Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The Great Depression Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

The Great Depression - Essay ExampleAs the research declares most farmers and companies hence began to dumbfound losses and default on their loans. The situation got worse after some parts of the nation were happen upon by a terrible drought. America was also operating on a laissez-faire stinting policy that did not impose any regulations on businesses. Most companies paid low wages to their workers booster cable to uneven wealth distribution. The above factors coupled with the fact that Europe was also going through the impression led to an increased decline in the market for American products. It led to the closure of businesses, increase in debts, massive unemployment, and foreclosure of banks. The final blow resulted from the collapse of the New York stock market that led to the loss of billions of dollars of investor money.As the report stresses President Hoover tried to end the economic crisis by encouraging cooperation between administration and business, establishing gov ernment agencies, fostering labor harmony and attempting to balance the budget. He refused to involve the federal government in manipulating the currency, fixing prices or controlling businesses. He also refused to use federal money to give localize aid citizens hence operated on the principle of rugged individualism. President Franklin Roosevelt, on the other hand, held a a lot more liberal philosophy as he believed the federal government was required to step in and give direct aid to its people.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Pros and Cons of Managed Care Plans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pros and Cons of Managed precaution Plans - Essay ExampleThis benefits the beneficiaries of the plans (Kongstvdt, 2007). Managed tending plans argon beneficial in preventive measures. The people who have benefited from managed care plans are more likely to bring in vaccinations and thus less likely to fall ill. This reduces the amount of resources pass in medical attention. However, managed care plans have areas that need improvement. First, managed care plans provide for cream skimming that ensures that just now the healthiest people subscribe to the programs. This locks out people who are able and volitioning to pay the premiums and divides the society into groups found on their health status. Managed care plans can limit the patients use of services by controlling the physicians motivation (Health Strategy, 2010). These plans do so by controlling the amount of incentives they offer to the physicians. Physicians incentives should be standard, and beneficiaries should receive quality medical services at all times (Kongstvdt, 2007). Competition among managed care plans may get to a decrease in the quality of health care services provided to beneficiaries. All the managed care plans will seek to enroll the healthiest people and, therefore, the programs that fail to recruit such people may be drive out of the market. Managed care plans also give physicians an opportunity to alter the way their treatment to people who are not subscribed to the plans so that they can use high concentration services. This will increase revenue enhancement to the managed care plans at the expense of patients.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Kotter 7 and 8 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Kotter 7 and 8 - turn out Exampleain factors defined time duration of the project performance integrity which emphasizes the capabilities of team appendage commitment towards goals and extra effort that employees must make to adopt changes. They believe that progress of projects needs to be monitored regularly to identify bottlenecks for early corrective measures. Article corroborates with the viewpoints of Kotter who believes that regular monitoring of projects ensures that changes are better authentic as part of work routine and consolidates them within the organizational culture.Haddads article, on the other strive promotes integration of technology within the organizational processes. I agree with author who contends that technology helps to improves efficiency for higher(prenominal) productivity. The strategic partnership speak to of author validates the use technology as it promotes the organizational goals for successful outcome. Kotters strategy establishes eight key stag es for imposeing change sense of urgency guiding coalition create good deal communicate vision empower short term goals consolidate change institutionalize new approach (Kotter, 1998). These are critical parameters that reaffirm Haddads strategic partnership to embrace technology for optimal performance. (words 253)In the article, Why Change Programs Dont Produce change by Beer et al., has raised critical outlet of change that must start from the bottom and needs to be supported by the top caution to make changes effective and long lasting. They assert that often the change is initiated by the top management without inputs from the employees and and then fails to become effective. Employees participation is vital to make changes effective. Employees participation becomes key success factor when change is effectively communicated with defined vision. People become committed to goals when they understand change and accept responsibility for their role to implement them. This is one of the most

