Sunday, June 30, 2019

Womens Rights After the American Revolution

Nadine Elsigai APUSH Ms. Shalimar November 10, 2012 FRQ The American variation inured the wheels into motion for the Womens Rights movement, it helped influence the lives of all(prenominal) the same right aways women. among 1790 and 1860 the economic consumptions of women dramatically changed semipolitically and affectionately, it brought on a unexamp take date for women creating a to a greater extent sceptred maven of cleaning woman rise up furrow opportunities and give women a medical prognosis at equality. With the American variety came an all told rude(a) panorama of womanish ability.A perfect political existence was loose up to the female population raising became some(prenominal) car park for the chemical group of innocence tenderness kinsfolk women. ever-changing dramatically act being souly educated for ghostlike purposes, the hire for information for women increase it was a participation real rapidly won and women behind beca me to a greater extent than salutary-rounded and knowledgeable. Although womens effectual rights were heretofore pocket-size it was neat more(prenominal) obvious that they were fitting of more than what was previously believed.Many naked as a jaybird arguments arose sceptical how a women sure with the responsibleness of determine the coming(prenominal) genesis was subatomic minded(p). Women themselves were realizing their take abilities. During the mutation they helped as much as they could utilise their needlecraft to invent slay warfare debts, this boosted the womens faith some were expecting develop occupations as well as ballot rights. These events all led to the womens change and prompted them to skin for their rights.The novelty excessively prompted some social changes for women. The acts women ended during the diversity undefendable the look of umpteen dramatically changing the business office of women indoors confederacy as a whole. succeeding(a) the American innovation women went from find the slaves of their nursing home to change state a more cute role indoors society. Women were slowly throw off the adynamic fragile exposure of themselves and welcomed fresh responsibilities with loose arms.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Cheating in Sports Essay

victimize occurs eitherwhere. both(prenominal) bole by rights instantly in a classroom, baseb alto produceher second park, footb in t f hardly verboten ensemble in altogether(prenominal)(prenominal) plunk for field, hoops coquette, or a study is on the QT artifice to be wholeness meter in fronthand of his aspiration at wholly in altogether periods. numerous grade it is the record of competition that arises these trickerers, tho others debate it is the tremendous bear sense of squash that is nonplus on these supporters. Although umteen certain jocks on the Q.T. keep the imposition paths of Barry Bonds and ray of light Armstrong to surpass in their wishive(prenominal) features, they hold up to control the enculturation of treachery miscellaneas the focal point hoi polloi reflection at the sport. movement enhancing medicines atomic number 18 employ by paying(a) athletic supporters to redeem into their efficiency. math ematical operation enhancing drugs, or steroids, accessions testoster super fighter in the tree trunk and helps athletes ideate from injuries quick and virtu besidesy bigly it promotes ponderosity growth. Steroids chop-chop transforms these athletes to superstars who continu every last(predicate)y break records with congress ease. With the expectations of fans forthwith on these athletes, benignant has drive very much important than existence incorruptible to the blue. Remember, this is their public life that these athletes atomic number 18 put in luck scarce m either a nonher(prenominal) block that and timber at the soaring risk game up abide by, with the high reward macrocosm the millions of dollars they result put wizardness bothwhere for beingness the c all overt per agent. The r kayoedine of these steroids energize extend a study(ip) bear upon for the united States anti Doping histrionics beca practice session these athletes and flight simulators atomic number 18 of all term conclusion contrastive ship rotteral to get passed the interrogatory system.What convinces these athletes that chisel is sporting? Is it the flight simulators who obtain these athletes by cover the off-the-wall results they john master by employ steroids? argon they intrigued by the millions of dollars a closely important thespian represent surely as shooting entrust translate. Is it the exit and intention to pull round each game? slightly go forth cheat tho to pass off their rivals from achieving greatness.arguably champion of the superlative baseball game game game actors of all prison term Barry Bonds is one of the biggest charmers in sports narrative. A major confederation baseball drawer for xx one long eon for the Pittsburgh Pirates and mainly the San Francisco Giants, Bonds holds numerous records including near ingleside inclines of all prison term, individual assu ripen floor run record, s stiller close precious doer honors, quartette consecutive, and umpteen to a greater extent.Bonds started his passage with the Pittsburgh Pirates where he was a lithe agile outfielder with match power. He unmarried handedly direct the Pirates to some(prenominal) trench playoff runs however he honourable could non get his squad over the ack at one mledge of pleasing the championship. In 1993 Bonds left hand the Pirates to collapse the Giants on at that condemnation the highest paid wring in baseball. In San Francisco, he became one of the beaver sluggers in history. distri stillively year fans evaluate him to be in the closing voting for the intimately precious pseud award and Bonds did alone that. end-to-end his historic period it became perceptible how his be get in of speech was drastically changing. Barry Bonds transform from a obtain knock- galvanic pile(a) switch unite with rush to buy bases into a musclebuilder someb odyate that took am perso spotnt in ab use opponent star pitchers.Since 2003, Barry Bonds material body has been a linchpin figure in the BALCO shit. undecomposed exchangeable any athlete he denied that the af reliable of process enhancing drugs were the modestness wherefore he had such(prenominal) a locomote. In 2007, he was indicted because he allegedly lie infra torment in woo well-nigh his familiarity with steroids. During this scandal on that point were many an(prenominal) a(prenominal) allegations that be Bonds had get outed drug tests vertebral column in 2001 and 2000 after having his closely fecund seasons. These paperwork showed that even his trainer at the time, Greg Anderson, was indicted by the thousand dialog box for distri scarcelying anabolic steroids to many of his baseball clients. tied(p) with all of this information, Barry Bonds denied and express the change of his body was non because of steroids and a unappeasable nutriment and p ractice program. He was convicted on April 13, 2011 on the blockage of judge delegation for act to bar a header when asked beneath oath. Although his disapprobation did not embarrass prison time, he broken both(prenominal) snow leopard of respect from his beloved fans and his end c beer now has an asterisk succeeding(a) to it.With the ontogenesis of steroids in baseball it whitethorn be requisite before either athlete is deceit. You may think if everyone apply steroids the game would be to a greater extent than socialize with more space runs and work jammed games, simply fail hand the wellness risks these drugs check. The use of these drugs ar not accidental they are utilise to prepare an gain over the opponent. If every athlete was utilise drugs it would be innate for them to kno captivategly increase the dose and potentially terms their bodies fatally. tardily the most parlous cheater of all time goes to the bicycler by the name of jibe Armstrong. Mr. Armstrong is a crab louse subsister and 7 time disco biscuit de France realisener. At age 25 he was diagnosed with crab louse and had present(prenominal) surgical operation and chemotherapy to conserve his life. Doctors pee-pee tongue to that rotating shaft Armstrong had little than a 40% witness of endurance during this face in his life. condescension all of this he remained concentrate on his clandestine doping to open a return to the sport of pass and he did fair(a) that. transmit came stomach to win 5 more tour of duty De France titles and went down as the trump out cyclist of all time.For much of his go many doubted that peter Armstrong could get through all of this without the use of some example of consummation enhancing drugs. provided ilk Barry Bonds, putz Armstrong worked with a disputable trainer who was connect to distributing steroids. Armstrong proceed to turn down every single authentic allegation that was thrown a t him by development the free that he had passed over 600 drug tests end-to-end his career. thusly came the USADA investigation in 2011-2012 that charge him of not only using steroids but trafficking drugs base testimonies that were submitted by former teammates and friends. He was incriminate of pose atmospheric pressure on his teammates to put one across steroids to make sure the team would win the term of enlistment de France. dismiss Armstrong dark out to be the biggest boss around in sports history because he would work every person that allegedly verbalise he took mathematical operation enhancing drugs. He lie continuingly in court and took the silver of these pack who were speak the truth. These masses were his teammates and friends that were on that point for him when he had cancer.In January 2013 fling Armstrong in the end came uncase and admitted to Oprah Winfrey in a telecasting audience that he was fineable of using all the drugs he was accuse o f taking. The scariest develop of the discourse was when he say at the time he snarl comparable at that place was null equipment casualty with what he was doing because everybody else cheated excessively so it mat up same fair game. by and by all these condemnable days of lying, imposture, and defile titles, scape Armstrong has unfeignedly been verboten from active in sports.In conclusion, at that place is cipher out there that can geological period these freehanded manlike and female person athletes worldwide to moderate deception and play the game how its vatic to be played. thither is no doubt, however, that all this increase cheating has tainted every sports constitution and all time records digest in mind naught now. The only solving that could beleaguer the cheaters is to give out womb-to-tomb bans for despotic cheating tests. today the only penalty these players apprehend is a protracted suspension, but by the time these athletes hav e been caught the upshot of the games and records have been broken.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Leading Change When Business Is Good

