Thursday, December 26, 2019

Childhood Obesity A Serious Problem - 1411 Words

We are what we eat. Most of us have heard this many times, and just do not believe it; however, it is shockingly true. The human body is made up of the nutrients it extracts from foods (Katz). The importance of the statement â€Å"We are what we eat† often goes unrecognized, thus causing a major problem: parents not providing healthy diets for their children to ensure their best quality of life. Childhood obesity is a serious problem in America, and I believe it stems from parents. I have witnessed this first hand with my niece. It really bothers me that my sister-in-law often feeds my niece desserts and junk food instead of meats and vegetables. I have noticed that my niece is overweight and developing slower than she should. My family thinks it is cute, but I think it is starting her off in the wrong direction and posing problems for her future health. â€Å"For children and adolescents aged 2-19 years, the prevalence of obesity has remained fairly stable at about 17% and a ffects about 12.7 million children and adolescents for the past decade†(â€Å"Childhood Obesity Facts†). The number one cause for obesity is consuming an unhealthy diet filled with extra calories the body does not need. In a study of 6,212 children ranging in ages from four to nineteen, one-third ate fast food every day. By consuming fast food that often, it is likely to add about six extra pounds per child each year and increase the risk for obesity (Holguin). Although childhood obesity is problematic, there areShow MoreRelatedChildhood Obesity : A Serious Problem2903 Words   |  12 PagesINTRODUCTION (PROBLEM STATEMENT) Obesity does not exist among older people only. It can be seen among children and young adults. Childhood obesity is in fact â€Å"a medical condition that affects children and teenagers† (What is Childhood Obesity). Childhood obesity is a very serious problem that every single person throughout the world should know about and also aware of. However, some people might wonder and ask â€Å"what does overweight has to do with Childhood obesity?† According to the Childhood obesity foundationRead MoreChildhood Obesity : A Serious Problem1221 Words   |  5 PagesObesity is not only found amongst children, it is also found in pre-teen to teenage years as well. Childhood years are the most important period of a kids life, were they learn behavior and mold into the adult they will become. Starting bad eating habits early in the childhood years sets them up for more complications later in their lives. One out of three children in the U.S are obese, which most of them will end up facing a greater risk of having medical, social, emotional problems some even endRead MoreChildhood Obesity : A Serious Problem1918 Words   |  8 PagesChildhood obesity is a serious problem in the United States and it is putting numerous children at risk of health issues in the future. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, obesity is â€Å"a condition characterized by the excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body† (â€Å"Obesity†). The rate of obesity has grown tremendously; in fact it is now being called an epidemic. There are several factors that come into play to cause children’s obesity to increase. American children are no longerRead MoreChildhood Obesity : A Serious Health Problem Essay1459 Words   |  6 Pages Childhood obesity is a serious health problem that is associated with future diseases. Early mortality is also a result of childhood obesity. An obese child is more likely to develop chronic diseases in adulthood (Hood, Emie, 2005).Having obesity can increase the likelihood of Type 2 diabetes, kidney diseases, high cholesterol, cardiovascular diseases, sleep apnea, liver diseases, orthopedics problems, and cancer (Sahoo, Sahoo, Choudhury, SufiRead MoreWhy childhood Obesity is Becoming serious Problem?900 Words   |  4 Pages Why childhood Obesity is Becoming serious Problem? Obesity is a serious problem in the United States. Obesity may have serious effects on children, and childhood obesity affect them in their adulthood. Our family friend’s son is ten years old and at least twenty pounds overweight .When I saw him the first time, several questions arose in my mind about his overweight. Why does he become obese? What are the cause and effect of obesity? How does it show up at the symptom of obesity? They live closeRead MoreChildhood Obesity : A Serious Public Health Problem3682 Words   |  15 PagesIntroduction Childhood obesity is a serious public health problem in Canada that needs to be addressed in a timely manner. For the past few decades, the prevalence of childhood obesity in Canada has been on a steady rise, and up until now, it is still increasing and becoming an epidemic. Canada was ranked as the third most overweight and obese G-7 nation in 2005, following United States and the United Kingdom (ref?). The rise in the prevalence of childhood obesity in Canada between 1978 to 2004Read MoreChildhood Obesity : One Of The Most Serious Public Health Problem981 Words   |  4 PagesChildhood obesity is one of the most serious public health problems in the 21st century. According to PMC, the US Library of National Health and Medicine and National Institutes of Health, over 42 million children under the age of five are obese worldwide in 2010, and that number continues to ascend at an alarming rate. Obesity occurs the body stores an excess amount of fat, and is more than what the person n eeds to survive. Some scientists have argued that males are considered obese when they areRead MoreEssay about Childhood