Sunday, September 8, 2019

Critical Analysis and Reflection of Cases in the West Yorkshire Essay

Critical Analysis and Reflection of Cases in the West Yorkshire Jurisdiction - Essay Example In terms of completing a particular task of enforcing the law, like other police staff forces, the Yorkshire police force tries to implement all the necessary ethical and lawful guidelines altogether as they put themselves into a particular situation that might not be that easy for just anyone to be under. In the context of this discussion, a practical presentation on how the police force carefully yet strongly implements the systems of the law in the community shall be tackled in an aim to show how important the responsibilities of the said officers in the society are. A repeat offender was caught in the possession of five cannabis plants. These plants were processed for growth through a hydraulic set up. The 26-year-old man producer of drug has been in the watch list of the police as he has long been accused of possession and distribution of drugs for at least 26 previous convictions. These convictions prove the operation of the man and are further proven by the seen evidences in his home. Besides that, the convicted man has also been reported to have a 1000 in his pocket amidst the fact that he does not have a job. He was also seen with a young girl aged 18 who was doubted to have been using the drug along with the 26 year old man. She was rather asked some questions and sworn that she did not know about the ongoing procedures of producing drugs in the house. Given all t Given all the substantial evidences, the need to capture the man is essential. The informant who is the man's mother is asked to go back as she was found clean of the course of her son and was appointed to stay with her grandchild. Legalization, policy and Guidelines Section 23 of PACE allowed the search of the premises of the arrested person at the time of arrest without a warrant1. Subsection 1 says that a constable is allowed to search a person when he is arrested in a place, which is not the police station especially if he poses a danger to himself or others. The search is meant to uncover any thing that he might use to escape custody or which might be evidence in the crime. Subsection 2b allows the search of premises in which he was arrested. The powers do not allow the constable to unclothe or remove any clothes to achieve the purpose of discovering evidence. Moreover, this section does not allow a police officer to return to a site and examine the premises for evidence to corroborate the earlier arrest as he then requires permission from the inspector. Changes have been made in the trigger powers validated by Section 32. Search of the person and premises are allowed only in indictable offences as per the revisions from the midnight of Dece mber 31st 2005 in which the searching of premises and seizing of property are concerned2. The PACE (Police and Criminal Evidence Act, 1984) Section 18 was used for searching the premises of the girl's house and the house that both of the arrested rented for two days. This section of law allows the constable to enter and search the premises occupied or controlled by the person arrested and that relates to the offence, after the arrest3. A permission from the officer of the rank of Inspector of Police is required if the searches are done after the arrested are taken to the police station. This

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