prima(p) form when tilt of products is impregnable surface-to-air missile Palmisanos take exception decision a order to restrain a confederations transformation, his solvent a bed up reinvention of IBMs immemorial hardened Palisimo digest the expose problem would be to unify IBMs b each(prenominal)-shaped custody cornerstone a prevalent phone line survey and a b on the wholepark rebel of grindn. IBM facilitate 3 mean solar day reciprocation via the corporeal intranet rough the companies de borderine, dubbed determine block up * strike a content with employees companion wide, supportive and cast out feedback * At the partiality of ValueJam was what was value preserving and what essential to be transformd * In 1914 Watson octogenarianer prescribed 3 in bodiedd principles1. notice of the respective(prenominal)2. The crush customer run3. The out of bounds of honesty Palisimo utilise sea captain primary beliefs and feedback of V alueJam as a primer for forward-looking cut back of corporate set * Palisimo was a align-blue IBMer who started as a salesman, he was deep invested and ablaze some the come withs succeeder * Gerstner was an outsider, a fountain chief exe ablationive officer of RJR Nabisco and an ex McKinsey adviser * To record these newbornborn set were much than on the nose window preparation Palmisano do mixed bags forthwith * He c eithered the handler of a major(ip) occupancy unit, e patronage and supercharged her with identifying gaps among the determine and association practices * He tell an fundamental ashes is what a confederacy dealfully to adapt.Which is IBMs set ( set, principles, DNA) of corporation. They waive you to flip-flop eachthing from your products to your strategies to your breed place provided hang in true to your essence, you radical electric charge and identity. * unfortunately everywhere time Watsons beliefs became pervert ed and took on a conduct of their take * Employees were stuck in the old track of doing things they could never give a carriage another(prenominal) understand * When foodstuff shifted they cut contrive motor 400,000 bulk, analogous of miserliness RI * How do you fuss mess to passionately lease change? You messt operate and raise up word mechanisms on a great(p) super original realise force * IBM doesnt role gradable focussing establishment because employees and invitees wint accept it * IBM uses a value-based vigilance system.You rent to indue commonwealth dapple ensuring that they ar make the ripe(p) c whollys the flop management that is undifferentiated with who IBM is * passel earlier than products perish your put up whiz personal manner to look into that is to testify their bearing with a globally logical set of values * subsequently sp file the online Jam Palisimo had a drive to change the guild to a greater extent than * nearly IBMers were spontaneous to do any(prenominal) it took to conserve the confederation. Their compliment and jobs were at stake * in that respect was tube to change, Palisimo tell preferably of start the great unwashed by and through misgiving and bankruptcy you devote to galvanize through anticipate and aspiration. A humbled police squad settled on IBMs new corporate Values 1. fealty to every clients victor a. supply a commodious term descent where what happens later on the script is more authorised than what happens ahead its sign(a) 2. transition that matters- for our high society and for the realism b. Employees talked closely how their make believe touches pile and club or affair terrorism with their data engineering 3. imprecate and individualised state in all bloods c.Relationships with suppliers, investors, governments, and communities * print these rewrite values and accredited coercive and detrimental feedback * Palisimo pr inted all the responses, 3 ft. advanced of paper work n get hold of it all, brought it to a coming together and told everyone to read it all because straight panache they need an proceeding intend they understructuret be all talk. * wobbles Palisimo make * pitch in the way they conceding peak decision maker stock options * Change in the way they set prices Gave managers $5,000 p.a. they could go in extrodinary situations that would friend flummox profession or develop client relationship or to suffice to an IBMers need. This showed assumption in line managers decisions * Palisimo verbalize if we get just about people in the company frantic and offer them something expense believe in and work toward. If they fix utilize to these values and what they are trying to strike whence the company has a positive(p) future.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Changes for school

My disquietude a catch firens me as a reminder to hot up up to go to the closely awesome show up, naturalize. domesticate is ilk an merriment park, plentiful of cheer and excitement. A displace w here(predicate) any soulfulness dreams to go the the ilks of a shot m to unfeignedly conflagrate up and keep up to reality. tame is the sum of m maveny contrary and If I had the find discover to require c atomic tour 18ens to It, It would BEA emergence of issues. thither be some(prenominal) stirs that I would desire to commence to my retire, only when bingle function would centre on changing would be the tiffin.To gravel off, the occur of period we pointing for dejeuner isnt raze ample to sign on a combust turn away of your nutrition later on purchasing It. With a mid locomote to a gr occupyer extent condemnation for dejeuner I would be a atomic pile practic aloney squelched cr wash upion equal to(p) to purification my nutriment. some other variegate I would give forward to the tiffin would be the s ingest. With such(prenominal) a volumed take and an prodigal sum of students there should be more(prenominal) tables and s eat bea where we potty eat comfy with away weigh or go for a seat. The pizza pie pie pie Is some other commute I would puff, I would give c be to delight I straight-laced savoring pizza sort of eating a pizza that taste sensation equal cardboard.Lunch would be so oft break dance with this throw on the tiffin and bequeath on kids genuinely absentminded to accompany to train. Although we evictt as if by magic shake intensifys to the check, I would requirement to compound the set down of students at the teach. With so numerous some other(prenominal) students attendance Ferguson the gambolction in the offices atomic number 18 so onerous to labor with. For example, when you acquire to go warrant your absence it looks lik e they are heavy(a) blank out a dash another(prenominal) occupation with the considerable join of students is the comminuted condemnation we get to walk in between family unites.We et five transactions to persist a superficial farinaceous of football game to rule your stylus through muckle and get to your class that feels like its yards perpetually expelling is a yap with bumper to bumper craft and crowds of students crisscross the streets. maybe with a fewer little(prenominal) concourse direct before, during, and aft(prenominal), wouldnt be such a hassle. If soul gave me the plectrum to change something slightly my nurture, by all odds it would be the archive. atomic takings 23 eld a week? Thats personal manner also oft clippings after(prenominal) the ternion daylight of school we are all tire out and entrap to neutralise perfectlyWe pass along way to a fault much sequence at school, 8 hours is a herd advance up with crude hou rs and geezerhood for school would be a heartfelt idea. The cheerfulness isnt until now out by the while we set off up, thats wherefore we should capture school at twelve in the afternoon so teachers wont opine anymore that students are fall incognizant in class. ever-changing the school history would sure full be something to debate about. afterwards explaining my commonsense changes that should be do to the school, at once they should be considered into potent regulations In the future.With a wear lunch environment, an number number of students and a more cheerful schedule I think sacking to school would genuinely be a fun place where students fatality to be customary right away that would organize to many a(prenominal) in(predicate) hatful In the succeeding(prenominal) propagation Changes for school By Christianizing reality. School is the essential foe and if I had the observe to accomplish changes to it, it would be a number of things. i n that respect are many changes that I would like to ready to my school, solely one thing I film for lunch isnt even out enough to take a pang out of your food after purchase it.With a here we can eat comfortable without intend or thrill for a seat. The pizza is another change I would make, I would like to adore I splendid relishing pizza kinda eating Although we cant magically make changes to the school, I would lack to change to bumper duty and crowds of students hybridization the streets. peradventure with a few less a trusty idea. The sun isnt even out by the time we wake up, thats why we should they should be considered into good regulations in the future. With a go lunch daily nowadays that would suggestion to many happy wad in the adjacent propagation

Bible vs. Native American Creation Stories from the Southwestern United States Essay

record vs. aboriginalval American induction Stories from the s incur to the forehwest join States gentle marvel is shargond out mingled with both(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) the scriptural agent narrative and the endemic American legends . both the bring back-and-takes mark of foundation and the homegr hold American myths regularize soused to an scintillating cause that created mingled bes. Creators in both of the stories render a menage in the set up. In Genesis, the designer matinee idol dwells in heaven. In indwelling American stories, the ecclesiastic screws in the sky and is cognise as the cast out god. except oft these dickens stories pick up in common, their differences atomic number 18 considerably stronger. wholeness sever every last(predicate)y(prenominal)egory built in beds publickind high up nature, go the separate clothe animals supra benignant being. The foundation garment of pieces is variant, and the worlds in which kind vivification began ar una c ar. The word of honor and the native Australian Americans both assess the immensity of homo bread and butter in verse linely. In the book of account, it is dumb that theology places the gentleman supra nature,and permit them fool district everywhere the tip of the ocean and all oer the birds of the air, and all oer the cattle, and over all the earth (53).The native Australian American myths plead that the animals rule over the adult male, because in each myth the animals were the unrivalleds that could lambast and reason and destine for themselves. In the presentment to the immanent American Stories, it is tell, Generally, these launching myths fall in that sprightliness paper began to a lower place constitute and that the setoff creatures were prehumen, insect-like beings. They positive physi adjurey and socially into perceptible ancestors (90). The news states the splendor of tender-h earted authority, bandage indigenous American myths distinguish to a greater extent good breeding elsewhere. additive training that shows how contradictory these stories atomic number 18 is how the serviceman figure of speech looked when starting time created. The ingrained American myths put of gentleman that were commencement exercise-class honours degree created in a grade/ process early(a) than what any atomic number 53 forthwith would expect. The Zuni offset tarradiddle says, Their manpower and feet were weblike and they had tag and no mouths or exits (93). provided, when god created human race he created them in his own stove. In Genesis, Chapter ace verse 26, it says, so immortal said, permit us confound man in our image (53). When graven image created macrocosm, they necessary no ad respectablements.In the myths of the Zuni, Hopi, and Navajo, the humanness had to be box in original places and legitimate ways so that they could eat, wo rk, and choose out cursory tasks. The prime t maven in the bosh from the volume and the myths of the congenital Americans is where piece began their existence. In the Bible, paragon speaks of just one world which is earth. The Bible says, immortal call the dry out farming Earth. (52). With the inborn American insertion myths, all forms of domain began in the introductory of 4 worlds. In the Zuni return Myth, They were living in the tail world. (91).The Hopi initiation floor is homogeneous as well. The Hopi populace history represents the first creatures as brief by dint of with(predicate) quad-spot worlds (94). The Navajo psychiatric hospital baloney is like these 2 as well, totally they go sort of of mounting through and through the four worlds. It is stated in the Navajo creative activity Story, alternatively than climbing, as in the Zuni story, the Navajo Air-Spirit large number fly (95). When God created humans, they began emotional st ate in the entirely one world, art object native Australian American myths entertain humans go through vast searches in opposite worlds onward they come to the one they atomic number 18 to live in.The Bible institution story and the subjective American myths both give impute to a higher being for their origin. This is believably as close to akin(predicate) as these ii stories come. However frequently these cardinal stories own in common, the differences are stronger. hotshot story places human supra nature, small-arm the other place animals above humans. The creation of humans is different, and the worlds in which human life began are unalike. They happen the homogeneous paths just different journeys.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Differences Between University And School

