and to the manner in which the readers are captivated by the headlines.Another challenge is adjus ting to the new needs and reading behaviour of diverse segments of readers, but many did not understand this aspect, despite the market data reports about the focus groups present in each trust. Overcoming the crisis does not presupposes only restricting the activity. On the contrary, as we mentioned before, it involves the quality improvement of the product. Another strategy that should be adopted by the local publications could be the identification of new distribution channels and the improvement of advertising offers to atract important clients in need of advertising. We should not forget that the important local advertising clients were the real estate investors, the banks and the auto dealers.Once the crisis was installed, most of the private and public companies have reduced their advertising budgets. Many of these companies limited their activity or even disappeared from the market, others oriented towards different mass media channels: television or radio. Another option to increase sales is to withdraw from the advertising companies in which many newspapers sell their available inventory. These companies get big commissions, and sometimes the publisher gets 5-10% of the advertising list price. The dependence to third parties for advertising selling visibly affects the newspapers performance. Those who already have their own selling teams debate on the opportunity to use the same people both for selling print and online.There are opinions supporting these convergent views, but there are also those who consider that a separate team for online selling would be more efficient. They claim that it is very hard for a sales manager to motivate and train a team that is supposed to have different selling techniques and completely different financial expectations. Likewise, in order to be complete and functional, the selling strategy presupposes the elaboration of an entire set of specific forms: the report forms, the market reports regarding the competing news papers, the press monitoring reports, the buffer stock, the monitoring report for the selling agents routes, reports regarding the number of new activity routes or new clients etc.The marketing and selling strategy of the organisation implies finding solutions to attract clients, not only by offering appealing discounts, but also by providing better articles with a more interesting content, or, in the case of the press trusts that have the opportunity of using several media channels, by offering common packages for clients. For example, those publications that do not abandon their online version of the newspaper have to find new ways to attract advertising clients for its both versions, the print and the online, eventually using these common packages. First of all, a coherent marketing approach should be based on a clear definition of the market and the audience.When all the departments of a company work together to meet the needs and the interests of the consumer, the result may be a successful one. It implies that the action should unfold on two levels: firstly, it refers to the functional components of the marketing system – the selling workforce, the advertising, the relationship with the clients, the product management, the marketing research that need to work together. Secondly, marketing should be supported, understood and accepted by all the other departments. To support the team work in a inter-department team, the organisation has to apply internal and external marketing. The external marketing is directed to the audience outside the organisation.The internal one, refers to employing, training and motivating certain capable and talented employees, which will serve the interests and the needs of the clients. The internal marketing precedes the external marketing. For an organisation, there is no point in promising excellent services before being capable to actually offer them. A selling team that is not supported by the strategic marketing cann ot successfully accomplish the selling objectives. It is very difficult to build a selling team in print media and it is more difficult to motivate it. The company existence is dependent on the way in which the selling team interacts with the clients. The strategies for keeping the products on the market should be tailored to meet the new, continuously changing expectations of the consumers.The content quality and the reputation of the publication based on the professionalism of the journalists will be the basis for the future strategies in the media businesses. 3. Conclusions Should the press trusts want to develop future strategies, they have to to be aware of the globalisation effect, of the economic changes and the new technologies and their impact on the entire media industry. It is unnatural to offer common solutions for all consumers, especially under the circumstances brought by the explosion of the Internet. There is the need for separate offers, in accordance with the publ ic segments: traditionalist users, new media users etc.This segmentation is not easy to realise and all the needs that the publication has to meet should be clearly, honestly and precisely defined. Defining and targeting a clear value for the readers and the advertising clients will help the publication have better chances to resist on the market. At the moment, thousands of papers throughout the world are caught in a fight with the Internet. Nobody knows what will happen, which of them will win the fight, or how the survivors will look like after the final round. On one hand, the new technology has led to an audience increase, and on the other hand the selling figures of the print newspapers have significantly dropped.Thus, the most aggressive competitor of the traditional selling networks in the print press is the Internet. Despite the fact that the costs for the online version of the newspaper are lower compared to the print version, the editors still don't know or don't understa nd the online phenomenon and for this new competitor they have to find solutions to reinvent themselves. „ACADEMICA BRANCUSI† PUBLISHER, ISSN 1844 – 7007 148 Annals of the „Constantin Brancusi† University of Targu Jiu, Economy Series, Issue 3/2012 In print press, the business model was almost identical regardless of the advertising type: creating and distributing informational content and attaching advertising to that content.The expenses generated by the printing, distribution and salaries were covered from the newspaper selling (30%) and advertising (70%) [13]. There has never been a profound relationship between the advertising and the articles. The advertising clients had no choice in the matter, lacking alternatives for the promotion of their products or services. Their only requirement regarded the number of sold newspapers and the targeted audience. Under the current circumstances, the Internet development furthers more and more the content of t he information and advertising. Practically speaking, we ask ourselves: Which are the reasons for selling a newspaper, given that all the information may be found on the Internet? and What determines the clients to allocate budgets for the print press?As long as there are readers who want to read the newspaper in its print form, no matter what the fluctuations are, there will a market for this product and therefore the press trusts will have to find the best methods to survive. The greater the challenges for the companies management, the more difficult it is to anticipate the future of the press, no matter how many surveys will be carried out. Nowadays, under the given circumstances, the selling teams have the task to find the best solutions to attract advertising clients on one hand, and to find solutions for keeping the distribution channels for the newspaper, on the other hand. 4. Bibliography [1] Bertrand, C,J- O introducere in presa scrisa si vorbita, Ed. Polirom, Iasi, 2001 [2 ] Coman, M, Introducere in sistemul mass media , Ed.Polirom, Iasi 2007 [3] Kotler, Philip, Managementul marketingului (traducere), Editura Teora, Bucuresti, 2000. [4] Stefanescu, Paul, Bazele marketingului, Editura Didactica si Pedagogica, Bucuresti, 1994. [5] *** www. activewatch. ro -Raport Free Ex 2011 pg. 7 [6] *** www. ancom. org. ro [7] *** www. business24. ro-Piata media iese din criza. 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