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Systems Development Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Systems Development Case Study - Essay ExampleAs Pepsico need to amend the control of its spending, this is the reason why Pepsico decided to implement acquire to Pay. This way, Pepsico could more easily track and psychoanalyse purchases, negotiate most-valuable discounts on scripts and prevent the overcharged orders. Most of all, Pepsicos objective was to obtain a centralized database of sellers and to progress the entire process easier. We ar explained, that Pepsico used to pay each vendor at every purchase. With Purchase to Pay, Pepsico makes monthly payments for each vendor, making the entire process less bureaucratic and easier to follow as the vendor is provided itemized statement detailing each bill of lading, invoice number, the amount of each check, and the grand total.The systems information feeling cycle approach which would have been best used for Pepsicos project regards the nature of the waste that Pepsico suffers from its vendors. By glide path the problem di rectly where it comes from Pepsico is approaching the problem the best way. Identifying the source of the problem allowed Pepsico to dispose of a blanket(a) range of solutions to tackle the issue. Apparently, Purchase to Pay seems to be fitting. Pepsico states that they anticipate a saving(a)s of more than $10 million in the systems first year of operation and more than $43 million over the next three years.If we are in the situation of putting up a systems nurture manner cycle, in the case of Pepsico it woul... e are in the situation of putting up a systems development life cycle, in the case of Pepsico it would appear that vendors would result as an issue, mainly because they are initially the study part of the problem. We would have the difficult task to find out why there are some purchases that are overcharged by some vendors and incorporate these data to the system which would result in helping Pepsico negotiate volume discounts. However, this difficult task would becom e increasingly difficult as we have to face the other placement of the problem, which are the staff of Pepsico who couldnt originally - by a lack of knowledge, training or data - identify the issue when dealing with vendors. In consequence, the investigation should reflect the need of Pepsico to have a better confabulation within the purchase department.The opportunity inside the environment would be the availability of the data to my disposition. Even though the purchase staff may not be aware of it, I believe that there willing be an important mass of data at my disposal. Also, one of the others opportunity would be financial as I could never doubt that a company such as Pepsico would not have the capable budget for such an operation. On the other side, another issue, apart from the vendors could be time, as we have seen, important volumes are exchanged everyday. Therefore, Pepsico would need a very rapid answer and proposition to start saving money and minimize costs.I could not doubt finally, that the preliminary phase would not result in a go as I dont think any technical problem or incapacity would arise in the scope of the nature of the issue.Naturally, the enormous opportunity would be to initiate a systems development for Pepsico. Not only because I would be initiating such a program

Friday, April 26, 2019

Argument essay on Should the government provide health care Research Paper - 1

Argument essay on Should the government offer up health care - Research Paper ExampleThis is made worse by the point that the clownish has continued to record slow economic development leading to a significant rise in the rate of unemployment, meaning that more and more people will continue to consider healthcare as a secondary necessity as compared to other needs such as food, education and shelter. This subject is a critical evaluation on whether the government should provide healthcare to its citizens.As earlier mentioned, a healthy population is a healthy nation. This means that a country which is free of diseases stands to benefit from its kind-hearted resources especially in various sectors of the economy such as Agriculture, building and construction, mining, management among others. This is due to the fact that these people earn their living by the virtue of their presence and attendance to their duties and responsibilities, which can be compromised by sickness. In this context, the government should come up with a policy of ensuring that healthcare provision especially in medical check ups is paid for by the government. This would encourage people to visit health centers on mend basis to have their checkups (Halvorson 26). Diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart infections, and tuberculosis among others would then become easy to pick up and control at their earliest stages of development. This principle has been applied world wide for testing and treating infections such as HIV/AIDS and it has proved to be fruitful. It is wrong to find that medical checkup among majority of citizens is sensed as a luxury since it demands for them to dig deeper into their pockets. Consequently, infections such as those of the eyes and teeth continue to ask citizens despite the fact that they can be corrected if detected early enough. It is estimated that approximately 15 gazillion people failed to acquire eyeglasses while another 25 million could not access alveolar consonant care with regard to 2005 statistics (Halvorson 45).It is sad to

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Describe the career that you would like to pursue after earing a Essay