Obesity1310 Words   |  6 PagesPreparation Outline: Vitalba Evola Topic: Childhood Obesity General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To inform my audience of two prevalent causes of childhood obesity. Thesis Statement: While there are many causes of childhood obesity, most are, in fact, preventable. Introduction I. Attention Getting Device: Our society has become a classic case of â€Å"Battle of the Bulge,† as our society now has an alarming number of obese individuals. But this isn’t from World War II; itRead MoreChildhood Obesity : A Serious Medical Condition That Affects Children And Adolescents878 Words   |  4 Pages Research Paper on Childhood Obesity Childhood obesity is a serious medical condition that affects children and adolescents. It occurs when a child is overweight and well over the normal weight for his or her age and height. Child obesity is an important issue because the extra weight can lead children down the wrong path to health problems, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes to name a few. Childhood obesity can cause children to become depressed and have poor self-esteemRead MoreObesity : Obesity And Obesity1334 Words   |  6 PagesHealth Factors Related to Obesity in Adolescence Childhood obesity is a worldwide epidemic that has increased dramatically over the past few years. There are many reasons this could be and research shows that as cultures are developing kids are spending more time indoors than being active outside. Technology is becoming so advanced that people are now able to play sports right from the comfort of his or her living room couch. Although these technological advancements are quite outstanding and has

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Canadian stock market Example

Essays on Canadian stock market Assignment and Information al affiliation A chart showing TSX bank share prices by and amount of share sold A chart showing BMO share prices by date and amount of share sold Table showing BMO common share price Dates Decrease/ Increase open High Low Close volume adjusted close 24/10/2011 0 59.11 59.66 59 59.49 730100 58.81 28/10/2011 +1.01 60.12 60.65 60.01 60.26 703600 60.26 4/11/2011 -2.58 57.54 57.73 56.53 57.25 732400 57.25 10/11/2011 -0.89 56.65 56.75 55.44 55.9 996600 55.9 18/11/2011 -1.06 55.59 56.09 55.27 55.51 722600 55.51 25/11/2011 -2.81 52.78 53.52 52.74 53.22 400200 53.22 There is a general decrease in prices of common shares for BMO from end of October throughout the period of November. This makes it uncertain for invest thus cannot invest in it. Table showing BMO common share price Dates Decrease/ Increase open High Low Close volume adjusted close 24/10/2011 0 41.62 42.29 41.62 42.10 134700 41.73 28/10/2011 +0.25 42.25 42.71 42.25 42.36 70600 41.98 4/11/2011 +0.31 44.30 44.74 44.29 44.69 68700 44.29 10/11/2011 +0.27 44.57 44.60 44.19 44.31 133100 43.29 18/11/2011 +0.17 44.74 45.28 44.74 44.05 73000 44.65 25/11/2011 -0.23 44.51 44.78 44.48 44.65 102900 44.65 There is a general increase in prices of common shares for TSX from end of October throughout the period of November. This makes it attractive for investors to invest their cash in it Reasons for choosing BMO and TSX Both are financial institutions and it is easy to make comparison as to the general increase or decrease in the prices since they operate within the same economic environment. They are actually subjected to same factors as monetary policy and fiscal policies. Reason for choosing common stock It was easy to monitor the movement in terms of prices on hourly or daily basis unlike in bonds it was tedious on my side. The ease of accessibility made it easier to choose it. What Economic Factors Affect Stock Prices. The sensitivity of stock to the economic environment factors makes it a crucial type of investment that depends on how lucky the prevailing circumstance will be maintained. It proves to be the most dynamic component of the world market. Even though the market can be vibrant and active, stock prices are very volatile and its volatility makes investor more worried about the future of their investment. Investors keep on wondering what will happen on hourly, daily, and monthly and yearly to their investment. Supply and Demand The higher the demand the higher the price and the lower the demand the higher the price this implies that price is directly affected by stock market trends in trading. It means that when a consumers purchase a particular type of stock, its price will automatically increase by a margin slightly higher than the previous one. Similarly when a trader sells that stock, its price will then fall with a margin so that it is slightly lower than the previous trading price. Inflation and Interest Rates Inflation would refer to the general increase in price of commodities as a result of drop in the currency value. Goods would appear expensive to the consumer due to decreased purchasing power. Interest rate is the amount charged by financial institutions as a result of borrowing or lending services. Every stock market is affected by inflation and interest rates. Inflation go hand in hand with interest rate, according to Fischer effect higher the inflation rate higher the interest rate. It is central bank mandates to regulate monetary supply and make necessary policy. These policies affect the interest rate which in turn affects the share price. The perception of the investors and traders on what is likely to happen with interest rates and inflation within any given country will also impact on the stock market prices. The speculative natures of investors also affect the price of stock