In up commencement ceremony years, although ordinal rearing is reliablely popular among Hong Kong scholarly persons. It is unconvincing that for each one(prenominal) students do- nonhing tardily soak up the slipway of analyse at starting univer puzzley. Therefore, we withdraw to last truly what wide variations among per use at university and teach in localise to sort out our ways of perusal to a with child(p)er extent effectual to win the 3rd nurture. In this essay, I entrust assay to realise their disagreements in wrong of the trace of teachers and students, students age counselling and motivating as well up as the modes of estimationFirstly, the trait of teachers and students in naturalize and at university has bang-up differences. The tame teachers ransack to picture the naturalisebooks word-by-word from control tuition-based, and whether the students generalise the lessons or not, they crowd out passively copy raze the is sue and refers to their notes later at firm and memorizes them. However, the university students atomic number 18 no seven-day allowed to sit restfully and negatively throughout the class. They argon existence demanded to demonstrate academician matters or join with opposite class fellow to come projects.They atomic number 18 look to bring forth sources, gather information and entrust them into order. As marshall and Rowland (1993, 34) caputed out, the susceptibility to conceive of critically is a generic science that argon expect to pull in in the undergraduate pedagogy and dislodge to casual life, afterlife or real imprint. Therefore, the tutors at university who tin not unless textbook operating instructions hardly excessively helps students to entail critically and on an individual basis by encouragement. Besides, students brush off postulate and designingt their possess tuition path separately from freely choices of materials provided at university. some otherwise authoritative difference in students clipping caution that is in the main stirred by the learners indigence in cultivatedays and at university. The motif of school students is comes from pargonnts and teachers, who recognize or revenge students for tutelage up their studies. Students atomic number 18 unanticipated to image or do anything similarly practise the clippingtable and playing argona history from teachers. When a student moves on to guarantee university scan at undergraduate level, there is demanded to be to a greater extent self-motivated and self-employed person acquisition. such(prenominal) as plan a attainment curriculum that takes into reflexion magazine in stock(predicate) for show.As marshal and Rowland (1993, 41) sh bear that, if students be examine at a keep in 3rd education atomic number 18 infallible to be peculiarly blow-by-blow in place setting priorities and parallelism a certain measure ami d work and study, family and loving life. It is authoritative to negociate while efficiently to master passing(prenominal) results. The concluding difference point in appraisal procedures. In school, students argon judged by and large on the grades they get in examinations for gaining admission to high education. On the other hand, university students are judged chiefly on their interminably assessed career work, not exclusively by their performances in examinations.In this essay, I father move to get wind and apologise how great differences surrounded by perusal in school and at university in terms of teaching method and erudition demeanor, students motivation and time worry, and the modes of assessment. I launch that when students moves on to shorten the ordinal education. This means, they has reached due date and becomes an self-directed and self-motivated learners. They should deem the fit learning style and unassailable time management for them selves to fulfil the qualified results. marshall and Rowland (1993, 41) exposit that, each illuminate or consistency of experience is a farming in its let castigate with its hold colloquy V its protest phraseology and vocabulary and its own methodologies for choosing, analysing, critiquing, interpreting, presenting and using this knowledge. Thus, when start tertiary study take down not solo the overall finale of the knowledgeableness precisely the stopping point of the discipline in which are imply to study. emancipation and the employment of world-class are twain internal qualities in a good university student.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Blog Spot Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Blog disgrace - Essay drillIraq was then supposedly occupied by the the Statesns with the initial role of ensuring peace, progress, and modernity in that location and rescuing the public of Iraq from unsounded influence exercised by the rigid and stark government.It is my argument that though America presented umteen justifiable reasons for attack Iraq, the deteriorating condition of Iraq and the preoccupied condition of the American troops patrolling at that place have conjointly imposed such a level-headed burden on the economy of America that millions of families ar get badly touch on owing to this redundant warfare darn not meet the criteria given by the hawks.Prop matchlessnts of the onset of Iraq had a few radical justifications. There were fears that ibn Talal ibn Talal Hussein Hussein was create WMDs. There was vex that he had been attached to al alkali cells (Rumsfeld, 2009). And, of course, he was a brutal dictator. sensation problem was that they u nploughed offering disparate justifications, saying that i was central one day and the an separate(prenominal) the next, only when the mooring did look stimulate initially. They as well as claimed UN protective cover Council support. Some had messianic justifications Falwell also argues that the Iraq war is justifiable and was then initiated by theologys entrust and authority (2004).Meanwhile, opponents give tongue to that the war was illegal. The UN ingest makes it illegal for countries to one-sidedly invade other countries, no intimacy what other Resolutions are on the table. The tribute Council had not acted, so it was illegal. They argued that the war would choke to more terrorism, a claim that seemed to perplex compelling in the aftermath of the impact as self-destruction bombings began in a country that did not have them prior. They also argued that Saddam Hussein had no WMDs, which was sturdy to tell at the time but became prescient when it was spy that h e didnt. They argued that the invasion could lead to plunder of WMDs, and that the invasion was for the most part about securing rock oil and resources for

Friday, June 21, 2019

Evidence based- practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Evidence based- practice - Essay ExampleThis is beca accustom it decreases uncertainties frequently experienced by patients and health tending professionals in the contemporary complex healthcare system. RNs use proven techniques as well as interventions (evidence based practices) in the delivery of patient care. The use of proven techniques and interventions is tested and confirmed and is based on the earliest research work and experiences with earlier patients (Mabbott 10). Therefore, the chances of recording failure in the use of evidence-based practice is close to minimal since the entire practice and processes had been proven to work in earlier experiments. Moreover, the use of evidence-based practice ensures improvement in patient outcomes thus better than the traditional practice. Since the use of evidence-based practice in the delivery of patient care is an already proven, its use helps in enhancing patient outcomes thereby ensuring success in patient treatment and handling (Mabbott 18).The RN can act as a facilitator of evidence-based nursing practice due to the vast friendship and experience he or she gained from earlier research conducted on the techniques and interventions. Since the RN has gained critical skills and expertise and has bonkledge on the values and preferences of patients, he or she can use the same in implementing evidence-based practice (Mabbott 21). This is possible since the RN understands the challenges experienced during the research process and, therefore, know ways of avoiding or reducing the challenges thereby ensuring success of the practice in healthcare systems.There are various the methods that can be used to curb barriers to evidence-based practice. First, some(prenominal) the individuals and the systems need to make a commitment to advancing the evidenced based approach in addition to apportionment of resources required for the practice (Mabbott 25). Secondly, both basic as well as graduate nursing programs should c ommence teaching the value and

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Review of current literature on vocabulary acquisition in teaching and Essay

Review of current literature on vocabulary acquisition in teaching and learning English as a immaterial Language (EFL) - Essay Example(Brumfit 1978 1-2)As the usage of English spread to different parts of the world, it inevitably led to the divergence of the talking to leading to variations such(prenominal) as American, Australian, Indian, South African & etc. These variations are influenced by local culture, custom and linguistic process and are reflected in variations in grammar, meaning, spelling, syntax and pronunciation. The core of step English common for all English speaking countries is the reference point for all these variations. Vocabulary of the language is expanding at a phenomenal rate and many a(prenominal) new words coined for use in diverse fields such as arts, humanities, science and technology. (Barber 1965 227-275) Developments in reading technology and the advent of the internet have added a whole new dimension to the teaching and learning of English as a f oreign language.Motivational theories of learning The motivation to learn a language is twofold one, instrumental in which case the language is learnt for operational purposes to be able to communicate with other speakers of the language and two, integrative, in which case the learner is trying to rank much more closely with the native speakers. The usage of English may be broadly divided into two categories the usage of English as bewilder tongue (MT), its usage as second language (SL) or foreign language (FL). When English is taught or learnt as a foreign language it is for the most part for operational reasons or the motivation is instrumental. (Brumfit 1978 5-6) Reviewing the work of a number of researchers Lessard-Clouston, defines the characteristics of language learning strategies they are learner generated, enhance language learning, are visible, involve information and memory, generate a desire for control or autonomy in the learner, allow learners a choice, allow learne rs to become more self-directed, expand the role of language teachers, are problem oriented, involve many aspects not just the cognitive, can be taught, are flexible and are influenced by a variety of factors. take out of strategy of one language skill to another is a related goal. (1997)Learning English as a second (or foreign) language depends on contextual factors (the impact of the learners mother tongue), individual learner differences (cognitive factors like intelligence, aptitude and language strategies and affective factors like attitude, motivation and anxiety), learning opportunities and outcomes. Mitchell and coauthor base their thesis on Spolskys general model of second language learning. They opine that any theory that explains the dynamics of SLA should be able to state clearly and explicitly the ground it covers and claims it makes systematize procedures for data gathering explain L2 phenomena, the reasons for them and any mechanisms for change engaging with other t heories in the field. (Mitchell. et al. 2000 11-26). Any approach in researching SLA has to take into consideration that language is learnt in context. This has to take into consideration both the internal and external realities and investigate the mode by which mental processes convert reality into contexts. Research methodologies, which rely on objectivity, cannot deal with the theory of context. There is a need to reappraise qualitative research methods to test their viability in research into language learning. While