Describe the career that you would like to be after earing a graduate degree - Essay Exampleeet the challenge of growing it from a scurvy mom and pop operation to a thriving global competitor or to become a leader of an already established company where I can put my education and gravel to the quiz in turning it around and bring it to success. I feel this sort of career will non only help my country by helping Koreas efforts in becoming a domain of a function power in the marketplace, but I can help my fellow countrymen in finding upstanding career fields and skilled career positions, all while I challenge my own skills and abilities. possibly some day, I can even serve as a role model for future(a) Koreans struggling to find the way to meet their own life challenges. If I am able to pay my goal, I feel I will have fulfilled my duties to myself, my neighbor and my country all at the same time.While I realize that this sort of endeavor will take time, I likewise realize th at I do not yet have the necessary education or experience this will take. Understanding that the ability to meet large goals such as mine come almost from the determinusined completion of smaller steps targeted toward the same end, I have established several shorter term goals for myself, some of which I have already completed. For example, I attended Kyung Hee University in Seoul, Korea where I majored in outside(a) Commerce. I also spent a great deal of time traveling the globe as a means of getting to know various different cultures and their customs.In addition to my education, Ive also managed to find several care positions in which I have been able to put my education to hardheaded application in furtherance of my primary future objective. I gained a great deal of business experience working for Donald J. Ulrich Associates as an Asian Global Management Analyst. Prior to that position, I held an internship at Hanwha Europe, eruditeness about the European automotive market . Currently, I work for Hyo Seong America Corp., a Korean company that manufactures cetacean mammal motors. My position within

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

The history of fighter aircraft F-22 Raptor Research Paper

The history of hoagie aircraft F-22 Raptor - interrogation Paper ExampleThe torpedo blue jet possesses significant attributes that make it better than any fighter jet unquestionable thus far. With increased stealth, the F-22 becomes one of the best fighter jets that can evade detection by radar (Sweetman 44). In addition, the F-22 has the ability to maneuver and evade tracking by some other fighter jets that whitethorn be on its pursuit. As a replacement of other fighter jets with limited superiority, the F-22 becomes the most accredited air to ground attack jet ever built. Most important, the F-22 has improved aerodynamics that makes pilots fly the fighter jet more easily than before. Today, the US army has deployed significant number of raptors to areas such as japan where the army has stationed them ready for deployment. Whereas the F-22 has had some failures in navigation and communication, the F-22 raptor still remain an aircraft of choice in carrying out sorties and oth er activities such as aerial surveillance.The F-22 is a product of Lockheed Martin Corporation, which is well known for the doing of aircraft. The demand for a better fighter jet like F-22 has been long overdue considering the shortcoming of other fighter jets such as F-15. With the demand of an advanced tactical fighter (ATF), the US army tasked the F-22 team up to conduct a program that would later produce the F-22 as an engineering marvel that combines performance, speed and stealth into one robust fighter jetF-22. The F-22 team started by developing two prototypes that they later developed to achieve a reliable fighting machine. In their program, the F-22 produced two YF-22 prototypes that they took through a series of interrogation (Sweetman 78). These prototypes relied on two other engine prototypes that were to be selected for implement in the F-22 fighter jet. The testing of the fighter jet was done on Being and Lockheed installation where the features of the aircraft we re refined to produce the F-22 that are in use today. During the development of the F-22, the Lockheed

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Cradle Will Rock Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cradle leave Rock - establish ExampleDeveloping large-scale governing body-sponsored national arts program is already possible today because government can afford it now compared to the 1930s where government was virtually bankrupt. During that time, American economy was in imprint where there were long lines of unemployment so government just cannot afford it let alone sustain it. Today, US economy is the largest economy in the world and despite its mounting deficits, it still has a lot of property to spare for a government-sponsored national arts program. If government can afford to fight and finance a war which is not its own, it can surely afford a national arts program.The political and ideologic environment today is very much different during the 1930s. Today, communism is no longer a nemesis as it was during the 1930s. In addition, the type of communism which sent paranoia to government before was the Soviet type communism which is no longer existent today. Also, gover nment is now more tolerant towards dissenting political ideologies and campaign unions and other similar organizations no longer has communist or left leaning affiliations. The general populace is also well informed today politically to be easily swayed by ideologies that go against government. preceding(prenominal) all, government is already tolerant and secure to be threatened by an artwork Cradle Will Rock that has left leaning content. It will be taken as it is, an artwork, a musical that could naturalize pot.Finally, people now are way sophisticated compared to the 1930s where very little number of people have time and money for the arts and musicals because life then was difficult. People had barely anything to eat period people now are getting fat because of overeating. The point is, people now have greater appreciation and support for the arts making a government sponsored art program sustainable because government is likely to spend on a program that public

