Friday, September 13, 2019

Critique of a Qualitative Research Report Paper

Critique of a Qualitative Report - Research Paper Example Introduction The problem is well defined in the introduction and is based on empirical evidence. The problem stated is easy to understand as it is based not on assumptions but on statistical data. The problem taken in to consideration is of medication errors which, though, have been studied before, lack data on which the problem can be fixed of modified. The rationale for the research is based on solid empirical grounds since the gap between the review of the literature is clearly identified. The limitations of the previous researches are also clearly presented making the argument for the present research a strong one. The problem is a significant one for the nursing profession as it has been found that at least one medication error occurs every day for every hospitalized patient (Institute of Medicine, 2006). The characteristics of the nursing unit are explored in particular and so the findings of the research can be applied in the nursing profession improving nursing practices. Mor eover, the antecedents of both severe and non-severe medication errors and so the error prevention or modification models can be designed and applied based on priority of the errors. Hypotheses or Research Questions The purpose of the study is clearly stated in the beginning of the research, i.e. to investigate if differences in antecedents of severe and non-severe medication errors exist (Chang & Mark, 2009). Both these types of errors were investigated separately. Though the purpose of the research is stated clearly, it lacks research questions. The measures to be investigated are derived from previous researches and then data is collected on these measures. The data collecting method and procedure and the sample size is also explained under separate headings. However, the criterion used to select the sample size is not explained that well and is summarized in two brief paragraphs and does not explain why the selected data collection tools were used over other options. The indepen dent and dependent variables, on the other hand, are clearly specified under different headings. For instance, each independent variable is separately explained i.e., how it is defined and how data is collected for each variable, for e.g. the health status of the patients was defined as the perception of the patients of their health and the data for it was collected by asking patients to rate their health on a five point Likert scale (Chang & Mark, 2009). The literature review is also consistent with the research purpose as it provided the basis for variables that investigated in the research. Literature Review The literature review used for the research includes latest data that was available at the time of the research. Though older researches are also used, i.e. going back to 1979, these researches are only used as supporting evidence along with other recent researches. Moreover, the researches included in the literature review are based on primary data collected for specific pur poses. The review of the literature also provides a solid ground for a new study and the previous studies focus on medication errors as a whole in a retrospective manner and do not differentiate between non-severe errors that can be overlooked from severe errors that may result in severe physical and psychological injury, and even death at times. It is thus important to separate these factors from each other so appropriate actions can be taken. Conceptual/Theoretical Work The researchers have

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