Monday, October 21, 2019

Great Literary Elements of the The Illiad

Great Literary Elements of the The Illiad Free Online Research Papers There are many great literary elements that are in the book known as, â€Å"The Iliad.† The book was written by Homer, a great Greek poet. This book tells the story of two armies that are in an epic battle. These armies are known as the Trojans and the Achaeans. Throughout the book, you can see how the gods and goddesses get involved. Many times in the book, the god’s favored certain sides of the battle. In the story it seems like the war will end quickly at times, but the constant strikes thrown by the gods only strive for the war to continue. It’s somewhat hard to realize what the outcome of these events would have been like without all the constant bickering between each other. From the way they instigated the war, by using indirect involvement, to the way they stood out and noticeably struck the opposing army, they were respected and powerful. Zeus is the most respected of all gods. He is lord of Olympia and carries the power of lightning. In many places he uses his position to get what he wants. Between arguing with the other gods, and striking the humans, Zeus truly shows how powerful he is in his reign. In book 1, he sends a dream to Agamemnon, which is his first act in the story. Then he began to show his favor toward the Trojans, as he sent a messenger to inform them of the Achaean formation. Many acts showed his power and respect he receives as King of Olympia I would be very confident if I knew Zeus was on my side in any battle, especially one with such importance. If only it would have worked in the favor of the Trojans, when Menelaus and Paris fought, then the war could’ve ended sooner. Even though Zeus contained all the power and control, I am still not quite sure why he didn’t step up and end the war on his own. If Zeus would have stopped the war before the Trojan walls had fallen, then I’m sure the constant whining, complaining, and trickery of Hera would have begun to conjure up. Anyone in their right mind would not want to listen to someone who wants something of such importance to fall, or end. Hera, the queen of gods and wife of Zeus, wants Troy to fall. She is always going against her husband. Hera is always trying to find new ways o make Troy fail. Throughout the book, she works with Athena. Athena is the goddess of wisdom. She is also Zeus’s daughter and is very smart when it comes to war. Just like her mother Hera, she also wants the Trojans to fail in their battles. Many times, her and her mother go off and give valuable information to the Achaeans. The Achaeans use this information to try and get the upper hand on the Trojans. Many of the gods chose sides. Eventually, some of them decide to fight for either army. Thetis, a sea-nymph, is the mother of the most powerful warrior in the book, Achilles. Achilles becomes the greatest warrior for the Achaeans. Early in the book, Achilles gets frustrated and wants no part of this war. He wants to see the Trojans fall and he goes to his mother for help. His mother, Thetis, asks Zeus to provide power for the Trojans. Achilles, for a while, stops fighting. Then he finds out Patroclus was killed by Hector, a Trojan soldier. Achilles fills with outrage. He goes to his mother to get help to rejoin the battle. Thetis turns to Hephaestus for a new suit of armor that Achilles can wear when he returns to battle. He receives the new armor the very next morning. This is where the real battle begins. Achilles turns this whole war around. He strives to fight Hector. Hector has the slightest clue about Achilles returning to battle. He orders his army to stay by the walls of Troy. When Achilles shows up, the Trojan army starts to retreat. Achilles takes down and destroys every Trojan he gets his hand on. The bodies, of the dead Trojan soldiers, all end up in the river. Xanthus, the god of the river, was not pleased at all. All these bodies made him extremely angry. Then, after Hector has been running from Achilles for a number of days, he is convinced by Athena to turn around and fight Achilles. Hector loses the battle, and the Trojans ose the war. Based on Hector’s performance, the gods all agree to give a proper burial. Zeus then sends Hermes, the messenger of the gods, to escort Hector’s father to the funeral. King Priam, Hector’s father, is the ruler of Troy. He goes to Achilles and begs for the body of Hector to be returned to Troy. Achilles fulfills this request and burial proceeds. In conclusion, the gods and goddesses had everything to do with this war. Zeus supports the Trojans. Thetis helps the greatest warrior of all complete his goals. Athena uses her sly ways to make the war go her way. Hera gets involved by giving information, bout the Trojans, to the Achaeans. I think if it wasn’t for the gods and goddesses, then war would have lasted forever. The fight would of had nothing to grow on if the gods and goddesses would not have interfered. It’s is kind of like life and the way it is today. Many of our fights, wars, and arguments are started through something that started off small. Yet, through the instigation of other, it eventually gets bigger. Research Papers on Great Literary Elements of the "The Illiad"Canaanite Influence on the Early Israelite ReligionMind TravelHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsQuebec and CanadaWhere Wild and West Meet19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraBringing Democracy to AfricaThe Spring and Autumn

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