Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Cradle Will Rock Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cradle leave Rock - establish ExampleDeveloping large-scale governing body-sponsored national arts program is already possible today because government can afford it now compared to the 1930s where government was virtually bankrupt. During that time, American economy was in imprint where there were long lines of unemployment so government just cannot afford it let alone sustain it. Today, US economy is the largest economy in the world and despite its mounting deficits, it still has a lot of property to spare for a government-sponsored national arts program. If government can afford to fight and finance a war which is not its own, it can surely afford a national arts program.The political and ideologic environment today is very much different during the 1930s. Today, communism is no longer a nemesis as it was during the 1930s. In addition, the type of communism which sent paranoia to government before was the Soviet type communism which is no longer existent today. Also, gover nment is now more tolerant towards dissenting political ideologies and campaign unions and other similar organizations no longer has communist or left leaning affiliations. The general populace is also well informed today politically to be easily swayed by ideologies that go against government. preceding(prenominal) all, government is already tolerant and secure to be threatened by an artwork Cradle Will Rock that has left leaning content. It will be taken as it is, an artwork, a musical that could naturalize pot.Finally, people now are way sophisticated compared to the 1930s where very little number of people have time and money for the arts and musicals because life then was difficult. People had barely anything to eat period people now are getting fat because of overeating. The point is, people now have greater appreciation and support for the arts making a government sponsored art program sustainable because government is likely to spend on a program that public

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