for instance if People perceive increase or decrease in interest rate will influence the price of stock to either increase or decrease. The interest rate is a good measure of pricing levels of stock, whether they increase or decrease for a certain time period will depend on interest rate. Trade Flows Trade balances and imbalances between two different countries affect the price of stocks. The monetary flows that are brought about by the trading between countries affect the price of a stock. For instance, when a countrys imports exceed its exports, it is likely that the currency will devalue hence causing the price of stock to plunge. However more investments in the country on the other hand will strengthen the currency this will mean that stock prices. Political Activities Political situation prevailing in a given country will affect the prices of stock a great deal. Political instability for instances will cause investors to sell their shares thereby causing the price to decrease since there is nobody is willing to in buy same share at the same magnitude. In the contrary to the above a country with political stability will ensure trading activities are normal and more people are willing to invest thus causing share price to increase. Would you invest in the market? The future of the common market is unclear. According to BMO the prices keep on decreasing non-linearly thus it means the prices of the common share are volatile and the decision to invest in one is based on speculation. According to TSX the prices of common share keeps on increasing making investment decision attractive. It will be very important to analyze closely the market further for about four months to come up with a proper analysis of the market trend. Using above information I can decide to sell my share before it starts deteriorating. Investment decision is mainly made after thorough evaluation of market situation to determine whether a project is viable or not. Most investors gamble around in their quest to make any decision pertaining to selling or buying of shares. Be that as it may consultation needs to done to someone or expert who understand the economic situation of the environment to which stock is trading in.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Organization Behavior OCB

Question: Describe about the Organization Behavior of OCB? Answer: Introduction Carrington (2001) says that in the recent times, the organization is continually finding the new ways where the growth is made in the response to the constant changes and with the todays dynamic work; there is also the need to have the successful organization needs that will further need the employees who will be performing more than the role requirements. When the situation is like that the employees are frequently making the exertion of the behavior then they exceed their formal role requirements and they also make the improvements in the overall functioning of the organization. The organizational citizenship behavior and its antecedents represent the various theories that are the set of the discretionary workplace behavior that will always exceed the basic of the jobs requirements. These ocb are often defined as the behaviors that will go beyond the call of a duty and the various researches that has been made spays that the since the time of its inception there is argued the by or gan and Bateman, that ocb is held to be the vital for the survival of the organization. Organ has further explained that the ocb can also maximize the productivity as well as the efficiency with the employees and the organization where there is made the ultimate contribution to the effective functioning of the organization. Even the western researchers have argued that when they made the empirical research n the ocb then, they made an investigation to be carried upon. Even in the India few of the researches such as by the niranjana, bhatnagar and sandhu, chaitanya etc. have made on it. Nevertheless, with this concept the most of the studies that have been carried upon, has utilized the generic conceptualization where the two-factor categorization as been made with this respect. According to the Williams and Anderson, although there is five dimensions frame work that ahs been used in the area, it was all prior to the research of the le pine and erez. Johnson, has also conducted a kin d of the meta-analysis where he said that there was made the examiner of the relationship with the dimensions and the addressing of this issue was made.le pine and the colleagues also are the suggestion that the researchers should consider the ocb at the aggregate level where they need to distinguish it ocb by the target that is kept in order to have whom the behavior is directed to. thus, it can be expressed that this study has used the two-factor in the organization with the consisting of the ocb and it directed towards the journal of the Indian academy of applied psychology individuals (ocbi).the very self report of the ocb of lee and Allen was chosen for the study because there was designed to have the measure ocb and ocbi than the previous scales. In this organizational citizenship involves lot of the variety of the behaviors that is kept between the employees, volunteering for the extra kind of the work and also including that of the representation of the organization in the positive light and atmosphere. More precise definition with the organizational citizenship behavior is that of the proved one rather than the difficult endeavor. Literature review Impact of personality on ocb and the performance of its own Kumar and bhakshi have found that there