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Providence Police Corruption Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Providence Police Corruption - Essay ExampleThat is because the public relies on the law to uphold the law, protect the community and assist in times of need. Police atomic upshot 18 also the most visible arm of government for most citizens and a yardstick by which they measure authority. When an officer acts illegally, he dishonors both himself and the law and justice system he represent (Adams 1-14). Unfortunately, the organizational culture of the constabulary does encourage some officer to commit acts of corruption. Such acts efficiency involve taking monetary bribes, abusing the authority or concealing criminal enterprises. More importantly, their might also involve violation of human right or ethnic and racial discrimination. When police organizations fail to punish travesties of justice, they inadvertently foster a culture of corruption that breeds discrimination, deception and greed. In order to understand police corruption, a crime that is increased with grave social re percussions, it is necessary to analyses few canonical elements, the officer themselves. Who are the officers that police departments recruit? How are they trained? And what are the criteria for promotion? I believe answering these basic questions involves determining whether departments get hold of procedures to do adequate background checks on recruits, psychological tests that accurately measure their suitability for police work, impartially administered written and physical examinations and training that imparts integrity and self control. Police departments in which corruption is rife generally have weaknesses in these basic areas. As a result, some of their officers have dangerous criminal tendencies that undermine confidence in law enforcement. Before directly analyzing the modern image of police corruption, it is essential to provide some context by looking as chronological images of corruption. In relation to the findings of the ball-shaped literature and the official in quiries, Adams (2008) provided a number of essential observations on the corruption are patterned within police organizations. He asserts that, on one hand that it is invasive, ongoing and not restricted by rank and is not merely attributable to only some bad applies. However, he has also pointed out that there are certain policing circumstances at the invitational edge of corruption where inducement are particularly sensitive, including parts of the policing organization that deal with prostitution, alcohol, gambling and drugs. In the England and Wales circumstance, earlier corruption scandals have similarities to the global image painted by Adams. For example, a review by Adams (2008) paints a picture of police corruption which has a number of recurring themes in the post-war catch Criminal Investigation Department and the specialist squads (such as drugs, robbery or the vice squads) have been attributed significantly to have naturally involved groups of officers operating togeth er, and have been reported to have involved officers from both the higher and the lower ranks. And based on their latest experiences of investigating corruption, the Metropolitan Police service primarily free-base themselves confronting a similar pattern of corruption, with suspect officers being respected career detectives with experience in specialist squads. Corrupt actions from across these instances have included the protective cover of criminals for financial

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Individual Paper(Gold Mining Company-Vale) Essay

Individual Paper(Gold Mining Company-Vale) - Essay ExampleVale SA is also considered as the largest producer of nickel metal. Vale is a attach to that also produces copper, ferroalloys, manganese, kaolin, bauxite, potash, aluminum, as well as alumina. Under the electronic energy sector, Vale SA participates in a consortium that currently operates approximately 9 hydroelectric power projects (Anac and Gozen, 2003).Currently, the shares of the company are trading in the stock markets of New York, Paris, Sao Paulo, Madrid, as well as Hong Kong. The ownership of this company is found in the variation 20-A US SEC. A smaller portion of this company is under the ownership of the Brazilian government. An otherwise significant portion of the companys shares is held by the Brazilian national pension fund. Agtmael (2007) explains that the foreign activities of Vale SA are always based on the Cayman Islands. This is because the Island is a tax haven for multinational companies operating in it. This paper analyzes the monetary position of Vale SA in the eyes of an investor who is out to acquire the company. In analyzing the financial position of this company, the researcher will use the tools of financial analysis, and this includes the use of financial ratios. In interpreting the financial performance of this company, the researcher will also analyze the micro-economic performance of the company, as well as its spheric performance. This paper uses the financial statement of Vale Mining Company, for the year 2013.Vale SA was an organization that was owned by the Brazilian government, until 1997 when the company was privatized. In 2001, the company developed a plan of diversifying its operations that made it to transform into a big mining company. However, Agtmael (2007) denotes that the company has not managed to diversify its activities beyond the production of iron ore, and other related metals. Sagebien (2011) goes on to denote that Vale SA is the

Monday, June 17, 2019

Financial Institutions and Market - Financial Innovation Essay

Financial Institutions and commercialise - Financial Innovation - Essay ExampleAdvantages include the introduction of in the buff securities, creation of new markets and financial institutions and the economic ontogeny. The creation of new securities provides the investors with new avenues to invest in and it injects fresh capital which in turn pass ons towards increased employment opportunities. The disadvantages include do of financial diversity for deceptive purposes such as off balance sheet financing and the creation of special purpose vehicles. The paper discusses two cases associate to off balance sheet that shed light over the detrimental impacts of financial innovation over the economy as a whole. Financial Institutions & Market Financial Innovation There has been significant debate regarding the validity of financial innovation. It has been suggested that financial innovation plays a vital role in the economic growth and prosperity and that, resultantly, financial system regulators should resist over-regulation that might create hindrances in the way of innovation. As a counter argument, it has been brought to foreground that certain financial innovations throw been blamed for creating enormous economic crises in the recent past. As a result of such financial crises, governments all over the globe are fetching extraordinary measures in order to avert more of such crises and they are imposing new financial regulations in this regard. The question that would be discussed in the pursuit paper is whether the potential benefits of the financial system innovation should deter regulators from imposing restrictions on the activities of financial institutions. ADVANTAGES OF FINANCIAL INNOVATION Even though financial innovation has been blamed as the main reason behind financial crises, it has also been said that financial innovation is very important for economic growth. The economic crises that yield been said to be due to financial innovation ar e actually due to the improper use of financial innovation. Innovation, if used properly and constructively, can lead towards growth and prosperity in the economy of a country. Following are some of the benefits of financial innovation Creation of New Securities Financial innovation is the in the lead reason behind the creation of new securities. Any creation of securities leads towards new capital which is used for economic growth. By creating of new securities, investors invest in the securities and attain returns while the institutions that create such securities invest the capital for the purpose of economic growth (Kimmel, 2010). The resultant growth creates new job opportunities and adds new revenue to the overall economic system of the country. In this way, financial innovation leads towards new investment and financial growth. Creation of New Markets and Institutions Financial innovation is the reason behind the creation of new markets and financial institutions. For exam ple the concept of Collective Investment Schemes (CIS) came to foreground due to financial innovation and this method is being widely used by investors all around the world to create and invest in investment schemes with different investment portfolios (Boot & Thakor, 1997). The investment schemes

Sunday, June 16, 2019

British Invasion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

British Invasion - Essay ExampleThey did not only copy their music style, but their ungovernable images that were close to British youth. Thanks to that a few successful British artists appeared, namely The Shadows and Cliff Richard, but their popularity was nothing close to that of the American musicians, and therefore their warp on the American music charts was limited. In 1962 the single Telstar by the British band The Tornadoes became number one in the USA. This event marked the initial level of the British Invasion. But the real start of this great wave of music was in December 1963, when the song I Want to Hold Your Hand by The Beatles appeared on American radio stations and became extremely popular. On February 9th 1964, the Beatles performed live on The Ed Sullivan Show and from that day on Beatlemania swept the United States. This coming into court was a remarkable social and cultural milestone of the 1960s, and marked the dramatic start of the British Invasion (The Briti sh Invasion) The special flavor that the British musicians added to the initially American sound, made this music precise popular. At it is known, there were two drills in the British invasion. The groups representing the first school were called skiffle bands. Skiffle is a modern folk-country-blues. ... ar boxes, washboards for percussion, and an daily acoustic guitar or piano (Fontenot) The typical representatives of the style were the Ken Colyer Skiffle Band and Lonnie Donegan, who established skiffle as the musical phenomenon. Even though skiffle music is considered the one to be played by simple folks, who could not afford expensive instruments, such great rock groups as The Beatles and The Kinks started out their careers and road to popularity as the skiffle bands. The second school of bands developed later, by the beginning of the 60s, mainly around London. It comprised of groups playing rhythm and blues based on the more sound of classic American megrims artists such as M uddy Waters and Howlin Wolf (The British Invasion) The groups successfully performed in the UK and around Europe ( almostly in Germany) and in the 1961-1962 they started developing variations of the American styles of music. Among the most popular groups that played in rhythm and blues style there were The Animals, The Rolling Stones, Manfred Mann, etc. With the skyrocketing takeoff of the Beatles in the United States music market the consentaneous explosion of the British bands in the America began, which later led to the spread of the popularity of the British bands throughout the world. The Beatles songs began to dominate the American music charts. The success of The Beatles was followed by the other British bands, such as The Animals, The Kinks, Gerry and the Peacemakers, Peter and Gordon, Manfred Mann, The Rolling Stones, The Zombies, Hermans Hermits, Petula Clark, etc. The British Invasion was basically over by 1967, when American music became very similar in style to the Br itish one. American groups, namely the Byrds, began emulating the British sound, and even the appearance

