Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Analysis of Various Programs Essay Example for Free

compendium of Various Programs EssayI will produce various systems to manage and run a supermarket. I will use a lot of different platforms. Each will be used other than and for various tasks. Some of the packages and syllabuss I will use atomic number 18Microsoft phraseThis program I discountnot do with step to the fore and is most important. I will use this articulate processing program to type up wholly of my documentation. Because of its many uses, I provoke also use this program to make posters, letters etc. The master(prenominal) use for this program, however, will be the word processing.Advantages* shadower change size, font, colour and shape of text.* Can chime in pictures that can be resized and moved freely.* Has a formal layout that is easy to use.* Mistakes can be rectified soft. If musical composition by hand and you make a mistake, you would have to use liquid paper. Using a word processor you can just delete the mistake.* Spelling and grammar checks c an be used.* Documents can be changed, save and loaded an infinite amount of times.* Drafts of documents can be printed and proofread. If any mistakes are make, the document can be reloaded, changed, printed and resaved.* Text and pictures can be moved.Disadvantages* The whole summon cannot be viewed efficiently without first either zooming out or going into Print Preview.* Pictures and text boxes cannot be moved easily.* You must have access to a computer to open or view the document.* Cant put pictures on as easily as a DTP program.Microsoft PublisherThis program would be useful for the advertisements and the posters, and possibly the letters. It would be best to use for these tasks as the program was purposely written to perform these tasks.Advantages* Text boxes and picture boxes can be moved easily and more efficiently than Word.* The whole page can be viewed, zoomed in and zoomed out and motionless can be used efficiently.* Text can be placed anywhere on the screen sooner of in set places on a page (like Word).* Borders can be placed on the page by just outlining a picture box that covers the page.Disadvantages* Large file size.* Crashes now and again.Microsoft ExcelThis spreadsheet program is ideal for lap uping out all of my costs. Its mathematical capabilities are very useful for this type of task. I could also use it to make graphs for business and financial statistics.(I could also use Microsoft Works for these tasks)Advantages* It has the option of write formulae into the cells. These formulae will perform mathematical calculations that are quicker and easier than working it out in your head.* The formulae in the cells work with each other and with the cells, so if you change a cell or a formula, the other cells with formulae in them will change to compensate.* Can produce graphs with one click of the mouse.* Has a layout that is easy to use and to see.* Can be used to make simple tables.Disadvantages* I cant think of any, this program has no faults.Microsoft PowerPointThis program is wonderfully useful if you want to make a slideshow. It has the capability of making not just still slides, but slides that animate and move. I could also use it to make little presentations.Advantages* Slides can be made up of images, text, animations and sounds.* Slides can be animated and changed automatically, making a fully working slide show.* It can be used for advertisements and educational shows.* Its many functions and efficient layout makes making slides easier.* Sound can be used.* Timings and transitions are fully customisable.Disadvantages* The amount of different controls can be overwhelming.* Large file size can trim back the size of the presentation.Microsoft WorksThis program is very useful as it has all the major programs fitted into one. It has a Database, Spreadsheet and Word Processor in one. This could be useful in ways described below.Advantages* Spreadsheets, Databases and Word Documents can be transferred from and to each other without exiting the program.

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