Sunday, August 11, 2019

Ethical Analysis of the Ed Fischer Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Ethical Analysis of the Ed Fischer - Case Study Example Thus, the responsibility of the scientist is to discover new things. In the same way a lawyer helps in the justice, it is lawyer's responsibility to make sure that a proper justice is done to his/her client, so on and so forth. However all professions are governed by something other than just mere responsibility and duty. Sometimes it is not enough to just do your job. There are times when one needs to decide between what can be done and what should be done and at times, there are more choices available. It is slightly more complicated than it sounds. This is because there are other factors that play a role in the decision-making. These other factors define ethics. Ethics is not just about right or wrong or true or false. It is not that simple to define either. Ethics is not governed by rules or laws. Neither is there any ethical book of conduct. Ethics is actually a philosophy that existed for a long time for the betterment of the mankind. So then, one may ask if ethics is not law, neither it's a rule then what is ethics And why should one even bother to think about it Well there are good reasons to do so. Ethics defines the right actions based on the moral conduct and behavior for a greater good of an individual or a society. i.e., following the ethical standards would lead to following the general beliefs of the society. However, having said this, one may ask if it is always good to follow the ethics. Well that is a difficult question to answer. There are occasions when one needs to make a decision on either to follow the ethics or not. This can be elaborated further with Ed Fisher's case. Ed is currently bed ridden and needs assistance for most of his activities. He can't move his arms, can hardly move, and is really week due to eating disorders. His wife has died and is has three adult children. He has lost his desire to live longer in spite of having the possibility. The question that one needs to ask now is should a person who is suffering with so many severe symptoms still be convinced to live. Nevertheless, before asking that question, we need to ask what should be the reason to live, alternatively, if there should be any reason at all. The reason that a person lives, is not simply because he or she can move around or has the ability to do difficult tasks, but it is due to the reason that he has a soul within him or her. Moreover, as long as the soul exists, every living form in this world has the right to live life to the fullest and as long as possible. Having said that, the next question that arises is, everyone has the right to live but does anyone has the right to end his life as per his wish no matter what the circumstances are. What shall one do when a person decides to not to extend the days in his life Shall that person be allowed to die or shall that person be treated to the maximum possible way in order to extend his days fully As discussed in the beginning of this essay, these are the questions of ethics. These questions are toughest to answer and a nightmare for medical professionals. In Ed Fisher's case, it is obvious that he will not live much longer without the feeding tube. Therefore, for Ed, the advantages and disadvantages of undergoing the surgery are as follows: Advantages: He can live longer Can see his children prosper in their careers and personal lives Can see his grandchildren May learn or experience something new because you never stop learning until you

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