Saturday, June 1, 2019

Psychological and Physical Aspects of Drug Abuse in Adolescent Communit

Unfortunately the abuse of illegal drugs is not uncommon in todays adolescent communities. Many teenagers today use illicit drugs as a way to deal with everyday pressures such as school, after(prenominal) school jobs, sports activities, domestic violence and peer pressure. Adolescence has been found to be a period of weakening bonds with parents and strengthening bonds with peers (Flay, 1994). Numerous states have experienced an increase in drug related deaths (http// More than 1 in 10 of todays youth remote 12-17 were current users of drugs in 1999 ( The number of young adults aged 18 to 25 using illicit drugs in 1999 was at a high of 17.1 percent ( In this paper I will describe or so of the most popular drugs in todays adolescent communities and why the use of illegal drugs is most common between the ages of 12 through 25. I will also describe what the tell-tale signs are in a person with a drug proble m and how you prat help. Among high school and college students, the drug marihuana is most frequently used in America today. marijuana is a tobacco-like substance that varies in its potency, depending on the source and selection of plant materials used (http// Marijuana is usually smoked in the form of loosely rolled cigarettes called joints, hollowed out commercial cigars called blunts and in water pipes called bongs. Street names for Marijuana include pot, grass, cannabis, weed, bloody shame Jane, Acapulco Gold, dope, and reefer. When Marijuana is smoked, THC goes quickly into the blood through the lungs. It then goes to the brain and this is when the high is felt. This can happen within a few minutes and can last up to five hours. Ther... ...ids and young adults continue to give the axe the dangers that drug abuse may cause. Drug use and its prevention are dependent on the understanding distinctions with in each of the following groups - their norms, message styles, and language (milling machine/Alberts/Hecht/Trost/Krizek, 2000, page 107). If you think that someone you know is addicted to drugs please do not ignore it. There are many websites, counseling centers, and drug rehabilitation programs that can help. We should not continue to ignore the problem, instead we should try to find a solution.BibliographyREFERENCES1.) Miller/Alberts/Hecht/Trost/Krizek (2000). Adolescent Relationships and Drug Use Mahwah, NJ LAWRENCE ERLBAUM ASSOCIATES, PUBLISHERS. 2.) Sora, J. (1997) Substance Abuse. The H.W. Wilson Company New York 3.) Torr, J. (1999) Drug Abuse Opposing Viewpoints. Greenhaven Press,.Inc .

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