was the factor that relates to the four relations within the big five that will make the influence ocb. Using this kind of the regression there was indicated that the conscientious and the extraversion, neuroticism and agreeableness that will significantly affect then ocb, while there was the openness that will indicate the contrary effect. one of the researches as conducted by elanain , examined the affect of the big five personality on ocb add once it is controlled by the controlling variables then including the work locus of control and self esteem, with the organizational justice will change its new approach. The findings of this research could be said like there are five factor model that is also known as the predictor of the employees ocb. Emmerik and euwena have also made the study to examine the relationship that exists between the leadership group as the moderating factor and in this study there were kept around 286 teachers that are a cting like the respondents. The study then also revealed that when there are extraversion teachers then they are very much open to the experience and it will be more evolved the ocb compare to the introversion kind of the teachers who are not so open. Abd-el-Fattah (2010) says that the antecedents of the ocb and their effect on the teachers who obtain the high scores will said to be like the conscientious characterized with the more careful and responsible with the teachers are thus introverted and the neurotic personalities are very much less involved in the ocb ad thus they have the extrovert and the emotional stability. King et al, also has made the examination of the relationship with the personality and the helping behaviors in the workplace. In this study there was made the use of the 374 woenn who were the members of the association and with it showed that the strong conscientious had the more of the positive effect on it. Commitment on ocb and performance in respect of it Wagner and rush have clearly explained that organizational commitment is of very such nature that it will definitely include that of the affective commitment and the normative commitment with the commitment continuance that as the positive influence on the altruism and compliance (ocb).similar way, Kim also observed that the affective commitment has the positive influence on compliance. Ahmad (2008) is of the opinion that it can be said that with the facts, that the commitment has the bigger influence on ocb is made as to compare the customer behavior. While, alotaibi also found that there is n0o kind of the influence of the organizational commitment to ocb and this study revealed the different approaches to learn the commitments and it effects. The greatest effect on job satisfaction on ocb and also the performance alotaibi, has conducted the research that a study was concludes where it was found that the antecedents of ocb such as including that of the job satisfaction, perception of the fairness to the organizational commitment all are includes the procedural kind of justice. The distributive justice could be said to have the positive effect on the ocb. With the job satisfaction, and also the organizational commitment there is examines the relationship between the motivation, commitment, job satisfaction and ocb. Blankson (2005) says that the study that was conducted revealed that the positive kind of the relationship exists between the two will have some sort of good impacts and it is between the motivation and commitment. Even the employees satisfaction also exists between the ocb. In this regard, it can be said that when the keys and begum have found the impact on the employee satisfaction then it affects them. The study has also revealed that, with the Strauss, there is the relationship b etween the job satisfaction and the performance that states the productivity and it can be improved with the positive relationship that exists between the two. The job satisfaction has the negative effect on it. There was also found the relationship between the job satisfaction and the performance. The study was also conducted for the two ones. Conclusion Boehm (2009) makes the statement that it can be concluded that from the facts the personality has the positive and the significant effect on the organizational citizenship behavior where it means that organization commitment is insignificant on the OCB. It means that when the lectures have the high organizational commitment, therefore it is not necessary that there is the extra kind of the role in the university improvements. The OCB represents the various many dimensions that will made impact on various factors.orgazniational citizenship behaviors are often conceptualized with the socially desirable class of behaviors where different perspectives can be considered. It has been there purpose of the assignment to reveal that there are the attributions for the social desirability and also to make thee examination of the behaviors in the direct action reform with the observable form. Variety of the motives can be explained and all have the kind of the achievement and the affiliation. Mu ch of the researches are to be carried in the manner that it will make the good results in the field of the OCB with respect to it. As defined by organ, OCB reflects the good soldier syndrome where the need for the prosperity and the functioning of the every organization is very important. In this respect, with the various fields, there is made the urgent kind of the things that are needed in order to have the operation of the management in the organization with the better job and making the effort of the above and the beyond. There is seen the good behaviors and OCB is well-known for it. Such a good kind of the behaviors are very much important in the organization where there is made the use of it. References Carrington, B., Bonnett, A., Demaine, J., Nayak, A., Short, G., Smith, F. Tomlin, R. (2001). Ethnicity and the professional socialization of teachers: Final report to the teacher training agency. London: Teacher Training Agency. Abd-el-Fattah, S. M. (2010). Longitudinal effects of pay increase on teachers job satisfaction a motivational perspective. The Journal of International Social Research, 3(10), 11-21. Ahmad, H. Ahmad, K. Shah, I. A. (2010). Relationship between job satisfactions, job performance: Attitude towards work and organizational commitment. 