Monday, May 25, 2020

Democratic Governance Essay - 1276 Words

Democratic Governance Authored by Md. Alam, Walden University Overview The study of democratic governance is an effort to make a module on â€Å"Theories of Democratic Governance and Research. For this study, one of the most popular topics â€Å"Democracy† discussed and analyzed from the point of theoretical aspect, contemporary research, and application aspect. Objectives This Knowledge Area Module (KAM) looks at democratic governance. This breadth component begins by discussing the theoretical characteristic of democracy. For this study, democratic thoughts of Aristotle, Milton Friedman, Robert Dahl, and John Dewey will be used as guides; will find out the different ideas about democracy. In Breadth component, theories of democracy†¦show more content†¦d) Democracy includes all citizens those who are able to participate in the polis. This four categories democracy is based on equality between poor and rich. In his Politics book four Aristotle viewed fifth democracy which is alike with previous four types but the multitude. Finally, Aristotle presented polity- the best alternative, mixed form of oligarchy and democracy. This polity may more incline to either oligarchy or democracy. Oligarchic polity would rule by few selective individuals and democratic polity is operated by common people. Aristotle is a promoter of the latter, because it involves rule by the middle class. Dewey’s Democratic Ends Need Democratic Methods for Their Realization Democracy is a social idea to John Dewey (Cunningham, 2002). Dewey viewed people’s actions have permanent and broader effect over other people of the society. People form leaders under political democracy to regulate the actions. When leaders imposed force to achieve private gain, the public became defunct. Democracy is the combination of responsible sharing as per their ability and regulating activities among the groups. Dahl’s Dilemmas of Pluralist Democracy Robert Dahl’s (1989) democracy is a combination of typical and substantive equality. He describes at least fiveShow MoreRelatedParticipation Of A Democratic System Of Governance1575 Words   |  7 Pagesbe at the Centre of decision-making processes. This is critical because in a democratic system of governance, rule by the people is the underlying and founding principle of democracy. Engagement is about making them become agents of change, helping them ascend to decision making institutions. Opportunities for youth to participate in political processes depend largely on the political and cultural context. A democratic environment can be more favorable to participation in general. 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