Saturday, May 18, 2019


Resilience No matter how old, or young you are there Is no doubt that life has had a arduous and rigorous grip on you. It could have been so rough that you think that there Is no modal value to recover. But you seem to continuously recover In time. This Is the nub of human resilience. It Is the ablllty to be knocked down by life but picked back up and become stronger by yourself. The way you become stronger Is not scarcely based off of yourself ( inherent sources) but by your surroundings (external sources). With these sources you can become resilient to life and always become strongerTo be resilient means, the power or ability to return to the original form, position, etc. , later world bent, compressed, or stretched elasticity. (The Free Dictionary). This definition would be for the non-living. Just identical a tree being blown in the jot it give bend entirely it can but as short as the wind stops it will regain Its normal posture. This is what we humans do too We all take pressure from life, whether its good or bad, we will become stressed or hurt (bent like the tree). As soon as that pressure goes away we can recover to our normal being.The oak fought the wind and was broken, the willow bent when It must and survived. (Robert Jordan, The Fires of Heaven). Just Ilke this willow tree, we must bend when life takes Its toll on us. gentles have the ablllty to recover, so we must use it often to survive lifes rough times. Overall the meaning of human resilience is the ability to recover quickly when we are being bent from lifes everyday pressures. Human resilience comes from internal and external sources. The external source is the environment that you are in. I say it is the environment because environments ive you more options to be able to be resilient.Here is an example. If you live in a small rundown townsfolk In Virginia, which has basically no companies or industries thriving In the area, compared to New York city. New York City is a place full of opportunities to become resilient because there Is so many companies and Industries that are growing, so you will have a a good deal greater chance to recover from something if you would live in New York City just like Jeannette Walls. The main idea is that if you are becoming resilient it would be easier in the rectify environment, with he right opportunities just like in the Glass Castle.The most important source is the internal source, which is our mind and soul. Without our mind and soul we would have no self-motivation, and without self- motivation we cannot be resilient. No matter how much falls on us, we keep plowing ahead. Thats the only way to keep the roads clear. (Greg Kincacid) This quote is completed because it shows self-motivation Without it you cannot keep plowing ahead. Everyone who Is resilient has self-motivation, Just Ilke Jeannette Walls when she was otivated to leave Vlrglnla and to move to New York.

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