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Predicting job satisfaction and job performance in a privatized organization. International Public Management Journal, 13(3), 275-296. Boehm, J. K., Lyubomirsky, S. (2008). Does happiness lead to career success? Journal of Career Assessment, 16, 101-116. Campbell, R.J., Kyriakides, L., Muijs, R. D. Robinson, W. (2004). Effective teaching and values: Some implications for research and teacher appraisal. Oxford Review of Education, 30(4), 451-465. Campbell, R.J., Kyriakides, L., Muijs, R.D. Robinson, W. (2003). Differential teacher effectiveness: Towards a model for research and teacher appraisal. Oxford Review of Education, 29(3), 349-350. Carmeli, A. Gefen, D. (2005). The relationship between work commitment models and employee withdrawal intentions. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 20(2), 63-86. Carrington, B. Tomlin, R. (2000). Towards a more inclusive teaching profession: teacher recruitment and ethnicity. European Journal of Teacher Education, 23(2), 139157. Carvel, J. 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Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Political Training an Example of the Topic History Essays by

Political Training: Adolf Hitler, Sir Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt. There have been many leaders who have altered the course of history and changed the way the world thinks and lives. These leaders have been men of tremendous influence over masses, though the influence may have been negative in impact. Leadership styles may differ from authoritative to democratic to laissez faire but leaders have in common a penchant for influencing the common people and having their way with the crowds. The world remembers such leaders with awe and their names become subjects of household conversations. Every era has its share of such leaders. This paper studies the lives of some highly influential leaders of the modern times and attempts to understand what made them the men that they were. Need essay sample on "Political Training: Adolf Hitler, Sir Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt." topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed The name Adolf Hitler conjures up that dreaded image of World War II when the world rose as one to fight and conquer the Axis powers comprising of Germany, Japan and Italy. He may have been a villain and a torturer who ordered millions of Jews to be burned alive in gas chambers, who rose from the bottom of the societal ladder to become the dictator of Germany and then a lot of Europe for some time during the World War, and built a regime based on terror and persecution during his reign. It is indeed surprising that with no formal political training, no background for the kind of reign and terror that he established, he went on to become a dictator who had germany and most of Europe at his command during the World War. However, an insight into his childhood shows that his tendency to rule was a result of a difficult and lonely childhood and less than happy adolescence. Born of poor parents, Hitler was sent to study to an urban school when his father procured enough money through his position as the Austrian customs' officer. An intelligent student at the village school, he lost his footing in the unfamiliar surroundings of the city and his results became poor. He also developed a predisposition for breaking rules and antipathy towards authority. Consorting with the lowest of the crowds and failing to secure a position in architectural schools in Venice, Hitler became a vagabond and a loner. He did not have a permanent job and took up menial positions to secure two square meals a day. The crowds that he mingled with were his first political training. He learnt to manipulate them for his benefit and exploit them for his own gains. It was during this time that he developed strong feelings of nationalism and also an anti- Marxist. This was the first step towards a becoming a dictator and manipulating huge masses. During the first world War, Hitler served as a volunteer in the Bavarian regiment, having returned to Germany in 1913. his bravery was rewarded and he was decorated several times but wasn't promoted to a leadership position as his officers felt that he lacked certain qualities. In 1920, he came in contact with the Nazi party and became their main propagandist as he had a natural flair for oration and his speeches attracted people and influenced their thought process. Within a year of joining the party he became its leader. Thus we see that from a loner who roamed the streets in search of low jobs, he became the leader of a party which revolutionized the political system in Germany. He tried to bring about a change in government forcefully in 1923 but failed and was sent to jail. During his jail time, he wrote his autobiography 'Mein Kamph' in