Thursday, May 14, 2020

Diabetes Mellitus A Major Public Health Problem...

Diabetes Mellitus has increased in recent years due to bad eating habits and inactivity. Diabetes Mellitus is a major public health problem worldwide. Improved testing accuracy has improved which has confirmed more cases. There are two types of diabetes. In this paper I will explain the differences in both types of Diabetes and complications that are commonly associated with this disease, as well as treatment and plan of care for this disease. (American Medical Association) Type I Diabetes Mellitus formerly known as insulin-dependent diabetes, is a metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from lack of insulin. Type I diabetes mellitus results when pancreatic beta cells are destroyed because the beta cells of the pancreas have been damaged or destroyed by an autoimmune process. Type I diabetes mellitus is an absolute deficiency of insulin. If insulin is not given, fats are metabolized for energy, causing ketonemia acidosis. Research shows that it may be genetic. (Lippincott, Williams Wilkins, p. 286) Type II Diabetes Mellitus formerly known as non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus or adult-onset diabetes can occur at any age. This affects 80% of overweight people. Type II diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease caused by impaired insulin production, inappropriate hepatic glucose production, or peripheral insulin receptor insensitivity. Although people with Type II diabetes produce insulin, their levels may be normal, low, or elevated, theyShow MoreRelatedFactors Affecting Prevalence And Treatment Outcomes Of Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus1005 Words   |  5 Pagesand Treatment Outcomes of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Rwanda Introduction Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic condition in which the pancreas no longer produces enough Insulin (impaired insulin secretion) or cells stop responding to the insulin that is produced (insulin resistance) resulting in increased blood glucose (â€Å"Endocrine System.† Internal Medicine Clinical Treatment Guidelines. Republic of Rwanda Ministry of Health, 2012 ). 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Obesity and lack of exercise are key risk factors for the most common form. Many people think that diabetes results from eating too many sweets, but the truth is more complex. Type 2 diabetes -- also known as adult-onset diabetes -- is characterized by â€Å"insulin resistanceRead MoreHypoglycemic Activity of Gynura Procumbens in Alloxan-Induced 1023 Words   |  5 PagesBackground of the Study Diabetes mellitus is a serious metabolic disorder wherein the person has high blood glucose level either due to inadequate insulin production or the body’s cells do not respond properly to insulin (Nordqvist, 2010). There are three main types of diabetes namely Type I (insulin-dependent), Type II, and gestational diabetes. All these types are characterized by hyperglycemia or high blood glucose level. 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Individuals with T2DM are considered on high priority as they are potential candidates for rapid evaluation to prevent and halt the progression of complications. This study presented descriptive data from a large number of subjects with diabetesRead MoreTaking a Look at Cataracts1127 Words   |  4 Pagesdiscussing the incidence and prevalence of this condition in Australia, India and Germany. It will also explore the treatment and prevention strategies as well as roles of two health professionals in providing these strategies. It is estimated over 285 million people worldwide are visually impaired with one of the major causes being cataract at 33% (figure 1A)(Pascolini Mariotti, 2012). Cataract is considered to be the leading cause of blindness (51%) in the world (figure 1B) (Pascolini MariottiRead MorePrevalence Of Type II Diabetes Mellitus2138 Words   |  9 Pages Prevalence of Type II Diabetes Mellitus in the Adult of JAZAN by Demographic characteristics, BMI and Settlement type. Dr.T.Hemalatha, Dr. Rashida, Ms.Wajiha, Dr.Fahad Abstract Nowadays Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is becoming a major health problem in all over the world. If a person having prolonged group of disease with high level of blood glucose then it is Diabetes Mellitus. It will cause severe other health issues like cardiovascular diseases, disease related to vision, Kidney, blood vesselsRead MoreDiabetes Essay789 Words   |  4 Pagescancer and type 2 diabetes and promote good health (Temple 2000; Kwon et al. 2007). Non-communicable chronic diseases (NCDs) such as type 2 diabetes (T2D) are rising rapidly worldwide due to lifestyle and diet chances (Mishra et al. 2017). In North America these diseases disproportionately affect certain indigenous communities, who also have high prevalence of obesity in all age groups and in both sexes (Kwon et al. 2007). Diabetes mellitus (DM), a global public health problem, is a chronic disorder

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