Monday, April 22, 2019

Primitivism in Modern Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Primitivism in Modern Art - Essay ExampleThe essay Primitivism in Modern Art concerns the modern art and primitivism. Expressionists differentiate themselves from other art movements by defining themselves as artists who are expressing themselves because their painting and production of artworks involves their own perceptions, personalities and interests. Foremost of the Expressionist artists were the group called Brcke which was founded in 1905 by architecture students Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Fritz Beyl, Karl Schmidt-Rotluff and Erich Heckel and later joined by remarkable artists such as Emil Nolde, Cuno Amiet, Max Pechstein and Otto Mueller. Thru the efforts of the group in its first eight years, the world was able to witness the greatest development of the first period of German expressionism which went through various stylistic phases inspired by the stylistic objectives shared by its members. The movement had wiz very important tendency and that is propensity to look into primi tive culture for inspiration on the make for of their artwork. While they were belonging to the modern era, German expressionists Brcke explored into non-European, tribal cultures to try to distinguish their works of humanities with others and gave rise to the term Primitivism. Primitive art was considered to be closer to unmediated expression and more(prenominal) than authentic than the civilized. The idea of genius/culture was most appealing to German expressionists because nature was considered as cosmos direct, unfettered, non-intellectual etc. ... The woman was also considered to be belonging to the primitive group.In this paper, I will be aspect into how primitive art inspired modern artists by exploring the opinion of primitive art and how it influenced modern artists such as the Brucke in their artworks. A case study involving the analysis of how African sculptures inspired Erich Heckel is provided for a more specific and clear discussion of how primitive art influen ced modern artists. 2.0 Exploring the Primitivism Concept2.1 What is PrimitiveWhenever one hears of the al-Quran primitive, there is a tendency to associate it with the word barbarian or uncivilized which connotes untamed and direct expression. While the commentary of the term is a major issue in art historical writing, central to the term is the concept of the other. The concept is derived from postmodern theory that describes a tendency to misrepresent another culture, society, social group or object as different, even alien and speak of it as other to the artists own culture and experiences.The primitive is lots associated with tribal and Oriental (those from the East) people but Expressionists also associates it with the nude particularly the nude female. The woman is considered to be a creature of primitive textile prone to natural impulses as opposed to the notion male rationality. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, the Bruckes leader, is particularly hearty of nude women and his work s is said to display the affinity between culture/male rationality and nature/female impulses (Lloyd, 1991). This is shown in his work displayed in Figure 1Figure 1. Nude. Kirschner (1910). The sight of Nude

