Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Tisse pathology dissertation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Tisse pathology dissertation - Essay Example Once there is a failed system through the natural functioning of the immune system, doctors and pharmacists try to intervene through diagnosis and pharmacology (quote). It is important to state however that in order for the roles of the medical professionals to be successful, an important component of the disease they have to consider is the pathology of the disease. This paper is therefore dedicated to finding the pathologic processes involved in the disease of Crohns Disease. Crohns disease is one of the inflammatory bowel diseases that mainly affect the gastrointestinal tract of a person (quote). There are other known inflammatory bowel diseases but in the case of Crohns disease, the target of infection has often been the gastrointestinal area from the mouth to the anus and comes with several imploratory symptoms. Due to the fact that there may be other diseases with similar description as the Crohns disease, it is very important that the forthcoming symptoms of the disease are critically examined to be sure if it is really Crohns disease. Symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, weight loss and vomiting, with some outward symptomatic complications outside of the gastrointestinal including arthritis, tiredness and skin rashes should commonly be looked out for (quote). Because of the target area of the disease, it has often been called the regional enteritis, referring to the fact that gastrointestinal (GI) tract with common emphasis on the end part of the small intestine is the worse target point. In the figure below, the specific organ within the human system that Crohns disease attacks, making it have the name of regional enteritis is exhibited. Medically, Crohns disease presents a perfect case of what may be called no respecter of persons as it affects men equally as it affects women. Both men and women may therefore get Crohns disease on the same probability basis. The disease has also been recorded in almost people of every age

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