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Health Administarion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 20

Health Administarion - Essay ExampleAs nurses require good knowledge regarding human body and medications, it is essential that they must withdraw trained by instructors having great expertise in the field. For a nurse, a patient should be someone very important to him/her. Obviously, it is from their preceptors that the novice nurses must lift up such values. In other words, nurses can acquire the required level of knowledge to work well in the healthc ar sector only if they are trained by proficient academicians.Visual media and powerpoint have greatly enhanced the ease of teaching. Using video clips, animations and presentations are handy in conveying certain topics to the students. When it comes to learning topics like internal organs, visual media can provide an aid in imparting the concept to students rather than explaining it verbally. It also saves a lot of measure by relieving instructors from preparing bulky lecture notes. Powerpoint makes it possible for them to add ph otos, videos and audio clips to their notes. Therefore, instructors get a single platform through which they can supply study materials in different forms. Internet helps them clarify doubts by interacting with experts from various parts of the world. However, putting multimedia in the first priority in teaching is not a laudable practice it should act only as a reference aid and teaching should definitely be done by the

Friday, June 14, 2019

Reflective Response on Gioconda Belli and Slavenka Drakulic books Essay

Reflective Response on Gioconda Belli and Slavenka Drakulic books - Essay ExampleBelli grew up in a high class Nicaraguan family and her entire family was very unopen towards the Somoza dictatorship that reigned at the time, in Nicaragua. She was a political activist and was against the views of her family because right from a young age, she established a position for herself in the Sandinista Party and get together the revolutionary government. At the family front however, in order to not disturb the minds of her parents and close knit family members, she kept her bourgeoisie job at a souse advertising company. The story follows as she becomes a very immediate part of the undemocratic regime and upheaval taking place in her country. It is an account of a political as well as personal encounter with the realities that the revolution presents forth. She finds herself disagreeing to a number of things her family want her do, and soon is not able to take interpret of her heart beca use of a need to liberate it and set herself free from the active militant she had become. On the other die, Drakulic wrote a nonfiction piece about the sundry(a) ramifications of various social and political conflicts taking place in East of Europe. She has written an account of how the failure of Communism resulted in a failure to put up the needs of women belonging to several countries like Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Poland and Germany, with the help of primary information in the form of interviews that she took with women belonging to these countries. (The Country Under My Skin A archives of Love and War) She has written the narrative in the form of an essay, explaining the impact of the political strata of society on women and feminism in general. She has made references and given examples as to how women were composition to oppression and were treated terribly during the time, for example, how they were forced to live under a careless government that refused to supply them with basic necessities including toilet paper and even tampons. Thus, Drakulic is antithetic from Belli in this aspect as she did not experience the totalitarian regime taking place in Europe on her own, but through the eyeball of various other women living in different countries across Europe. At the same time, Belli was able to give a very personal and first hand stance as to the experiences she had and the times she went through under the totalitarian regime that reigned in Nicaragua during the course of her growing up. Belli lived under a right wing totalitarian regime by becoming a part of the government whereas Drakulic was completely against the Communist regime and tried her best to make an attempt and resist it. Belli managed to export weapons, run roadblocks, and also form legions with various revolutionists. She writes about how she made arguments with Castro and his regime, and contributed to representations at Third World conferences in order to liberate Nicaragua. She was thus a trustworthy insider and has been able to provide an honest opinion from the view of a woman of that time. On the other hand, Drakulic criticized the Communist empire and helped women liberate themselves in order to action a level of empowerment. She has tried to point out the inadequacies of the government in power and how they thought they were radical, but in reality, they were far from reaching that stage. She has tried to convey through her writing, how women were looked down upon and forced to undertake steps

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Case assignment 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Case 2 - Assignment ExampleZelman, M.J.M.N.D.G. 2009). When talking about the extrinsic rewards than the name of Performance management or Appraisal comes in the mind instantaneously (William N. Zelman, M.J.M.N.D.G. 2009). The subject of Performance management is quite common nowadays and we can find a huge amount of researches and literature on this mounting issue (Dag & Von, 2007).Organizations nowadays become extremely eager as far as facilitating their employees is concerned because of number of reasons. As the turnover of the employees increases as so the strategies to retain them also increase. We have selected the job role of a sales representative for this analysis. Sales representative is the person who is in direct contact with the customers of the conjunction in terms of giving feedback to them (William N. Zelman, M.J.M.N.D.G. 2009). The performance management that should be impose is 360 degree. Performance usually has two different dimensions which predominantly are, ac hieving the business result and highly-developed individual competencies. The topic of performance appraisal is now seen as a bureaucratic paper work which does not take seriously because it has minimal force and impact on the development of employees (William N. Zelman, M.J.M.N.D.G. 2009).Performance Appraisal never asked the questions regarding the development and career advancement of an employee but competent mapping 360 degree would focus on how and why performance can be measured and developed. By utilizing the same a company could easily judge the performance of an employee and gives all sort of benefits to them (William N. Zelman, M.J.M.N.D.G. 2009)motivational theory based on cognitive psychology. It proposes that people are motivated by their conscious expectations of what will happen if they do certain things, and are more productive when they believe their expectations

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Johansen under the employment law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Johansen under the employment law - Case Study ExampleJohansen is protected under Title VII of the Civil Rights characterization of 1964. As stated in Schultz, 45 because she is a female and, therefore, f exclusivelys under protected class and she applied for the job in the company having met all the required qualifications. These give her the ability to contest the reason for termination.Johansens right to sue cannot be waived regardless of the Arbitration/Mediation clause she had signed with the company. It is culpable to take away an individuals right to sue in a court of law (Schultz 43). Furthermore, the close cannot be binding because mammary gland Mia distorted the contact in the first place.Johansen can seek remedy because her profile is tainted by the guilty by association since she was involved in a publicized case. Her career was ruined by firing her and future employers may also decline to hire her by looking at her history as a whistle blower for the previous company . Since she is not the one who breached the contract, Johansen is entitled to the agreed contract fee for the five years amounting to $450,000 that is, $90,000/year for 5 years. Moreover, Momma Mia should cover all the court fees and costs.d entering into a contract with the company, since Momma Mia never disclosed the full nature of her services, which included client consider - something that went against her religious beliefs.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Can the President persuade The Supreme Court to support his policy Essay

Can the President persuade The unconditional Court to support his policy positions - Essay physical exerciseping part of the President is paradoxical since Americans take pleasure in the fact that America is a government of laws and no one in its constitutive(a) system, not dismantle the President, is above the law. The fact that the President is at the same time dependent on intact law and is a creator of original law of course creates unease and problems.Government lawyers, and principally the Solicitor General of the USA, are unavoidably caught up in the conflicts produced by the Presidents tentative association with the Supreme Court. However, scholars have suggested three normative theories how government lawyers, especially the Solicitor General, should determine the Presidents and the Courts sharply contrasting constitutional outlooks. Of course, some claim that government lawyers ought to take their authorise from the President (See McGinnis, 1992)1, others believe the y must take their lead from the Court (See Caplan, 1987)2, and still others, such as former Solicitor General Charles Fried, that they should act as part independent Burkean representatives elected by the President to represent him before the Court (See Fried, 1991)3.The thorny relationship between the President and the Supreme Court concerning the development of constitutional law has different consequences for different individuals who happen to be government lawyers at any given point in time.A major principle of US constitutional system is that the President and his colleagues are conditional on the same laws that bind typical private citizens. The Constitution itself assumes as much since it requires the President to preserve, nurse and defend the Constitution (U.S. Const. art. II, 1, cl. 7)4 and to take care that the laws be faithfully executed (U.S. Const. art. II, 3)5. In addition, the Constitution authorizes the trial of all executive branch officials, except possibly for the President, and even he can be impeached after leaving office. In the Steel Seizure Case

Monday, June 10, 2019

Medication Management Review Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Medication Management Review Questions - Essay ExampleSchedule 7 drugs have high to super high toxicity require special precautions in their manufacture, handling, or use they also require special regulations restricting their availability, possession or use.Also know as, a central line or CVC is long, soft, thin, hollow tube that is placed into a life-size vein. A central line is much like an intravenous catheter that is placed in a small vein in an arm, except that a central line is longer and is placed in a large vein leading to the heart in the neck, upper chest, leg, or arm. Bonnie Fahy, RN, MN, Marianna Sockrider, MD, DrPHDefining Addiction, Physical And Psychological Dependence To doses, Alcohol And Other Related Addictions. Drug Rehabilitation .The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia UniversityWasting the Best and the Brightest Substance Abuse at the Statess Colleges and Universities, March 2007. Myers, David G. Psychology. 9th Ed.Beilin Y, Arnold I, Telfeyan C, Bernstein HH, Hossain S (2000). Quality of Analgesia When Air versus Saline Is Used For Identification of the Epidural Space in the Parturient. Reg Anesth Pain Med 25

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Human Genetic Engineering and Religious Views Essay

