Sunday, September 1, 2019

9th Grade Biology

Biology Chapter 17 1) 17. 1 Protists are the Most Diverse of All Eukaryotes a. Slide 1: Complex Characteristics of Protists i. Protist 1. eukaryotic organism that is not an animal, a plant, or a fungus ii. Structure iii. Future iv. Examples v. Classification b. Slide 2: Complex Cells/Grouping by Nutrition vi. Heterotroph/Autotrophs vii. How to Group: viii. Animal-Like 2. Protozoans a. animal-like protist; is a heterotroph ix. Fungus-Like x. Plant-Like 3. Algae b. plant-like protist; makes its own food by photosynthesis Read also Lab 2 Biology 2) 17. Protozoans Digest their Food c. Slide 1: Protozoans With Flagella xi. Zooflagellates c. member of a group of protozoans that move by means of one or more flagella 4. Reproduction 5. Giardia 6. Trypanosoma d. Slide 2: Protozoans With Pseudopodia xii. Amoebas: 7. Movement: pseudopodia d. temporary extension of a cell's cytoplasm and plasma membrane; used by certain protozoans in movement and feeding 8. Forarms e. member of a group of marine protozoans with porous shells made of organic material and calcium carbonate   e.Slide 3: Protozoans with Cilia xiii. Paramecium 9. Movement f. Ciliates i. member of a group of protozoans that move and feed by means of hair like projections f. Slide 4: Protozoans Lacking Motility xiv. Apicomplexans (parasites) 10. Plasmodium g. Malaria 3) 17. 3 g. Plasmodia Slime Molds 11. member of a group of fungus-like protists that grows in a branching pattern xv. Cellular Slime Mold 12. protist with both unicellular and multicellular stages in its life cycle; is a decomposer xvi. Plasmodium 13. ember of a group of fungus-like protists that grows in a branching pattern xvii. Sporangia 14. reproductive structures on a plasmodial slime mold; also called fruiting bodies h. Water Molds and Downy Mildews xviii. Water molds xix. Downy mildews 15. Phytophthora Infestans 4) 17. 4 i. Euglenoids 16. member of a group of unicellular photosynthetic protists with one or two flagella and no cell wall xx. Euglena j. Dinoflagellates 17. member of a group of unicellular, photosynthetic algae with cell walls made of cellulose and having two flagella xxi.Plankton 18. mostly microscopic organisms that drift or swim near the surface of ponds, lakes, and ocean xxii. Phytoplankton 19. microscopic algae and cyanobacteria that carry out photosynthesis   xxiii. Zooplankton 20. microscopic animals that swim or drift near the surface of aquatic environments k. Diatoms 21. member of a group of unicellular algae with glasslike cell walls l. Seaweeds 22. a la rge, multicellular marine alga xxiv. Brown Algae xxv. Red Algae xxvi. Green AlgaeGeneral Biology Ii Study Guide (Online Class)

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