which he outlined his ideals and held the Jews responsible for the problems plaguing Germany. Once he came out of jail, his leadership prowess became evident. Facing difficulties in reforming his party, he met with each problem and sidestepped it gracefully through sheer thinking and knowing when to strike and whom to strike. His mass movements were targeted towards people he knew he could win over such as the military outcasts who were more than happy to join him. He went from power to power through powerful speeches and knowing whom to speak to. When his votes went down, when he was facing a crisis in his career and when all looked lost, he pulled out a political miracle by maneuvering the Reichstag to give him dictatorial powers and from then began what can only be called history. Thus even though he was a villain, a demagogue and a manipulator, his influence over people was immense and he altered the course of history with his masterly politics. He terrorized the world, killed off thousands of people and was a prime example of a rotten childhood can influence a man negatively and cause irreparable damage to his personality. With a proper training perhaps, he could have been a leader the world would have looked up to with pride but he turned out to be a synonym for terror and brutality. Another man inseparable associated with the II World War is Sir Winston Churchill. Born in a royal family with impeccable bloodlines, his political training began almost with his birth as he absorbed and learned from his family affairs and was given the best possible education. He played his role in the World War I by preparing the naval troops and in World War II his achievements and heroics are part of folklore. When all looked lost during the war and when Hitler had Paris down on its knees, he emerged as the leader of the unified commonwealth and Britain and called for the unity of the English speaking people. His speeches, filled with fervor and passion, raised the morale of terrified people and also the wounded armed forces. After joining the armed forces in 1888, he had a rich and varied experience of army life with his travels taking him to India as well. All through this, he continued to read the best of literature and the effect of his literary knowledge was profound on his personality and intellect. Strong leaders and always well read, even though the kind of literature they read influences their actions and ideals. During his long travels to the North East Frontiers, the South Africa and many more, he was both an active officer and also an avid war correspondent and fulfilled both duties with equal proficiency. His political career, backed by his firm and stable character and knowledge was illustrious. After spending a period of self imposed exile after losing elections, he was recalled to head the country in the critical times of 1940 when Germany seemed to be able to conquer the whole of Europe. His solidarity, his faith in the armed forces, his morale lifting speeches and the aura of quiet authority that he generated made the Britons and almost the whole of Europe that the Allies were not going to loose the war and Britain was not going down to Germany. Even during the war, he took many decisions that could have been disastrous if they were not backed by his almost prophetic foresight. Thus, Sir Winston Churchill was a leader the world prefers to remember with fondness and pride and a man the world looks up to with respect and dignity. Franklin D. Roosevelt was also one of the few fond memories that can be associated with the Second World War Again a man with a strong family backing and a man whose political training was basically done at home with the kind of family he had, FDR was a man whose name America will always speak with pride and remember with affection. He battled polio, came back stronger and more capable and never allowed his disability to get the better of him. His four terms in office were not peaceful times but he handled all that came to him with poise and grace. When he was first elected in 1932, America was battling the Depression. Within "100 days", he made the country stand back on its feet and during the next few years he made the feet even sturdier and stronger. When attacked by Japan in 1942 at the infamous Pearl Harbor incident, he went for the most courageous action of declaring war on Japan in a time when America was still recovering from the after effects of the first one. But there was honor to be saved and pride to be salvaged and FDR knew that a country wounded in pride will never be able to stand firmly in its position. America's entry into the war with the Allies changed the course of the war and what seemed to be Germany's certain victory now looked to be a war more on the side of the Allied Powers. With clever marshalling of resources and shrewd politics learned and perfected over the years, FDR steered through the troublesome times and did wonders for America's position as a superpower in the world. Thus the Second World War brought to fore three very different leaders in the forms of Adolf Hitler, Sir Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt. Without any political training and with poor literature and poor company, Hitler rose to dictatorship while Churchill and Roosevelt with their strong personalities and proper training, though informal and self imposed, went on to become the kind of leaders that inspire and motivate generations for many years and are remembered fondly and not with terror imposed fright. WORKS CITED Hitler,Winston Churchill,Franklin D. Roosevelt, A Biography of Adolf Hitler, Winston Churchill,