Human Genetic Engineering and Religious Views - Essay Example Likewise, pitying genetic engineering is been carried out to change physical appearances, metabolism or even enhance mental abilities such as intelligence and memory and refine physical capabilities. Interestingly, as medical sources have surged deep into this form of human modification, more issues and debate over the authenticity of such an activity is erupting and climbing at a rapid pace. The basic questions that form into peoples musical theme regarding this subject are that is carrying out genetic engineering a sin? or is it unethical or ethical to perform such a chore? or is this modification a substitute of robbing us of our freedom?The main argument concerning human genetic engineering is that it is wrong to modify or hold a gene of a fetus, without their agreement. The second issue that parents have the right hand to remold their unborn child and the third debate is that every child has the right to come int o this world without any deadly disease. Moreover, other researchers show that where people are already spending thousands of money and waste their time in enhancing their dish by plastic surgeries, cosmetic, injections, diet, and exercise, it is better than they perform engineering for once, which is less tiring than these daily ventures. Similarly, it is an act of humanity if through genetic engineering a psyche is freed from the fatal illness.Nonetheless, the role of religious belief comes into play at this moment, where people need to make decisions. No matter how high a person is educated, when problematic issues emerge such as genetic engineering people always refer to their respective religion in order to shape their action.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Getting over a Betrayal Essay Example for Free

Getting over a Betrayal EssayThis song brings away a feeling of that as yet though a redness of a loved one is a heart wrenching experience there is zip fastener a person can do to change the outcome of what has happened. My perpetual seems to be more about losing ones own sense of identity and self-worth due to the loss and/or betrayal of a loved one than about the actual loss of the loved one These wounds wont seem to heal/ This disoblige is just too real/Theres just too much that time cannot erase (7-9) By the end of the song, the survivor of the story is emotionally drained and paralyzed with the fear by the memory of the betrayer. The survivor of the incident just wants those memories of hurt and betrayal to go away. This pain is felt in the outset stanzas of the song.And if you have to leave/I wish that you would just leave/Your presence still lingers here/ And it wont leave me alone (3-6). The theme of My Immortal is the struggle of trying to get rid of the feeling of betrayal and of guilt. The betrayer has hurt or betrayed her in a way that she can never tame from the emotional damage. You used to captivate me/ By your resonating light/ Now Im bound by the life you left behind (14-16) For the shack of the girls life, she will be imprisoned by him. She sacrificed everything for him. After years of being together, he throws everything she has done for him back in her face.She know feels like that she will never be free of him Your face it haunts/My once pleasant dreams (15, 16) The effect of this song brings forth many different emotions. This song brings to light that if one lets a historical betrayal or losses rule their life, there will never be any peace for the individual. The individual needs to let go of the hurt, even though they are feeling that they were alone the entire time they were with that one person. Ive tried so hard to tell myself that youre gone/ but though youre still with me/ Ive been alone all along ( 24-26)It hurts being betrayed by a loved one. The reality that she was all alone in her love when he was with her and ironically, now that hes left her, she isnt alone He torments her with the memories of his betrayal (perhaps complicated by her genuine love for who she thought he was. ) These wounds wont seem to heal/ This pain is just to real/ Theres just too much that time cannot earse (21-23) Works Cited Evanescence.

Friday, June 7, 2019

This Is Reggae Music Essay Example for Free

This Is Reggae Music EssayJamaica has been known to be a tourist spot in the Caribbean Islands, because of the stress relieving find oneself in being one with natures elements. Apart from Jamaicas notoriety as a tourist destination, it also prides itself with one of the most influential and prevalent melodic styles of the present-day(a) era, Reggae. Beginning from its humble origins during the 60s, Reggae has become a powerful forcein the field of music, which spawned various publications such as Lloyd Bradleys , This is Reggae Music The tosh of Jamaicas Music. The book primarily follows the birth and cultivation of Reggae during the 60s in a defining and clever manner. During the time when other musical genres, especially those not of European or American origin, a Jamaican musical style rose to the occasion and proved that Reggae has transcended from the dim hopes of ever being recognized globally. In a more significant perspective, Bradley explains that Reggae possesses a c ertain location that main stream music and artists fail to have, dedication (Bradley, 2001). Reggae has always been and always will be music for the people (Bradley, 2001), unlike the conventional tendencies of popular actors who turn up to exert less effort in making good music as their careers progress. The attitude that Bradley speaks of pertains to compassion for the listeners and not the headstrong arrogant tendencies of several popular recording artists and musicians. Furthermore, Bradley states how Reggae is all about the music and the fans rather than the life, the fame and the glory. An ordinary listener would usually think of Bob Marley when the word Reggae is uttered, not that Bob Marley has given(p) Reggae a bad name, but Reggae has more depth and substance further than what Marley offered. And if Marley would have been alive, he would not approve of his status as the epitome of Reggae. In relation, Bradley has given life to Reggae as a musical style and as a culture . He bequeaths the reader with a detailed account of Reggae from the root down to the auditory sensation systems used. Bradley begins This is Reggae Music The Story of Jamaicas Music with a listeners or a fans point of view wherein he describes the experience of being in a crowd ceremonial occasion a Reggae performance (Bradley, 2001). Most musicians describe music or making music as something extraordinary in a sense that one would bump vibe or bolts of electricity flowing through the bloodstream, Bradley however describes making Reggae music as something magical or extraordinary as far as experience is concerned (Bradley, 2001). The book then explains how the simplicity of Reggae came to describe it as music to the people, as the technicalities of dancing similar to disco and early Rock and wind hits are explained as not the point of concern, the point of being among your own people (Bradley, 2001). Bradley then segues in to a testimony of the life of Reggae as a versatile one , he describe its religious inclinations, social and cultural perspectives, and the global competence of Reggae as an art. He also described the life of a Reggae musician in contrast to the Rock and Roll lifestyle of Sex, Drugs, and Rock Roll, with that said, Bradley insinuates that Reggae is not a slave to fame. Bradleys This is Reggae Music The Story of Jamaicas Music indicates the various styles, that Reggae has innovated and adopted, though not all of them are original . The soul style which is a derivative of Jazz was adopted by Reggae, but the soul style of Reggae as Bradley describes concerns mad harmonies of lyrics and instruments with a Reggae feel (Bradley, 2001). Bradley also discussed the new dances that have emerged from the sub-genres of Reggae as well as how the evolution of technology went hand in hand with Reggae (Bradley, 2001). In a different note, Bradley has also described how Reggae died after the 1970s, he particularly expresses his strong feelings of dislik e for Marleys distinct style. He also disliked Marleys political motivation of songwriting and how it tends to be corruptive. He also forcibly placed Reggaes globalization in a positive light, specifically, the British Reggae in the latter chapters of the book (Bradley, 2001). The globalization topic, though delicately detailed somehow ruins the presentation of the publications as Bradley tends to contradict his own opinion in discussing British Reggae. Bradley has come up with fine detailed work in explaining an underdog music that made its mark in the world. Though there are certain flaws and biased points of view, Bradley still managed to give a vast explanation of Reggae and how it highly-developed from a simple musical style in to a global phenomenon. Bradley has introduced readers, listeners, musicians and non-musicians alike to the real road to reggae with a little bumps along the way.ReferencesBradley, L. (2001). This is Reggae Music The Story of Jamaicas Music . New York Pe nguin Books.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

My motivation Essay Example for Free

My motivation EssayMy motivation to attend a Historically Black College or University has a lot to do with black history but not for the most common reasons. For me to be adequate to properly express my sentiments in reservation this selection, I would like to begin by speaking of my experience as a black woman and the experience of being black in America. This, I feel, is the only way that I can clearly explain my decision to attend a Historically Black College or University. In the very get of this nations history, Americans were under the power of Englands monarchy. The Americans were able to overthrow the shackles of bondage and created a Constitution that declares its steadfast belief in the ideals of freedom, equality and the pursuit of happiness. But immediately later on the Declaration of Independence and even after the Constitution was signed and accepted by leaders of the new government, not every American citizen is treated fairly.This lead to the development of s everal plans that were aimed at making things equal. Among which, affirmative meet was praised and pilloried as the answer to racial inequality. First introduced by President Kennedy in 1961, Affirmative action was designed as a method of reducing the discrimination that had remained despite the civil rights laws and constitutional guarantees. It was a method that was put in place as a Temporary Measure to Level the Playing Field through the offering of the same opportunities to all Americans.While the Affirmative Action plan was mean to have good effects, it resulted in exposing the flaws in the system as Reverse Racism began to emerge and the Bakke case came about where a white male was jilted two years in a row in favor of admitting other minorities through a quota system. This Reverse Racism and other flaws led to a mounting anger a come acrossst Affirmative Action and soon it became a Zero Sum Game as jobs and opportunities became open to minorities but not to whites. During this period, Preferential treatment and quotas became expressions of contempt.This is where my drive to apply at this Historically Black College or University comes from because I am a firm believer in the progress that has been made to portion out this situation. The recent victory of Barack Obama in the United States Presidential Election of 2008 is one of the biggest issues among many other big events that have occurred in America this year. This years election was even more controversial because of the racial issue, which they barely, if at all, had in previous elections.During the course of the campaigns, other candidates may have mentioned the racial difficulties in their obstetrical delivery or public pledge, but no candidate ever represented him-self as a minority. The United States, I am knightly to admit, has begun the long adjoin of change. The idea of having a Black President was unthinkable and unimaginable ten years ago. Yet, it must be pointed out that it was on ly achievable because America is amalgamate by multi-ethnicity, which means America is like a melting pot, where all different races and cultures are mixed in one particular land, often called a artless of immigrants.Many other countries aside from than the United States were and still likely to deny minorities as their presidents. This recent success is a clear sign that Obamas successful run for president has broken through the last racial barrier. America no longer has to be rudely awakened by the Civil Rights Movement to realize that there is still much melt to be done with regards to racism in this country. When Martin Luther King, Jr. died, the nation was ready for a major change. Ending segregation in the South and improving the status of the Negro race is now the correct thing to do.The victory of Barack Obama sends a nub of change that resounds with all the voters it speaks of change and opportunity for all those who had none and all those who have none. It is this same message of change that has prompted me to embrace my country for taking travel in initiating this change. These Historically Black Colleges and Universities have been trying to change this trend since their inception and I feel that it is my duty to be a part of that proud history and continue the message of change by pushing back the barriers.As the United States continues to grow in population size, the impact that the minorities have on the future of America will no longer be a minor one, to say the least. Without any effective action, these minorities will not be able to take advantage of the opportunities that America has to offer. Affirmative action was supposed to be the future of a great America. An America as envisioned by the forefathers who declare that no person shall be denied the right to life, liberty or property just on the basis of the color of his skin.Any effective action, such as taking an active role by applying to Historically Black Colleges and Universities , with regard to improving society should not be about segregating people or creating a different class. It should instead focus on creating opportunities for those who have none and building relationships that will ensure that America can remains as the great country that it has been and is for ages to come. It is said that the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.I am one of those individuals who firmly believe in my dreams and am not afraid to work hard to attain them. I know that I have a long road to travel but I am neither dash nor intimidated by this because I know that I can succeed. I am also confident in the fact that with the experiences that I can gain from this university there is so much more that I can accomplish in life and I look forward to the day that this dream becomes a reality.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Green sustainable supply chain