Flinder Valves and Controls Inc Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Flinder Valves and Controls Inc - Case Study ExampleStrength of FVC FVCs strengths are the ind considerablying factors that led to the success of the in its operations. The company has a good top-management team who organizes and runs the companys effortless operations. The management team is comprised of highly mod team that develop innovate products that are desired by their potential customers (University of Virginia, 2008). Weakness of FVSThe company lacked enough finances to expand and venture into international markets. This made it friendship set competition from highly established companies in this industry. The company alike lacked the knowledge for high mass manufacturing. The company sometimes produces fewer products that do not meet customers demands. Low volume of production is overly associated with fewer sales, which generate less revenue for the company (University of Virginia, 2008). Lack of enough resources and revenue are the lead constrains towards the co mpanys expansion. Strengths of RSEThe company has enough resources to venture into global markets and acquire former(a) small companies in this industry. With the enough resources, the companys management team is capable of initiating new ensure activities which can put up value to the business operations (Weaver & Weston, 2004). The companys marketing strategies are well planned, and this has made it soak up a bigger market share than its key rival companies. Its products are as well designed in away that meet its customers expectations.... Strengths of RSE The company has enough resources to venture into global markets and acquire other small companies in this industry. With the enough resources, the companys management team is capable of initiating new project activities which can add value to the business operations (Weaver & Weston, 2004). The companys marketing strategies are well planned, and this has made it gain a bigger market share than its key rival companies. Its pr oducts are also designed in away that meet its customers expectations (University of Virginia, 2008). Weaknesses of RSE The company management team lacks innovative skills. The company has not developed new products over a long period, and this has made it face stiff competition from its highly innovative key rivals (University of Virginia, 2008). Low profit turn over are now and then realized by this company, and this calls for new strategies to be implemented. Frequent changes and implementations of new strategies make the company lose focal point on its potential projects, thus making it to operate behind schedules (Beam, 2001). The Situation and Need for Negotiation two FVC and RSE Companies want to make better on their strengths and solve their weaknesses. In order to achieve this, the companies presidents want to enter into a merger for mutual benefits. Both the companies want to take advantage of each others strengths so as to meliorate their business operations (Universi ty of Virginia, 2008). FVC want to become a subsidiary of RSE International so as to improve and maintain its identity. After the acquisition, FVC will maintain its top management team including other employees. FVCs also wanted to take advantage of RSEs resources to expand into the global market and improve its

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Online Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Online Marketing - Essay ExampleOne of the major companies that are currently practising online market and doing perfectly in the business is the coca cola company for soft and non-alcoholic drinks (Blum, Sandholm, & Zinkevich, 2002).Coca Cola come with is based in Atlanta, Georgia in United States under the management of Muhtar Kent. The company manufactures, retails, and markets non-alcoholic drinks all everywhere the world. The company was launched by Griggs Candler in 1892 and has been in the business since then making tremendous steps and achieving capacious success (Hartogh, 2007). Coca Cola Company has been very successful in the market due to its flavour drinks that differentiate its products from those produced by the competitors.The companys great success is not only attri justed to quality products but also to recent advertisement techniques such as online marketing and other forms of advertisements such as cordial media. The companys high market penetration can be a ttributed to its ability to respond to guests assay and preferences depending on their geographic area. The company serves and distributes its drinks to over 200 countries all over the world currently. It has its headquarters in every country where bottling and distribution strategies take place (Ba, Whinston, & Zhang, 2003).Coca Cola being a devil company in the field of beverages has taken many steps in the business expansion. The best strategical decision taken by the business is online marketing. The company launched internet websites many years ago (Tian, 2006). Website plays a major role in the field of marketing by improving the relationship with the customers and better customer services. The company is currently running its website that can be accessed by using www.coca-cola.com. Apart from this website the company has several(prenominal) other websites depending on the country of interest. A website fulfils many purposes for an organisation. A website design serves as a

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Contemporary Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Contemporary Society - Essay utilizationanding of contemporary society made by societal thinkers such as Raymond Williams, Heidi Hartman, Iris Marion Young, Zygmunt Bauman, Stuart Hall, Paul Gilroy, earth-closet Rawls, David Miller, Martha Nussbaum, and Amartya Sen. Two of the most influential figures among these in a profound understanding of contemporary society in it various features and aspects have been Raymond Williams and Amartya Sen and this paper undertakes an evaluation of the intellectual contributions by these social philosophers whose works and writings helped neo man in realising the realities of present-day society. Williams contributions to politics, culture, the mass media, ethnic studies and the heathenish materialist approach, and literature as well as Sens works in welfare economics, social choice theory, economic harvest-home, economic development and social topics helped the modern man tremendously in his understanding of the contemporary society.Raymond Henry Williams (1921-1988), the Welsh novelist, literary critic, cultural historian, cultural and political theorist, and social philosopher, has been often considered as one of the most prominent figures within the newly Left movement and an eminent thinker of the wider culture. Through his important writings on politics, culture, the mass media, and literature, Raymond Williams offered salient(ip) contribution to the Marxist critique of culture and the arts. He has also been called the virtual architect of the interdisciplinary firmament identified as cultural studies and his intellectual contributions have influenced every area of cultural study in the modern period. His Politics and Letters (1979), an account of his life and work, has been regarded as the single groundwork for cultural studies and the cultural materialist approach. Amartya Kumar Sen, (1933- ), the most important figure in the fields of welfare economics, social choice theory, economic growth and economic devel opment for over three decades, hails from India and he was

