Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Organization Behavior OCB

Question: Describe about the Organization Behavior of OCB? Answer: Introduction Carrington (2001) says that in the recent times, the organization is continually finding the new ways where the growth is made in the response to the constant changes and with the todays dynamic work; there is also the need to have the successful organization needs that will further need the employees who will be performing more than the role requirements. When the situation is like that the employees are frequently making the exertion of the behavior then they exceed their formal role requirements and they also make the improvements in the overall functioning of the organization. The organizational citizenship behavior and its antecedents represent the various theories that are the set of the discretionary workplace behavior that will always exceed the basic of the jobs requirements. These ocb are often defined as the behaviors that will go beyond the call of a duty and the various researches that has been made spays that the since the time of its inception there is argued the by or gan and Bateman, that ocb is held to be the vital for the survival of the organization. Organ has further explained that the ocb can also maximize the productivity as well as the efficiency with the employees and the organization where there is made the ultimate contribution to the effective functioning of the organization. Even the western researchers have argued that when they made the empirical research n the ocb then, they made an investigation to be carried upon. Even in the India few of the researches such as by the niranjana, bhatnagar and sandhu, chaitanya etc. have made on it. Nevertheless, with this concept the most of the studies that have been carried upon, has utilized the generic conceptualization where the two-factor categorization as been made with this respect. According to the Williams and Anderson, although there is five dimensions frame work that ahs been used in the area, it was all prior to the research of the le pine and erez. Johnson, has also conducted a kin d of the meta-analysis where he said that there was made the examiner of the relationship with the dimensions and the addressing of this issue was made.le pine and the colleagues also are the suggestion that the researchers should consider the ocb at the aggregate level where they need to distinguish it ocb by the target that is kept in order to have whom the behavior is directed to. thus, it can be expressed that this study has used the two-factor in the organization with the consisting of the ocb and it directed towards the journal of the Indian academy of applied psychology individuals (ocbi).the very self report of the ocb of lee and Allen was chosen for the study because there was designed to have the measure ocb and ocbi than the previous scales. In this organizational citizenship involves lot of the variety of the behaviors that is kept between the employees, volunteering for the extra kind of the work and also including that of the representation of the organization in the positive light and atmosphere. More precise definition with the organizational citizenship behavior is that of the proved one rather than the difficult endeavor. Literature review Impact of personality on ocb and the performance of its own Kumar and bhakshi have found that there was the factor that relates to the four relations within the big five that will make the influence ocb. Using this kind of the regression there was indicated that the conscientious and the extraversion, neuroticism and agreeableness that will significantly affect then ocb, while there was the openness that will indicate the contrary effect. one of the researches as conducted by elanain , examined the affect of the big five personality on ocb add once it is controlled by the controlling variables then including the work locus of control and self esteem, with the organizational justice will change its new approach. The findings of this research could be said like there are five factor model that is also known as the predictor of the employees ocb. Emmerik and euwena have also made the study to examine the relationship that exists between the leadership group as the moderating factor and in this study there were kept around 286 teachers that are a cting like the respondents. The study then also revealed that when there are extraversion teachers then they are very much open to the experience and it will be more evolved the ocb compare to the introversion kind of the teachers who are not so open. Abd-el-Fattah (2010) says that the antecedents of the ocb and their effect on the teachers who obtain the high scores will said to be like the conscientious characterized with the more careful and responsible with the teachers are thus introverted and the neurotic personalities are very much less involved in the ocb ad thus they have the extrovert and the emotional stability. King et al, also has made the examination of the relationship with the personality and the helping behaviors in the workplace. In this study there was made the use of the 374 woenn who were the members of the association and with it showed that the strong conscientious had the more of the positive effect on it. Commitment on ocb and performance in respect of it Wagner and rush have clearly explained that organizational commitment is of very such nature that it will definitely include that of the affective commitment and the normative commitment with the commitment continuance that as the positive influence on the altruism and compliance (ocb).similar way, Kim also observed that the affective commitment has the positive influence on compliance. Ahmad (2008) is of the opinion that it can be said that with the facts, that the commitment has the bigger influence on ocb is made as to compare the customer behavior. While, alotaibi also found that there is n0o kind of the influence of the organizational commitment to ocb and this study revealed the different approaches to learn the commitments and it effects. The greatest effect on job satisfaction on ocb and also the performance alotaibi, has conducted the research that a study was concludes where it was found that the antecedents of ocb such as including that of the job satisfaction, perception of the fairness to the organizational commitment all are includes the procedural kind of justice. The distributive justice could be said to have the positive effect on the ocb. With the job satisfaction, and also the organizational commitment there is examines the relationship between the motivation, commitment, job satisfaction and ocb. Blankson (2005) says that the study that was conducted revealed that the positive kind of the relationship exists between the two will have some sort of good impacts and it is between the motivation and commitment. Even the employees satisfaction also exists between the ocb. In this regard, it can be said that when the keys and begum have found the impact on the employee satisfaction then it affects them. The study has also revealed that, with the Strauss, there is the relationship b etween the job satisfaction and the performance that states the productivity and it can be improved with the positive relationship that exists between the two. The job satisfaction has the negative effect on it. There was also found the relationship between the job satisfaction and the performance. The study was also conducted for the two ones. Conclusion Boehm (2009) makes the statement that it can be concluded that from the facts the personality has the positive and the significant effect on the organizational citizenship behavior where it means that organization commitment is insignificant on the OCB. It means that when the lectures have the high organizational commitment, therefore it is not necessary that there is the extra kind of the role in the university improvements. The OCB represents the various many dimensions that will made impact on various factors.orgazniational citizenship behaviors are often conceptualized with the socially desirable class of behaviors where different perspectives can be considered. It has been there purpose of the assignment to reveal that there are the attributions for the social desirability and also to make thee examination of the behaviors in the direct action reform with the observable form. Variety of the motives can be explained and all have the kind of the achievement and the affiliation. Mu ch of the researches are to be carried in the manner that it will make the good results in the field of the OCB with respect to it. As defined by organ, OCB reflects the good soldier syndrome where the need for the prosperity and the functioning of the every organization is very important. In this respect, with the various fields, there is made the urgent kind of the things that are needed in order to have the operation of the management in the organization with the better job and making the effort of the above and the beyond. There is seen the good behaviors and OCB is well-known for it. Such a good kind of the behaviors are very much important in the organization where there is made the use of it. References Carrington, B., Bonnett, A., Demaine, J., Nayak, A., Short, G., Smith, F. Tomlin, R. (2001). Ethnicity and the professional socialization of teachers: Final report to the teacher training agency. London: Teacher Training Agency. Abd-el-Fattah, S. M. (2010). Longitudinal effects of pay increase on teachers job satisfaction a motivational perspective. The Journal of International Social Research, 3(10), 11-21. Ahmad, H. Ahmad, K. Shah, I. A. (2010). Relationship between job satisfactions, job performance: Attitude towards work and organizational commitment. 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