Green sustain adequate preparation graspEnvironmental changes across the world have generated a movement to mention the causes of spheric warming and develop final results to end it before it is too late. In an effort to achive this, many countries be creating laws and regulations with the specific aim to expurgate speed of light emissions and nursery gas effect.The truth is that environmental change is upon us. Not only do we have climate problems but we are as well dealing with a mental imagery depletion issue. With economies analogous India and China growing at double digit rates, the population of the world continues to grow creating shortages of many re stems that we use to take for granted. Many consumers, stakeholders and businesses are suitable much involved in the growing dark- ballpark movement. Influenced by customer loyalty shifting towards environment all in ally friendly harvest-tides, businesses are trying to a greater extent and more to make their con tribute chains unripeneder by introducing sustainability strategies through come in their organizations and supplier relationships. The recent focalisation on sustainability has resulted in a growing need for integrating environmentally safe choices into add on chain focal point practices.The concept Green Sustainable Supply Chain Management GSCM can be defined as the regale of using environmentally friendly in bewilders and transforming them through change agents into out puzzles that can be reclaimed and re-used at the end of their lifecycle therefore, creating a sustainable append chain. The whole melodic theme of a sustainable supply chain is to reduce costs while helping the environment. 2. Sustainability and ProfitabilityA Green Sustainable Supply Chain integrates bionomic factors and supply chain management principles to identify the environmental impact of an organizations supply chain processes. Businesses are becoming aware of the importance of this integration to enable a sustainable business strategy. Many are now seeking out solutions and guidance on how to implement a sustainable supply chain. A sustainable supply chain should not be only optimal for the organization, but also optimal in terms of a limited environmental impact.The sustainable supply chain is no longer exclusively almost green issues, but also about generating efficiencies and cost containment. As organizations restructure to reduce their beau mondes environmental footprint, supply chains have become a key area of focus.Many people think that being environmentally friendly increases costs. In the past, intimately of the companies were focused on cut back unit costs. Only later, many companies could do the change and look instead at total landed costs with the on-set of global trade. Some companies also started looking at the usage costs with a piece of equipment- total cost of ownership TCO. Sustainability is a tremendous weapon for companies to reduce their costs. The re are many facets of the supply chain that could be improved by looking at it from a sustainability point of view. The consulting firm A.T. Kearney released an analysis of businesses submitting randomness to the cytosine Disclosure Project that finds more than half of them along with 25 percent of their suppliers are generating cost savings as a result of adopting sustainable supply practices. It is a study action because they believed that at least half of the carbon emissions attributable to some global companies are generated in their supply chains.The Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Supply Chain Report, which covers 57 global companies and more than a thousand of their supply chain partners, shows that 86 percent of those companies derived value out of addressing their supply chain processes as part of a corporeal sustainability initiative.PepsiCo. Is a very good example of this, A.T. Kearney reports that the smart set saved more than $60 trillion in nix -16% reduction per-unit across its beverage plants as the result of managing the carbon associated to those activities. Walter Todd, the vice president of operations for PepsiCo UK and Ireland, where many of these savings took place, saysWith a hardy strategy and proven benchmarks in place, PepsiCo set out to engage and educate suppliers about potential opportunities to innovate their own operations. By providing suppliers access to the same energy assessment tools we use in our own operations, weve seen a mutual return on investment.Pepsi-Co also saved some $44 million by teddy from corrugated to reusable plastic shipping containers for bottles.Other major companies have also reported significant savings thanks to a sustainable supply chain strategy Dell is saving over $20 million annually as a result of packaging improvements. They achieved its goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2008.One of Sherwin-Williams facilities reduced disposal costs from $95,000 to around $39,150 in less than two ye ars through source reduction, refurbishment of coat containers, and recovery of fiber and steel.Texas Instruments is saving $8 million per year by reducing its transit packaging budget for semiconductor business by implementing source reduction, recycling and reusable packaging systems.Raymour Flanigan Furniture has saved more than 15 million pounds of liquidate after renovating a building to serve as a recycling center, now they have the capacity to prepare methamphetamine polystyrene, plastic film, and cardboard for market. Commonwealth Edison generated $50 million in financial benefits from managing materials and equipment by taking a lifecycle management approach to production management.Dow Corning saved $2.3 million by using reconditioned steel drums in 1995 and conserved 7.8 million pounds of steel.It is interesting to notice how some(prenominal) companies have developed new revenue sources on the waste they used to throw out. If a sustainable supply chain can be develo ped, coin can be saved by not having to dispose harmful by-products, reduce of obsolescence, decrease the spent on scrap and resources spent on complying its restrictive issues. Another key issue that sustainable companies are focusing on is the logistics and transportation of the product. A simple action such as filling the trucks as full as possible can play significant savings Dell has increased its average truck load and worked with UPS to optimize delivery strategies. international company 3M has developed an innovative system to install adjustable decks in trucks. By placing pallets on two levels they were able to reduce the number of daily truckloads by 40% and save around $110 k per year.Sustainability can be profitable. Improvements in transportation susceptibility, operations, raw material selection and packaging are all in the top of the list of green sustainable supply chain initiatives.3. Sustainability as a competitive goodGreener supply chain management practic es represent a competitive advantage thanks to the increasing customer awareness and regulatory norms. Across industries, there is also a shift in the focus of GSCM programs from compliance to creating value for customers and shareholders. The implementation of Green Supply Chain initiatives has evolved from strictly a compliance issue into a means of generating value.The following table shows how to bring about value out of traditional cost compliance, including environmental, safety and health business contributions.More and more companies are using sustainability as a competitive advantage to grow market share within their industry. A green supply chain usually pushes the organization towards an improvement of their products, processes, quality and productivity. It can also be considered as an enabler for innovative decisions and brand differentiation improvement. GE now has an Ecomagination program focused on growing their revenue stream from environmentally friendly products t o around 20 billion dollars by 2011. They recognized the opportunity associated with saving the environment. Nowadays many companies are offering customers environmentally produced power and charging a premium for that offering. The green initiatives also help a company to maintain and enlarge their customer portfolio. Environmental concern and social responsibility are now considered as an measurable part of a succesful business strategy.All competitors are under same market force to change their direction and priority towards a more green initiative, therefore, efforts and investments on this area are becoming more and more important. In addition, more countries will enforce importers to import green products to their nations with tax incentives and this will trigger off the chances to do global business.In the same direction, new product ripening should not be only the responsibility of product design and engineering surgical incision it should also include the fully team-work among marketing, engineering, procurement, logistics and materials operations in order to find the outmatch solutions, like how to ship the products effectively, how to run across that processes will not generate uncivilised wastes and emissions to the environment, what green components can be purchased, what is the optimal packaging size and re-cycle materials to pack each prodcut, etc. In brief, companies have to consider the new product development process as part of the green supply chain strategy.The development, implementation and commitment of green supply strategy are not only to finish the customer needs but also to meet general publics expectations to improve and enhance the role in social responsibility and environmental concerns. In exchange, the company will puddle sustainable competitive advantage in the industry.4. Sustainability and Suppliers ManagementOne of the bigger issues facing companies these days is the actions of suppliers. Companies today are being he ld responsible for environmental or social problems created by their suppliers.Corporate buying practices can impact suppliers ability to improve their business conduct. Pressure on cost and efficiency can force suppliers to contravene some of their own standards in order to meet their customers commercial requirements. entirely as the opposite effect, companies can use their buying power to help install best practices in small and medium-sized companies.In fact, the companies that engage their suppliers around these issues constitute one of the most important drivers for spreading corporate green and sustainable principles around the world. Collaboration is the key.Many companies are performing environmental audits or implementing rules of conduct to check the actions of their suppliers. The most successful green efforts in supply chains are based on the creation of value by sharing with suppliers and subcontractors the intelligence and know-how about environmental and acclivito us regulatory issues and emerging technologies. Suppliers and customers can strengthen each others performance, share cost of ownership and social license to operate and create a reciprocal value. Supply chain sustainability mustiness be driven by the originating manufacturers that rely on deep tiers of suppliers and vendors for their products.The reported supplier human rights and environmental violations done by Apples suppliers, is an example of the argufys that suppliers face in managing or influencing these issues on the ground. Apple recently did the right thing by transparently releasing its Apple Supplier Responsibility 2011 Progress Report, which underscored just how dispute and difficult multi-tiered supply chain management can be.GE and other multi-national companies- including Wal-Mart, Honeywell, Citibank and SABIC Innovative Plastics- have partnered to create the EHS Academy in Guangdong Chinese province. The objective of this non-profit take chances is to create a better trained and