Friday, April 19, 2019

Role of Social Networking Sites in the Lives of Contemporary Youth Essay

Role of Social Networking Sites in the Lives of Contemporary Youth - Essay ExampleAs the report declares mixer networking sites are web-based software that allows people to create their profiles and add other individuals with whom they would wish to connect, share, and blurt with especially in exchanging updates. Their main agenda is to promote affectionateizing among individuals irrespective of their geographical and socio- ethnic differences. In this age, children snappy in a mediated world where advanced technology forms the surrounding that allows them to gain access to the warrant flow of information and social network through sharing.This paper stresses that the introduction of social media has indeed changed umpteen things in the ways people, especially children, relate to one another in that it has accentuated the socialization of children through a virtual platform. The social media in itself is a unique cultural system that has the ability to transform the already exi sting cultures especially in young children who are eager to learn new ideas without due attachment of their pros and cons. In the modern society, children including those less than sixteen years of age have fully embraced the use of major social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter in promoting their social agenda that varies from child to child. The main ladder of media is to inform, entertain, and educate, hence children undergo constant transformation in their cultures based on the prevailing trends in the social media, as most children, if not duly guided, do not have the capacity to filter social media content and only ingest the most useful ones. (Carmen 55). More often than not, contemporary children who are oblivious by social networking sites, mainly Facebook and Twitter, tend to adopt new cultures as they interact with colleagues and individuals from multicultural backgrounds. floriculture plays an important role in shaping the behaviors and character of chi ldren and therefore any external information that has cultural inclination deserves a meticulous approach (Doctorow,

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Information System Strategy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Information dust Strategy - Assignment ExampleThe use of IT has been found to have many signifi discharget benefits spanning across all(a) types of businesses and also across all the departments in any organization. IT has proven benefits for managerial, staff and employees and greatly improves the production and operate offered by all business. Information technology has been found to impact greater flexibility in obtaining the mandatory education. Access to profit and communication facilities results to litheness in most services offered by firms. Education, consultancy and health instalment can be offered anywhere. Versatility is also improved by use of information technology. Different products and services atomic number 18 now offered in different forms and the outcome is greatly enhanced. Simplicity, enhancing security, opening regional and international markets, fostering cooperation among employees, meliorate services and products produced, providing panels for feedback information, promoting sales and marketing, reduction of labour costs are some of the major advantages of information technology. This root word evaluates the effects of information technology on the main areas of a business. This involves improving doorwayibility of information to employees, protraction of business, enhancing information availability and changing of the organization structure (Thorp, 1999i).Information technology enhances employees collaboration w... Employees and members of staff can access company data through the use of broadband modem and to the desktop computer. This is coupled with the rapid education in methods of securing the network such that the information sent is private, secure and only accessed to those who have rights to view it. rambling phones have also rapidly developed from the first generation phone to 3G (third generation) phone that have internet capabilities and multimedia services enabling workers to use their phone to access informati on. One such phone is the blackberry mobile phone that allows users to gain access to information from both the intranet and the internet. Black berry enterprise firmness enables enterprises gain the wireless infrastructure that fosters cooperation among the employees, enhances the corporate culture and also inculcates adaptability and efficiency on the services offered by the firm. The use of mobile phone enables small and big firms gain pivotal managerial and product information for any type of business irrespective of its size. Security issues by the blackberry have developed to a point where two factor authentication is now been used towards a secure wireless network. through with(predicate) the use of this phone, employees and members of staff can access customer updates, office information, inventory updates, billing reports and notification of arbitrary business events information wherever they are (blackberry, 2006ii). These technologies have been applied in many organiz ations. Doctors and nurses can access vital patient record and information through the use PDA connected to the hospital via a server. This enhances sharing of information by both the doctors,

