Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Alcohol and its Effects Essay -- essays research papers

Alcohol and its EffectsAlcohol is a substance that has become a part of the complaisant settings in todays world. Many people can say they have drunk alcohol and most can even remember their jump sip of beer. Whether it was given to us by our p arents or at a social engagement, ever soyone has encountered alcohol in their lives. But as responsible people, have we ever stopped to realize that we are taking a drug in to our system that is both harmful and addictive? Alcohol affects a wide run away of digestive-system disorders such as inflammation of pancreas and cirrhosis of the liver. The central and peripheral nervous systems can be permanently damaged causing blackouts, hallucinations, and extreme tremor may occur. As if the there was not enough effects from alcohol, vitamin deficiency is also one of the major effects cause by alcohol causing pteroylmonoglutamic acid and thiamine deficiencies. Though there are a variety of drinking patterns and the range of injuries among al cohol abusers, some are mild and can recover on their own with the right tools and techniques. Others are critical and need hospitalization and prolong rehabilitation with custodian supervision.Ten percent of the adult drinkers in the United States are considered alcoholics or at least they experience drinking problems to some degree. There is about 5% of ethyl alcohol in a beer, 7-14% in board wine, 20% in fortified wind such as Sherry, and 40% in distilled spirits a...

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