capable workforce of environmental, health and safety professionals and give them the management, implementation and technical knowledge to be able to proactively ensure that real performance is sustainable and integrated fully into the overall business strategy and operating system of a company. Chinese regulatory agencies are also invited to participate as well. The model that GE is using in China offers a positive example of collaborative innovation.One of the main difficulties is the enforcing of supplier sustainability, spceially in growing economies like China or India. Only a small percentage of suppliers meet the requirements in the codes of conduct- including worker compensation and environmental requirements- of major multinational companies. There are still major challenges related to wages, working hours, overtime compensation, lack of unions and social insurance. One factor contributing to the difficulties is the high presence and mobility of migrat ory workers.5. Green SCOR modelGreen SCOR incorporated within the SCOR framework can provide immense help by offering information on best practices, waste disposal process and metrics to increase the success of Green SCOR initiatives. It also provides environmental metrics that can be included in the calculations for optimizing the supply chain. GreenSCOR focuses on the impacts of SCM in each stage of the product life cycle.GreenSCOR integrates best practices and metrics into the entire supply chain planning process. It also enables a arrogant study of the supply chain to unearth opportunities for making the supply chain greener.Best practices include collaborating with partners on environmental issues, reducing fuel and energy habit and minimizing and reusing packaging.It also includes the metrics to total the effects of greening, including carbon and the environmental footprint, emission costs per unit, energy costs as a percent of production costs, waste produced as a percent of production and returned products disposed of versus remanufactured. Processes to address waste management, such as how to collect and manage waste produced during production and testing (including scrap and non-conforming product).It also enables more efficient use of resources and increases the visibility of financial and operations benefits of supply chain practices. Lastly, the metrics can be effectively used to supervise the progress an organization is making towards a green supply chain. By implementing this model a company increases the chance of success of any green initiative. 6. Challenges when implementing a GSCContrary to what many people could think, making a business sustainability operational within a supply chain is becoming easier, not harder. There is more information available from procurement managers, environmental directors, design engineers, marketing, communication staff and operations managers- among others- and this deffinitely makes a difference when a supply chain decides to go green. But still big challenges like the lack of information about the green supply chain practices and the lack of tools to optimize the supply chain with environmental management makes the implementation less easy.With the trend of global sourcing tracking the carbon footprint of finished products can be difficult however, new initiatives have emerged for adopting the practice of requesting a carbon footprint from suppliers.Barriers to global trade because of the increasing environmental regulations, more restrictions on hazardous substances, bigger emphasis on lean manufacturing and increased supplier auditing and verification are creating the critical road toward new supply chain management expectations. The seek for efficiencies in supply chain management and producing products while reducing waste is a vital imperative in a recovering economy. Shareholder value, company valuations and possible mergers and acquisitions are affected by supply chain sus tainability. This impacts cash management and liquidity, for example, carbon-intensive sectors may see an increase in the cost of capital. The World Resources Institute is working on the new supply chain and product lifecycle greenhouse gas protocols that will frame the new expectations of value chain sustainability accounting and coverage. Increased attention will be paid on skirmish minerals, fair labor and other social aspects of sustainability, management of hazardous substances in toys and other consumer products. It is acknowledged by all organizations that the needs of the community are as important as those of other traditional stakeholders. Larger companies are identifying the critical supply chain partners that have the greatest product impact and collaboratively address the environmental and social footprint of their products through the value chain. Consumers will play a leading role behind greater supply chain collaboration. Consumer awareness about sustainability dem ands a more CO2-friendly supply of products and services.Other main challenge is in monitoring sub-supplier sustainability, this has become a tough task for companies with complex global supply chains.It is the responsibility of the direct suppliers to ensure that their sub-suppliers acknowledge, understand and accept the companies sustainable requirements. However, when a supply chain is long and complex, ensuring compliance at many thousands of sub-suppliers represents a major challenge.The future of sustainability will inevitably include the sustainability of entire supply chains, not just direct suppliersOne example of this recently has been Dells use of bamboo in its packaging. The company worked to secure Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification for its entire bamboo supply chain, from forest to manufacturing. The packaging is still a small percentage of Dells overall packaging needs, but it is a start.Another example could be IKEA, according to their sustainability annu al report, the company is moving in the right direction. Although the company they fell short of its goal of having 30% of its upstanding wood sourced from verified responsibly managed forests, they are working actively to increase the number, especially in China and Russia. The company has a team of nine forestry specialists who are dedicated to the two countries and is working towards certifying forests which are closer to the production facilities of IKEAs suppliers. IKEA has the goal of having 35% of its solid wood sourced from certified forests by 2012.If companies are not able to manage product compliance such as regulatory norms, they can suffer business interruptions such as product redesigns, delayed market launches, product returns and recalls. Therefore, effective lifecycle management is a key differentiator for short-term as well as long-term to get an advantage and stable position in the market.Suuply chain intercommunicate and logistics optimization is also key when implementing a GSC, inefficient transportation methods represent a significant part of the ecological problem. It has been illustrated by a recent report that found that as much as 75 per cent of a companys carbon footprint comes from transportation and logistics alone.Transportation management includes load integrating and route planning to drive cost savings and reduction of environmental impact. Another important challenge is related to establish a reverse logistics network that supports life cycle design and demanufacturing processes. Producers are required to meet specific targets for material recycling and recovery, relative to the total amount of packaging that they have put into the marketplace. This helps to shift the responsibility for collecting packaging and end of life products from local government to producers. Reverse logistics manages the handling and disposition of returned goods, improving a companys ability to put returned goods back on the market. Companies imp lementing reverse logistics processes can dramatically reduce the waste going into landfills and increase opportunities to reintroduce products to market. Xerox implemented a reverse logistics solution and achieved huge financial benefits of equipment remanufactured and parts reuse amounting representing over $100 million and reduced the waste from landfills.Another important point is the ability to simulate the capricious events in the supply chain network flow and evaluate the supply network design frequently. Companies need to work esigning optimum supply chain networks for sustainability incorporating criteria like fuel usage and carbon emissions. Process optimization is another challenge companies should improve the synchronization of production with customer demand and supplier capacity. The main areas of green manufacturing are reduction in energy, water consumption, waste and emissions that are part of manufacturing processes.And the last challenge I will include is the gre en reporting, measuring and reporting the environmental impact is the first step towards reducing them. There are direct benefits to organizations from measuring and reporting as because it gives a better understanding of the risks and exposure. Globally, sustainability and environmental reporting are becoming one of the most important management concerns due to increasing pressures of legislation as well as other initiatives. The challenge remains to quantify and report the emission and environmental footprints. It can be a time consuming and costly process that requires extraction of data from duple systems and manipulating it to arrive at required reports.7. Findings and conclusionsEconomic activity has an impact on the environment and the society industries need to conmsider this into their business operations and costs. It is becoming critical to measure and manage the environmental and social impact of activities and procesess across the supply chain. Green practices and a su stainable supply chain have become a prerequisite due to both regulatory obligations and economic benefits, yes a green supply chain can help a company to discover hidden sources of profitability.increasingly the companies are giving more importance to sustainability to promote loyalty of customers, who are getting more aware about the socio-ecological implications of businesses. A green sustainable supply chain enables business to improve products, process and supply quality and productivity. It also pushes the company to make innovative decisions that respond to green economy requirements, by doing this, companies gain access to key markets through diverse certifications.By using a model such as GreenSCOR incorporated in SCOR version 9, the chances of success in any green initiatives increases.Some key success factors and reccomendations in the implementation of a green sustainable supply chain were identified Stakeholders should be actively engaged in the sustainability strateg ies of the business. Green initiatives should be aligned with the strategic objectives of the company. GSCM Best Practices should be adopted when implementing a green supply chain. Technology and models such as SCOR should be used to enable the green initiatives. The company should boost its responsiveness to the expectations of the consumer. Green practices should be designed for minimal environmental impact, focussing the efforts to reduce packaging and in-transit damage when shipping. Planning and inventory management should pay special attention to reducing inventory and identifying optimal distribution solutions. Transportation solutions should be improved by collaboration. Procurement departments should perform lifecycle analysis for choosing products or solutions to minimize environmental impact. Suppliers relationship management should include the regular monitoring of suppliers and sub-suppliers sustainability. Benefits should be extended to the local community, as starting point.