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Chapter 11 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Chapter 11 - Essay ExampleVocational aptitude tests, curriculum-based vocational assessment, person-centered planning have been employ as important metaphors in order to have a close intellectual with the subject at hand as far as this chapter is concerned. Also the career awareness process has been fundamentally discussed as it is a continuous one which begins at birth and goes on till death of an individual. The vocational objectives notion upon the quintessential aspects related with what vocational instruction is trying to achieve and in what proportions. The functional curriculum includes the instructional strategies which are employed in order to teach the required skills both in a schoolroom as well as under a natural environment. Other relevant skills that have been flesh out within the length of this chapter include the academic skills, the social skills, the personal care skills, the motor skills, and the job seek skills. Then again, the general principles that underl ine the vocational instruction have also been manifested for a proper understanding of the vocational instruction realms in

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Analysis of Various Programs Essay Example for Free

compendium of Various Programs EssayI will produce various systems to manage and run a supermarket. I will use a lot of different platforms. Each will be used other than and for various tasks. Some of the packages and syllabuss I will use atomic number 18Microsoft phraseThis program I discountnot do with step to the fore and is most important. I will use this articulate processing program to type up wholly of my documentation. Because of its many uses, I provoke also use this program to make posters, letters etc. The master(prenominal) use for this program, however, will be the word processing.Advantages* shadower change size, font, colour and shape of text.* Can chime in pictures that can be resized and moved freely.* Has a formal layout that is easy to use.* Mistakes can be rectified soft. If musical composition by hand and you make a mistake, you would have to use liquid paper. Using a word processor you can just delete the mistake.* Spelling and grammar checks c an be used.* Documents can be changed, save and loaded an infinite amount of times.* Drafts of documents can be printed and proofread. If any mistakes are make, the document can be reloaded, changed, printed and resaved.* Text and pictures can be moved.Disadvantages* The whole summon cannot be viewed efficiently without first either zooming out or going into Print Preview.* Pictures and text boxes cannot be moved easily.* You must have access to a computer to open or view the document.* Cant put pictures on as easily as a DTP program.Microsoft PublisherThis program would be useful for the advertisements and the posters, and possibly the letters. It would be best to use for these tasks as the program was purposely written to perform these tasks.Advantages* Text boxes and picture boxes can be moved easily and more efficiently than Word.* The whole page can be viewed, zoomed in and zoomed out and motionless can be used efficiently.* Text can be placed anywhere on the screen sooner of in set places on a page (like Word).* Borders can be placed on the page by just outlining a picture box that covers the page.Disadvantages* Large file size.* Crashes now and again.Microsoft ExcelThis spreadsheet program is ideal for lap uping out all of my costs. Its mathematical capabilities are very useful for this type of task. I could also use it to make graphs for business and financial statistics.(I could also use Microsoft Works for these tasks)Advantages* It has the option of write formulae into the cells. These formulae will perform mathematical calculations that are quicker and easier than working it out in your head.* The formulae in the cells work with each other and with the cells, so if you change a cell or a formula, the other cells with formulae in them will change to compensate.* Can produce graphs with one click of the mouse.* Has a layout that is easy to use and to see.* Can be used to make simple tables.Disadvantages* I cant think of any, this program has no faults.Microsoft PowerPointThis program is wonderfully useful if you want to make a slideshow. It has the capability of making not just still slides, but slides that animate and move. I could also use it to make little presentations.Advantages* Slides can be made up of images, text, animations and sounds.* Slides can be animated and changed automatically, making a fully working slide show.* It can be used for advertisements and educational shows.* Its many functions and efficient layout makes making slides easier.* Sound can be used.* Timings and transitions are fully customisable.Disadvantages* The amount of different controls can be overwhelming.* Large file size can trim back the size of the presentation.Microsoft WorksThis program is very useful as it has all the major programs fitted into one. It has a Database, Spreadsheet and Word Processor in one. This could be useful in ways described below.Advantages* Spreadsheets, Databases and Word Documents can be transferred from and to each other without exiting the program.